4 research outputs found

    Use of real-time polymerase chain reaction for investigation of Senecavirus infection occurrence in Russia

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    Senecavirus, previously known as Seneca valley virus, is an emerging virus belonging to Senecavirus genus, Picornaviridae family, that can cause idiopathic vesicular disease clinically indistinguishable from foot-and-mouth disease, vesicular stomatitis and swine vesicular disease and thereby posing a great threat for pig holdings. Recently, evidence of Senecavirus A occurrence in pig herds in such countries as Brazil, the USA, Colombia, China and Thailand has been provided in foreign literature. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for of Senecavirus infection control. Results of studying the disease situation with genodiagnostic methods in the Russian Federation are presented in the paper. Primers and probe for real-time RT-PCR described by V. L. Fowler et al. in 2017 were used but the reaction conditions were optimized. Analysis of the method for its sensitivity showed absence of cross-reactivity with other tested viruses. The developed method for virus RNA detection was used to investigate senecavirus occurrence in pig holdings in the Russian Federation. A total of 1,577 samples of biological materials collected form pigs of different ages in 112 holdings located in 37 regions of the country were tested during 2018–2020. Senecavirus was detected in one holding located in the Urals Federal Okrug. It was supposed that the infectious agent had entered the said pig holding at the time of putting of the said holding into operation in 2015 and introduction of young breeding animals imported from Canada. This is the first report on Senecavirus detection in the Russian Federation. The threat of the pathogen introduction from other countries requires further Senecavirus infection investigation and control. The developed method can be used as a potential sensitive method for the said infectious disease diagnosis

    Development of polymerase chain reaction kit for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in biological samples collected from animals

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    Today, global attention is drawn to the samecommon problem – spread of the novelCOVID-19 infection. From the end of December 2019 novelSARS-CoV-2 virus spreadover the majority of the countriesandon 11 March 2020 the World Health Organization announced pandemic. GlobalspreadofCOVID-19 was not limited to the human population and the rewasa need to test pet sand farm animals, whowere in contactwith the humans. The reare more and morere portson SARS-CoV-2 detected in minks, ferrets, dogs, cats, tigers, lions and other animals. Today the key methodofCOVID-19 diagnosis is polymerase chain reaction, butall currently availabletest-kits are intended for the virus detection in humans. The paper demonstrates data on the development of thereal-timePCR-basedmethodforSARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in the biological samples collected from animals. During the research, an optimal system of primers and aprobe were selected, reaction conditions were tested, basic validation specifications (sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility) wereset. The validation results demonstrated that the method met all the criteria of the high-quality measurement/test method sand it can be used for diagnostic tests. Thetest-kitwas based of the method in tended for SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in animal biological samples and it was put into the veterinary practice. Animal populations in different regions of the Russian Federation were subjected to the screening tests in order to detect the novel coronavirus genome. NoSARS-CoV-2 was reported in her bivorous animals in the Russian Federation. TheFGBI “ARRIAH” experts detected only one positive pet animal

    ths-rwth/smtrat: pub/subtropical-1

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    SMT-RAT version used for the evaluation of the "Subtropical Satisfiability for SMT Solving" paper. Instructions are included in the README. This version of SMT-RAT depends on a special version of CArL available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7509170 . Copyright: Open Acces