7 research outputs found


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    The paper predicts the permissible levels of 137Cs contamination of agricultural lands where the obtaining of farm products in compliance with the existing standards is possible at different countermeasure scales in the affected areas. Exemplified by the south-western districts of the Bryansk region affected by the Chernobyl accident, the time periods are estimated when plant and fodder production in accordance with the radiological standards is ensured

    Assessment of countermeasure effects on

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    Using the south-western districts in the Bryansk region affected by the Chernobyl accident as an example, the dynamics has been estimated of 137Cs transfer factors to plants and effects of countermeasures on the accumulation of this radionuclide by farm products. A significant decline with time in TF 137Cs to plants is shown. Over the 20 years after the radioactive fallout this decline varies from 7 to 85 times for different plants, being maximum in the early years. The 137Cs accumulation by plants is greatly influenced by the soil properties. Thus, the maximum transfer of this radionuclide to plants is reported on peaty soils, somewhat lower on sandy soils and minimum on sandy loam soil. A detailed comparative analysis of data on TF 137Cs to plants grown on sandy and sandy loam soils has shown that on the former transfer is higher and varies between 1.2–4.5 times for different crops. An important role of mineral fertilizing and liming of soil has been proved in reducing 137Cs accumulation in plants. On agricultural lands that saw the increased rates of mineral fertilizing, a significant (by an average factor of 3–7) reduction in TF 137Cs was reported compared to the plots with no countermeasures


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    Aim. To analyze the results of measurements of the blood lipid spectrum of urban  residents of the European part of the Russian Federation.Material and methods. The results of single assessment of lipid profiles in 22,436 males and 35,100 females at the age from 13 to 94 years in 347 cities and towns  of the European part of the Russian Federation were analyzed. Lipid assays were performed by the Laboratory Service «HELIX» from 28 Jan 2015 to 19 Mar 2016.Statistical methods included descriptive statistics, the analysis of distributions of sample comparisons and the search of dependencies.Results. Results of 56,235 measurements of total cholesterol (TC), 22,641 – triglycerides (TG), 21,032 – high density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C) and 22,441 – low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were analyzed. TC above 5.2 mmol/l was identified in 55.78% samples; the proportion of people with LDL-C level above 3.0 mmol/l was 62.95%. The level of TC was the highest at the age of 43 to 62 years in both men and women, while the peak in the increase in TC in men was approximately 10 years earlier, than  in women. In patients of older age groups, TC levels decreased and reached minimum values in men and women of senile age and long-livers. Low level of HDL-C was observed in 24.46% of the total number of samples in men and in 17.68% – in women. The monotonous increase in the average levels of HDL-C was revealed in men with aging. In women the HDL-C levels increased sharply from a minimum at the age of 13 years to a maximum at the age of 25 years with a slight monotonous decrease in the following age periods. However, even in the age older than 83 years levels of HDL-C remained high (1.49 mmol/l in average). The level of TG showed significant inter-age fluctuations, especially in men. The levels of TG above 1.7 mmol/l were recorded in 30.07% of all cases.Conclusion. Two-factor analysis of variance for all lipid parameters revealed a high statistical significance of gender and age


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    The paper predicts the permissible levels of 137Cs contamination of agricultural lands where the obtaining of farm products in compliance with the existing standards is possible at different countermeasure scales in the affected areas. Exemplified by the south-western districts of the Bryansk region affected by the Chernobyl accident, the time periods are estimated when plant and fodder production in accordance with the radiological standards is ensured.Представлен прогноз предельно допустимых уровней загрязнения 137Cs сельскохозяйственных угодий, на которых возможно получение растениеводческой продукции, удовлетворяющей действующим нормативам, при различных объемах защитных мероприятий на радиоактивно загрязненных территориях. На примере юго-западных районов Брянской области, пострадавших от аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС, дана оценка периодов времени после радиоактивных выпадений, когда обеспечивается производство продукции растениеводства и кормопроизводства, соответствующей радиологическим стандартам