8 research outputs found

    Effect of Lupinus albus as protein supplement on yield, constituents, clotting properties and fatty acid composition in ewes' milk

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    The effect of feeding lupin seeds (Lupinus albus L.) as an alternative protein source in ewe diets was investigated. Two groups of 18 Sarda ewes were fed two different isonitrogenous diets: with lupin (L) seed, given after 12 h soaking, or soybean meal (SBM) as the main protein source. DMI, variations of body weight and milk production were unaffected by the treatment. Although not statistically significant, in the group fed L diet the production of milk fat and protein was higher. Clotting properties of milk were similar for the two treatments, probably due to the small differences in the milk protein contents. The fatty acid profile of milk was affected by treatment with a larger content of short (14.19 wt% versus 12.26 wt%)- and medium (49.37 wt% versus 47.76 wt%)-chain fatty acids in milk from ewes fed the L diet. CLA content was unaffected by treatment. Triglyceride content of fat from the two diets reflects the milk fatty acid composition. Indeed, milk from L diet showed a higher level of medium-chain triglycerides, which are of particular interest to consumers with concerns over health and heart disease. The inclusion of lupin seed in the diet of lactation ewes can be a means of achieving a more desirable triglyceride profile in milk fat. Milk with enhanced nutritive quality may promote wider market penetration of sheep dairy products

    Nutritional factors influencing milk uea in buffaloes

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    Annual variation in milk fatty acid composition in buffalo

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    The aim of this research was to monitor milk fatty acid (FA) composition over the year in severa) buffalo herds. In this paper the preliminary results obtained on a buffalo dairy farm (on average, 287 cows in milk, milk pro¬duction 7.8 kg/head/d, 8.04 % fat and 4.66 % protein) are reported. Our research lasted one year (from May to April). Weekly milk production (kg/d), number of milked animals, feed administered and refusals were record¬ed. Feed and bulk milk samples were also collected. Feeds were analysed according Weende and Van Soest. The milk samples were analysed for composition, somatic celi count and FA composition. Over the year, from September to April a standard TMR based on corn silage (St-TMR) was used. The standard ration was supplemented in May - June, by 1 kg of whole sunflower seeds (diet Su-TMR), and in July - August, by 1 kg of flaked soybeans (diet So-TMR). As expected, the addition of whole seeds substantially modified the FA profile. The concentrations of short-chain (C4:0 to C10:0)) and medium-chain (C12:0 to C16:1) FA decreased while those of long chain FA (C18:0 to C20:0) increased in the milk of cows fed St-TMR. Cows fed sunflower seed compared with soybean showed higher levels of long chain FA, especially C18:0 and C18:1 The CLA content was affected by diet, with the highest level observed for Su-TMR. Diet with sunflower seeds resulted in the lowest omega 6 to omega 3 FA ratio. The data suggest that both sunflower and soybean seed are acceptable fat sources for buffalo cows and that sunflower allows the production of milk with a healthier FA profile. Non diet related differences were also observed in FA composition. Indeed from September to April when the same St-TMR diet was used, progressive increments in medium-chain FA and saturation degree were observed. The reasons for these variations are still unclear, but DIM average, age of the herd and climate are probably involved

    Problematiche alimentari e del benessere animale in alcune aziende biologiche bovine e bufaline della Campania

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    La zootecnia biologica, rispetto agli altri settori agricoli, si è diffusa lentamente in un contesto legislativo, burocratico ed amministrativo abbastanza confuso, a causa del ritardo con il quale sono state emanate le relative norme comunitarie, e questa situazione ha costituito, senza dubbio, un freno allo sviluppo. In questa ricerca è stato valutato il livello di efficienza tecnica in alcuni allevamenti di bufali e bovini da latte campani al fine di verificare se il metodo di conduzione biologico possa costituire un possibile modello di sviluppo agricolo alternativo a quello convenzionale in settori agricoli caratterizzati da elevati input produttivi ed elevata redditività. A tal fine, è stata condotta un’indagine conoscitiva in 3 aziende ad indirizzo biologico (1 bovine e 2 bufaline) e in un’altra (bufalina) in fase di conversione per la produzione foraggera, che, pur con caratteristiche strutturali diverse, rappresentano la totalità di questo tipo di allevamento presente in Campania. Sono stati esaminati, in particolare, gli aspetti alimentari (qualità degli alimenti, soddisfacimento dei fabbisogni nutritivi, rapporto/foraggi concentrati, ecc) e, attraverso l’applicazione del metodo ANI (Animal Needs Index) utilizzato in Austria per i bovini, i principali fattori che influenzano il benessere animale (il tipo di management, condizioni ambientali, disponibilità di spazio, ecc). Questi aspetti, infatti, hanno la maggiore incidenza ai fini della corretta gestione dell’azienda zootecnica a conduzione biologica. Lo studio è stato effettuato mediante la compilazione e l’analisi di un apposito questionario suddiviso in cinque diverse aree informative: (a) caratteristiche generali dell’azienda; (b) produzioni vegetali; (c) produzioni animali; (d) problematiche del benessere animale; (e) alimentazione praticata. Sono stati, inoltre, prelevati campioni degli alimenti costituenti la razione ai fini della determinazione delle caratteristiche chimiche e nutritive