4,994 research outputs found

    The strong Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology

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    We show that for each discrete group G, the rational assembly map K_*(BG) \otimes Q \to K_*(C*_{max} G) \otimes \Q is injective on classes dual to the subring generated by cohomology classes of degree at most 2 (identifying rational K-homology and homology via the Chern character). Our result implies homotopy invariance of higher signatures associated to these cohomology classes. This consequence was first established by Connes-Gromov-Moscovici and Mathai. Our approach is based on the construction of flat twisting bundles out of sequences of almost flat bundles as first described in our previous work. In contrast to the argument of Mathai, our approach is independent of (and indeed gives a new proof of) the result of Hilsum-Skandalis on the homotopy invariance of the index of the signature operator twisted with bundles of small curvature.Comment: 11 page

    Synthesis of atomically thin hexagonal boron nitride films on nickel foils by molecular beam epitaxy

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a layered two-dimensional material with properties that make it promising as a dielectric in various applications. We report the growth of h-BN films on Ni foils from elemental B and N using molecular beam epitaxy. The presence of crystalline h-BN over the entire substrate is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Atomic force microscopy is used to examine the morphology and continuity of the synthesized films. A scanning electron microscopy study of films obtained using shorter depositions offers insight into the nucleation and growth behavior of h-BN on the Ni substrate. The morphology of h-BN was found to evolve from dendritic, star-shaped islands to larger, smooth triangular ones with increasing growth temperature

    Change of quasiparticle dispersion in crossing T_c in the underdoped cuprates

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    One of the most remarkable properties of the high-temperature superconductors is a pseudogap regime appearing in the underdoped cuprates above the superconducting transition temperature T_c. The pseudogap continously develops out of the superconducting gap. In this paper, we demonstrate by means of a detailed comparison between theory and experiment that the characteristic change of quasiparticle dispersion in crossing T_c in the underdoped cuprates can be understood as being due to phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. In particular, we show that within a phase fluctuation model the characteristic back-turning BCS bands disappear above T_c whereas the gap remains open. Furthermore, the pseudogap rather has a U-shape instead of the characteristic V-shape of a d_{x^2-y^2}-wave pairing symmetry and starts closing from the nodal k=(pi/2,pi/2) directions, whereas it rather fills in at the anti-nodal k=(pi,0) regions, yielding further support to the phase fluctuation scenario.Comment: 6 pages, 4 eps-figure

    Dynamical Properties of Two Coupled Hubbard Chains at Half-filling

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    Using grand canonical Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations combined with Maximum Entropy analytic continuation, as well as analytical methods, we examine the one- and two-particle dynamical properties of the Hubbard model on two coupled chains at half-filling. The one-particle spectral weight function, A(k,ω)A({\bf k},\omega), undergoes a qualitative change with interchain hopping tt_\perp associated with a transition from a four-band insulator to a two-band insulator. A simple analytical model based on the propagation of exact rung singlet states gives a good description of the features at large tt_\perp. For smaller tt_\perp, A(k,ω)A({\bf k}, \omega) is similar to that of the one-dimensional model, with a coherent band of width the effective antiferromagnetic exchange JJ reasonably well-described by renormalized spin-wave theory. The coherent band rides on a broad background of width several times the parallel hopping integral tt, an incoherent structure similar to that found in calculations on both the one- and two-dimensional models. We also present QMC results for the two-particle spin and charge excitation spectra, and relate their behavior to the rung singlet picture for large tt_\perp and to the results of spin-wave theory for small tt_\perp.Comment: 9 pages + 10 postscript figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.B, revised version with isotropic t_perp=t data include

    Blinking statistics of a molecular beacon triggered by end-denaturation of DNA

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    We use a master equation approach based on the Poland-Scheraga free energy for DNA denaturation to investigate the (un)zipping dynamics of a denaturation wedge in a stretch of DNA, that is clamped at one end. In particular, we quantify the blinking dynamics of a fluorophore-quencher pair mounted within the denaturation wedge. We also study the behavioural changes in the presence of proteins, that selectively bind to single-stranded DNA. We show that such a setup could be well-suited as an easy-to-implement nanodevice for sensing environmental conditions in small volumes.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, IOP style. Accepted to J Phys Cond Mat special issue on diffusio

    Phase-fluctuation induced reduction of the kinetic energy at the superconducting transition

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    Recent reflectivity measurements provide evidence for a "violation" of the in-plane optical integral in the underdoped high-T_c compound Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} up to frequencies much higher than expected by standard BCS theory. The sum rule violation may be related to a loss of in-plane kinetic energy at the superconducting transition. Here, we show that a model based on phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter can account for this change of in-plane kinetic energy at T_c. The change is due to a transition from a phase-incoherent Cooper-pair motion in the pseudogap regime above T_c to a phase-coherent motion at T_c.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps-figure

    Correlation functions near Modulated and Rough Surfaces

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    In a system with long-ranged correlations, the behavior of correlation functions is sensitive to the presence of a boundary. We show that surface deformations strongly modify this behavior as compared to a flat surface. The modified near surface correlations can be measured by scattering probes. To determine these correlations, we develop a perturbative calculation in the deformations in height from a flat surface. Detailed results are given for a regularly patterned surface, as well as for a self-affinely rough surface with roughness exponent ζ\zeta. By combining this perturbative calculation in height deformations with the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, we also estimate the values of critical exponents governing the behavior of the decay of correlation functions near a self-affinely rough surface. We find that for the interacting theory, a large enough ζ\zeta can lead to novel surface critical behavior. We also provide scaling relations between roughness induced critical exponents for thermodynamic surface quantities.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Bubble dynamics in DNA

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    The formation of local denaturation zones (bubbles) in double-stranded DNA is an important example for conformational changes of biological macromolecules. We study the dynamics of bubble formation in terms of a Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density to find a bubble of size n base pairs at time t, on the basis of the free energy in the Poland-Scheraga model. Characteristic bubble closing and opening times can be determined from the corresponding first passage time problem, and are sensitive to the specific parameters entering the model. A multistate unzipping model with constant rates recently applied to DNA breathing dynamics [G. Altan-Bonnet et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 138101 (2003)] emerges as a limiting case.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure