68 research outputs found

    Four-Fermi Effective Operators in Top-Quark Production and Decay

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    Effects of four-Fermi-type new interactions are studied in top-quark pair production and their subsequent decays at future e^+e^- colliders. Secondary-lepton-energy distributions are calculated for arbitrary longitudinal beam polarizations. An optimal-observables procedure is applied for the determination of new parameters.Comment: Polarized e^- plus unpolarized e^+ collisions were include

    Vibration of the bridge under moving singular loads - theoretical formulation and numerical solution

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    The paper presents the results of the numerical analysis of a simple vehicle passing over a simply supported bridge span. The bridge is modelled by an Euler-Bernoulli beam. The vehicle is modelled as a linear, visco-elastic oscillator, moving at a constant speed. The system is described by a set of differential equations of motion and solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta algorithm. The results are compared with the solution obtained in commercial FEM software using the Newmark-β method. The parameters of the system are taken from the existing bridge span and from the existing railway vehicle. Simulations are also performed with a concentrated force model of the vehicle

    Research, design, implementation and development of the System for Professional platform supporting competence management in enterprises

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    Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie rozwiązania dla przedsiębiorstw, wspomagającego zarządzanie kompetencjami. W artykule skupiono się na aspekcie związanym z organizacją prac w zakresie badań, projektowania, wdrażania i doskonalenia (rozwoju) systemu informatycznego System Zawodowcy. Prezentację sześcioletnich prac poprzedzono syntetycznym przybliżeniem problematyki zarządzania kompetencjami. Artykuł jest adresowany do zespołów projektowych, w skład których wchodzą pracownicy naukowi, a dodatkowo do przedstawicieli przedsiębiorstw, zwłaszcza z działów HR. System Zawodowcy (SZ), jako innowacyjne rozwiązanie metodyczne, organizacyjne i systemowe, stanowi przykład efektu działań badawczo-rozwojowych. Może być przykładem dobrych praktyk do wykorzystania przez naukowców, których celem jest nie tylko prowadzenie badań naukowych, ale również wypracowywanie rozwiązań, które mogą być wykorzystywane w praktyce.The aim of this article is to present a solution for entrepreneurs, which supports the management of competences. It is focused on aspects of work organization in the fields of research, design, implementation and development of an IT system – System for Professionals. A summary of six years of work is preceded by a synthetic presentation of competence management issues. This article is directed at project teams, which consist of researchers, and at entrepreneur representatives, especially from HR departments. System for Professionals, an innovative, methodical, organizational and systemic solution is an example of a result of research and development activities. It serves as an example of good practices, which can be used by researchers whose aim is not only to conduct scientific research, but also to create solutions which can be used in practice

    Temperature Dependence of the Optical Activity of Pure and Deuterated Rochelle Salt Crystals

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    Temperature dependence of the optical rotatory power (ρ) along the optical axis of pure and deuterated Rochelle salt single crystals has been given. Three phases of both crystals were examined and found to be optically active. The relation between spontaneous electrogyration (ρs\text{}_{s}) and spontaneous polarization (Ps\text{}_{s}) can be described by ρs\text{}_{s}∝Ps2\text{}_{s}^{2}. Moreover, the antipolar domains of pure and deuterated ferroelectric Rochelle salt crystals were found of the rotation twin-type not occurring in the enantiomorphic form, in contrast to those in other ferroelectric crystals, e.g., TGS-type and Pb5\text{}_{5}Ge3\text{}_{3}O11\text{}_{11}

    Groundwater levels and water storage changes in fresh mixed broadleaved forest habitat located at forest Promotional Complex Lasy Rychtalskie area

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    The paper presents the results of researches carried out in hydrological year 2008/2009 in fresh mixed broadleaved forest habitat located in neighborhood pond No. 6 in Laski Forestry. The forests of this forestry are located at Siemianice Experimental Forest Farm of Poznan. University of Life Sciences. The predominant tree species is 100 year old pine. In the soil cover of this habitat dominated dear brown soils, and the most common type of soil is loamy sand, covering silty clay deposits. Analysis of groundwater levels and water storage changes was carried out in two soil profiles typical for fresh mixed broadleaved forest habitat. Analysis of hydrological year 2008/2009 was normal rainfall total was 579 mm and it was 7 mm higher, than multiannual average, while the air temperature was nearing from average. Winter half-year was medium dry rainfall total was 46 mm less, than multiannual average. Whereas medium air temperature was higher 0,4 C than average. Summer half-year analysis year was medium wet rainfall total was higher 53 mm than multiannual average, while the air temperature was nearing from average. The researches carried out indicate that in winter half-year 2008/2009 was in analysis habitat income water storages in layer 0-100 cm and from 100 cm to lowest groundwater level. Total income retention in this half-year was at level 204 mm in profile 1.1' to 370 mm in profile 2.6. Whereas in medium dry winter half-year, in influence intensive forests habitat transpiration, occurred losses retention in analysis forest habitat. Total losses retention in this half-year was about 277 m (2.6) to 467 mm (1.1'). Result of the researches confirmed also, that retention in fresh forest habitats was determined to a large extent by water storage changes in layer from 100cm to lowest ground water level. This factors determinate total water storage changes in winter, and summer half-year analysis year. Ascertain also that in analysis hydrological year in investigation forest habitat occurred losses water storages oscillate from 73 mm to 97 mm

    Technical Knowledge Accelerator® - designing the future

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    Dynamicznie rozwijająca się gospodarka wymaga zasilania zasobami, w których najważniejszą rolę odgrywa informacja. Wsparcie informacyjne konieczne jest na każdym poziomie rozwoju jednostki oraz organizacji, a efektywne zarządzanie przepływami informacji umożliwia skuteczny rozwój społeczno-ekonomiczny. Coraz częściej pojawia się konieczność rozwoju, podyktowanego, m.in. wyrównywaniem zaległości rozwojowych. W odpowiedzi na takie potrzeby w 2006 roku na Politechnice Poznańskiej uruchomiono program pod nazwą Akcelerator Wiedzy Technicznej® (AWT®). W artykule zasygnalizowano podstawowe cele programu oraz wybrane działania, ograniczając się do obszaru kształcenia zdalnego. Przedstawiono systemowe ujęcie metod i narzędzi akceleracji wskazując rozwiązanie organizacyjne w zakresie e-learningu, jako przykładu nowoczesnych technologii w doskonaleniu wiedzy i konkretnych umiejętności wśród uczniów i pracowników.Dynamically developing economy requires the intensive reinforcement of resources where the information plays the most significant role. The informative support if necessary at each level of an individual’s development or at the growth of the organization and at the same time the effective management of the information stream enables efficient socio-economical development. More often there is a necessity of the intensive expansion due to the market competition, limits of resources recompensing or leveling out the progress which is in arrears, as well to the increasing social self-development awareness. In response to such needs in 2006 AWT® programme was introduced at Poznań University of Technology. In the article below basic objectives of the programme are described. Besides actions which are focused on acquiring and improving technical competence which is to be adapted to needs being in progress on the labour market are drawn into attention. Presenting the system of approach to the methods and the tools of acceleration the organizational solution was pointed out in terms of e-learning as the example of the usage of modern technologies to improve knowledge and concrete abilities among students and workers