11 research outputs found

    African Americans, Gentrification, and Neoliberal Urbanization: the Case of Fort Greene, Brooklyn

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    This article examines the gentrification of Fort Greene, which is located in the western part of black Brooklyn, one of the largest contiguous black urban areas in the USA. Between the late 1960s and 2003, gentrification in Fort Greene followed the patterns discovered by scholars of black neighborhoods; the gentrifying agents were almost exclusively black and gentrification as a process was largely bottom-up because entities interested in the production of space were mostly not involved. Since 2003, this has changed. Whites have been moving to Fort Greene in large numbers and will soon represent the numerical majority. Public and private interventions in and around Fort Greene have created a new top-down version of gentrification, which is facilitating this white influx. Existing black residential and commercial tenants are replaced and displaced in the name of urban economic development

    Nowa metoda wyboru elementów głównych w blokowym programie rozwiązywania dużych pasmowych układów równań liniowych

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    New method of pivoting applicable to banded unsymmetric linear equation systems has been introduced. It limits the fill-in and nearly preserves the basic band structure. Two solvers, using a new pivoting method, have been developed. One of these solvers uses elegant indirect addressing and the second relies on explicit shifting of data and explicit pivoting. Both solvers have been written in the C language for two popular UNIX platforms (PC486 and Sun's Sparc5). The details of solvers implementation have been described comprehensively. The performance of both solvers has been analysed theoretically. Quantitative results ofthe test runs on both platforms have been presented.Przedstawiono nową metodę wyboru elementów głównych dla pasmowych niesymetrycznych układów równań liniowych. Metoda ta ogranicza wypełnienie i zachowuje dość dobrze strukturę pasmową. Opracowano dwa programy stosujące nową metodę. Jeden z nich wykorzystuje elegancki wybór elementów głównych, a drugi stosuje bezpośrednie przemieszczanie danych w pamięci operacyjnej i bezpośredni wybór elementów głównych. Oba programy napisano w języku C dla dwóch popularnych środowisk Unixowych (PC486 i Sparc5 firmy SUN). Obszernie opisano szczegóły realizacji obu programow. Przeprowadzono rezultaty testów dla obu środowisk sprzętowych

    Dynamic systems modelling and multithreaded computations technology

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    Artykuł prezentuje system symulacyjny AMIL służący do modelowania układów opisywanych za pomocą równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych i równań algebraicznych. System AMIL został zrealizowany w dwóch wersjach - z informacją wejściową mającą postać programu lub schematu blokowego. Pokazano przykłady użycia obu wersji systemu. najnowszy kierunek prac nad systemem AMIL koncentruje się na badaniu celowości i efektywności wprowadzenia wielowątkowych metod obliczeniowych.Simulation system AMIL presented in this paper is targeted at modelling the systems described with the aid of ordinary differential equations and algebraic equations. AMIL system has been implemented in two complimentary variants. The first one accepts program text as input. Integrated development environment of this AMIL version is presented in fig. 1 and 2. Alternative AMIL version uses block diagram as dynamic system model. Examples of user interface for this version are ahown in fig. 3 and 4. Most recent research in the field of dynamic systems modelling is aimed at implementation and investigation of multithreaded computations. As a testbed scalable heat transfer equation has been selected (fig.5). The results of the tests carried on dual HT processor platform (tab.1) lead to the conclusion that this computational technology offers real speed-up for large problems only

    2D analysis of magnetic field strength in GO SiFe steel sheets

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    It is possible to determine one component of magnetic field strength in the electrical steel sheet using thin film magnetoresistive (MR) sensor. Next, using separately measured both components of H, we can merge the results to get the vector of magnetic field strength. The same results may be obtained with the assembly of two sensors. After measurement of the vector values of B and H we can determine electrical steel parameters, like losses and permeability for different directions of excitation. This enables the tensor description of electrical steel parameters

    Keeping More Than Homes: A More Than Material Framework for Understanding and Intervening in Gentrifying Neighbourhoods

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    Amie Thurber, a scholar-practitioner working with small-scale neighbourhood geographies in the United States, also builds on the need to understand the participation and involvement of vulnerable, low-income residents in gentrifying neighbourhoods. Linking theoretical writings across disciplinary boundaries, encompassing political philosophy, geography and community psychology, Thurber analyses neighbourhood in terms of material, epistemic and affective dimensions. As well as offering a deeper understanding of the harms done by gentrification, the chapter proposes its ‘more than material’ conceptual framework as a means of imagining then enacting positive interventions to create spaces of resident representation, build relationships between neighbours and support participatory action