2,737 research outputs found

    Emerging Next Generation Solar Cells Route to High Efficiency and Low Cost

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    Generation of clean energy is one of the main challenges of the 21st century. Solar energy is the most abundantly available renewable energy source which would be supplying more than 50 of the global electricity demand in 2100. Solar cells are used to convert light energy into electrical energy directly with an appeal that it does not generate any harmful bi products, like greenhouse gasses. The manufacturing of solar cells is actually based on the types of semiconducting or non semiconducting materials used and commercial maturity. From the very beginning of the terrestrial use of Solar Cells, efficiency and costs are the main focusing areas of research. The definition of so called emerging technologies sometimes described as including any technology capable of overcoming the Shockley-Queisser limit of power conversion efficiency 33.7 percent for a single junction device. In this paper, few promising materials for solar cells are discussed including their structural morphology, electrical and optical properties. The excellent state of the art technology, advantages and potential research issues yet to be explored are also pointed out. Md. Samiul Islam Sadek | Dr. M Junaebur Rashid | Dr. Zahid Hasan Mahmood "Emerging Next Generation Solar Cells: Route to High Efficiency and Low Cost" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-4 , June 201

    Biokemijski učinci ivermektina na spolne hormone i homeostazu minerala u krava baladi pasmine nakon teljenja.

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    This study investigated the effect of an antiparasitic ivermectin (IVM) drug on the endocrine reproductive hormones of twenty healthy adult 250-350 kg Baladi cows that were 4-7 years of age. The cows were divided into two groups (n = 10 each). The first was a control group injected with physiological saline; the second group was treated with the recommended therapeutic dose of IVM (0.2 mg/kg, s/c) one day after parturition. Blood samples were taken on the 1st, 15th, 30th and 90th day after IVM treatment. The results revealed that IVM injection at one day after parturition delayed estrous for up to 3 months (absence of estrous signs and rectal palpation revealed no ovarian structures). IVM significantly (P<0.05) decreased serum follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol for up to 3 months. In addition, IVM significantly (P<0.05) increased serum progesterone, prolactin and cortisol for up to 3 months. Further, IVM caused unobservable changes in serum testosterone and sex hormones binding globulin. Serum calcium levels significantly increased on the 1st day of IVM injection, while serum phosphorus significantly decreased on the15th and 30th day of IVM injection. It was concluded that IVM delayed estrous in cows for three months via disturbances in the female reproductive hormones and calcium/phosphorus homeostasis. Therefore, it is recommended that IVM should not be injected directly after parturition. Furthermore, the increased calcium after IVM indicates that an overdose of IVM should not be counteracted by calcium therapy; instead, any other antiallergic preparation could be used.Kod 20 zdravih i odraslih krava baladi pasmine, čija se tjelesna masa kretala od 250 do 350 kg, a dob od 4 do 7 godina, istražen je učinak antiparazitika ivermektina (IVM) na spolne hormone. Krave su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine (10 u svakoj skupini). Prvoj, kontrolnoj skupini bila je prvog dana nakon teljenja ubrizgana fiziološka otopina soli natrijeva klorida, a drugoj preporučena terapijska doza ivermektina (0,2 mg/kg, s/c). Uzorci krvi bili su prikupljeni 1., 15., 30. i 90. dana nakon primjene ivermektina. Rezultati su pokazali da je njegova primjena dan nakon teljenja dovela do odgode estrusa u trajanju do 3 mjeseca (izostali znakovi estrusa i strukture pri rektalnoj palpaciji jajnika). U razdoblju od 3 mjeseca došlo je do signifikantnog (P<0,05) sniženja razine folikulostimulirajućeg hormona (FSH), luteinizirajućeg hormona (LH) i estradiola u serumu. U istom razdoblju ivermektin je uzrokovao signifikantan (P<0,05) porast serumskog progesterona, prolaktina i kortizola, te slabo uočljive promjene razine serumskog testosterona i globulina koji veže spolne hormone. Razina kalcija u serumu značajno je porasla 1. dana, dok je razina fosfora u serumu signifikantno pala 15. i 30. dana od primjene ivermektina. Zaključeno je da ivermektin odgađa estrus kod krava u trajanju od 3 mjeseca putem narušavanja ravnoteže spolnih hormona odnosno poremećaja homeostaze kalcija i fosfora. Zbog toga se ne preporučuje njegovo davanje netom nakon teljenja. Nadalje, povišena razina kalcija nakon njegove prekomjerne primjene ne bi se smjela suzbijati davanjem kalcija, već upotrebom drugih antialergijskih pripravaka

    An Efficient Cache Organization for On-Chip Multiprocessor Networks

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    To meet the growing computation-intensive applications and the needs of low-power, high-performance systems, the number of computing resources in single-chip has enormously increased. By adding many computing resources to build a system in System-on-Chip, its interconnection between each other becomes another challenging issue. In most System-on-Chip applications, a shared bus interconnection which needs an arbitration logic to serialize several bus access requests, is adopted to communicate with each integrated processing unit because of its low-cost and simple control characteristics. This paper focuses on the interconnection design issues of area, power and performance of chip multi-processors with shared cache memory. It shows that having shared cache memory contributes to the performance improvement, however, typical interconnection between cores and the shared cache using crossbar occupies most of the chip area, consumes a lot of power and does not scale efficiently with increased number of cores. New interconnection mechanisms are needed to address these issues. This paper proposes an architectural paradigm in an attempt to gain the advantages of having shared cache with the avoidance of penalty imposed by the crossbar interconnect. The proposed architecture achieves smaller area occupation allowing more space to add additional cache memory. It also reduces power consumption compared to the existing crossbar architecture. Furthermore, the paper presents a modified cache coherence algorithm called Tuned-MESI. It is based on the typical MESI cache coherence algorithm however it is tuned and tailored for the suggested architecture. The achieved results of the conducted simulated experiments show that the developed architecture produces less broadcast operations compared to the typical algorithm