1 research outputs found

    The UK on the spot accident data collection study – phase II report

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    The aims and objectives of the On the Spot (OTS) Phase II project are summarised below. • The aim of the OTS Accident Data Collection Study is to provide a uniquely valuable information resource concerning real-world road accidents. The OTS Accident Data Collection Study provides the data to enable the development of evidence-led innovative policy and countermeasures to reduce road traffic casualties. • The objective of the project was to investigate 1,500 road traffic accidents in the OTS-defined Nottinghamshire and Thames Valley Police areas in order to collect high-quality crash data to improve the understanding of human involvement, vehicle design and highway design in accident causation and injury mechanisms. This was achieved by experienced researchers attending the scenes of a known sample of road traffic accidents notified to the emergency services. It is necessary to attend the scene of the road traffic accident while the vehicles, and possibly victims, are still in place to enable the capture of ‘perishable’ information that is only available for a very short time. Capture of the ‘perishable’ or ‘volatile’ information provides a more complete picture of the accident, potentially allowing for a greater understanding. Further data required to provide a complete understanding of the accident are collected later, through follow-up visits and other information collection procedures. During Phases I and II of the OTS project, the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) and the Vehicle Safety Research Centre (VSRC) at Loughborough University attended and investigated over 3,000 accidents within the Nottinghamshire and Thames Valley regions