13 research outputs found

    An Analytical Framework for Classifying Software Tools and Systems Dealing with Cultural Heritage Spatio-Temporal Information

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    peer reviewedThis paper presents an analytical framework for classifying information systems developed for applications in the cultural heritage field. These can be numerous and quite different from one another, depending for the purpose they were developed for. In order to assess if one of the already existing systems can be used or modified to fit our research goals, a list of requirements was established. Starting from those, categories were defined and the information systems are then compared and evaluated based on those characteristics. This analytical framework is an important step in our research since using a tool that is not appropriate for the study object will not be able to provide valuable information to answer the main research questions

    Hochintegrierte SiGeSIMMWIC Module. Teilvorhaben: VCO-Entwurf/Frequenzstabilisierung/Modulintegration/ (Bauelementemodellierung/58 GHz Entwurf) (TUM) Abschlussbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F00B1555+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Automobile Informationssysteme zum Erhalt der Mobilitaet. Teilvorhaben: Hochintegrierte mmW-Module fuer 77 GHz-Multifunktionssensoren 3. Jahresbericht (Schlussbericht)

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    The present report describes the technical insights obtained during the project period from 1st March 1996 until 31st December 1998 in order to realise mm-wave modules in the frequency range from approximately 40 GHz to 90 GHz considering the marginal conditions of an automated series production e.g. HF-sensors in the field of automobile industry. Thus it could be proved that the mm-wave circuits developed during this period can be produced applying the semi-conductor technology (PH 15=0.15 #mu#g gate length) with very high yield (#>=#90%) processed by the technology partner UMS and have an excellent long-term stability. Two approaches have been investigated and realised for the set-up of the mmwave modules. Based on the monolithic-integrated circuits in the field of micro-stripes technology concepts for set-up and connection technology have been successfully developed and tested. The necessary adjustment of the circuits (MIC and MMIC) was integrated in the production process and it could be proved, that a yield increase of more than 20% can be achieved with the module production. (orig.)Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt die waehrend der Vorhabenslaufzeit vom 01.03.1996 bis 31.12.1998 erarbeiteten technologischen Erkenntnisse zur Realisierung von mmWellen-Modulen im Frequenzbereich von ca. 40 GHz bis 90 GHz unter den Randbedingungen einer automatisierten Serienfertigung wie z.B. HF-Sensorik fuer die KFZ-Industrie. So konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die in diesem Zeitraum entwickelten mmWellen-Schaltkreise mit der bei dem Technologiepartner UMS prozessierten Halbleitertechnologie (PH 15=0.15 #mu#g Gatelaenge) mit sehr hoher Ausbeute (#>=#90%) gefertigt werden koennen und eine ausgezeichnete Langzeitstabilitaet aufweisen. Fuer den Aufbau von mmWellen-Modulen wurden zwei Ansaetze untersucht und realisiert. Zum Einen wurden auf der Basis von monolithisch integrierten Schaltungen in Mikrostreifenleitungs-Technik Konzepte fuer die Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik entwickelt und erfolgreich getestet. Die erforderliche Anpassung der Schaltkreise (MIC und MMIC) wurde in de Fertigung implementiert und es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass dadurch eine Ausbeuteverbesserung bei der Modulfertigung von ueber 20% erzielt werden kann. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F00B539+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Silizium/Silizium-Germanium Millimeterwellen-IC (SiGe-SIMMWIC) Abschlussbericht

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    SiGe-SIMMWIC (Silicon Germanium - Silicon Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuit) integration technologies for the fabrication of monolithic integrated mm-wave circuits on high resistivity silicon are described. An integration technology for avalanche transit time diodes was developed for the realization of all mm-wave functions of a transmitter and receiver on a single chip. Active dipole antennas have been fabricated with a radiated power of 10 mW at 76.5 GHz. Also active antennas for synchronization with 1/3 of the radiating frequency (76.5 GHz) have been realized with a radiated power of 3 mW at 76.5 GHz and a synchronization bandwidth of 380 MHz. For the first time monolithic integrated coplanar SIMMWIC mixers have been fabricated with a conversion loss of 7.8 dB at 76.5 GHz. For frequency stabilization and modulation a SiGe-heterobipolar (HBT) transistor technology was optimized with a maximum oscillation frequency around 80 GHz. With these SiGe HBTs and a newly developed coplanar integration technology on high resistivity silicon frist monolithic integrated coplanar LC oscillators have been realized with an output power of +4 dBm at 25.5 Ghz and +2 dBm at 38 GHz. Also, monolithic integrated coplanar buffer amplifiers have been fabricated with an amplification of 4 dB at 26 GHz. The system integration of a SiGe HBT oscillator with a synchronizable dipole antenna in a multi chip module (MCM) yields a frequency stabilized and a 137 MHz frequency modulated SIMMWIC front-end. The frequency stabilization of an IMPATT oscillator with a phase locked loop (PLL) was performed at the university of Ulm. CMOS circuits have been integrated on high resistivity silicon at the university of Stuttgart. The co-integration of high frequency SIMMWIC circuits with conventional CMOS signal processing circuits for a future single chip system integration is proved. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F97B444+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman