4,762 research outputs found

    Higher-order estimates of the chromomagnetic moment of a heavy quark

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    The leading beta_0^(n-1) alpha_s^n terms in the Wilson coefficient and anomalous dimension of the chromomagnetic operator in the heavy-quark effective Lagrangian are summed to all orders of perturbation theory. The perturbation series for the anomalous dimension is well behaved, while that for the Wilson coefficient exhibits a divergent behaviour already in low orders, caused by a nearby infrared renormalon singularity. The resulting ambiguity is commensurate with terms of order 1/m^2 in the effective Lagrangian, whose corresponding ultraviolet renormalons are identified. An excellent approximation for the scheme-invariant Wilson coefficient at next-to-next-to-leading order in renormalization-group improved perturbation theory is obtained.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures embedde

    Simply Modeling Meson HQET

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    A simple relativistic model of heavy-quark-light-quark mesons is proposed. In an expansion in inverse powers of the heavy quark mass we find that all zeroth and first order heavy quark symmetry relations are satisfied. The main results are: - the difference between the meson mass and the heavy quark mass plays a significant role even at zeroth order; - the slope of the Isgur-Wise function at the zero recoil point is typically less than −1-1; - the first order correction to the pseudoscalar decay constant is large and negative; - the four universal functions describing the first order corrections to the semileptonic decay form factors are small; - these latter corrections are quite insensitive to the choice of model parameters, and in particular to the effects of hyperfine mass splitting.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 3 LaTeX figures in separate file, UTPT-92-16. This is the version published long ago but not previously archive

    Phenomenology of B -> pi pi, pi K Decays at O(alpha^2 beta_0) in QCD Factorization

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    We study O(alpha^2 beta_0) perturbative corrections to matrix elements entering two-body exclusive decays of the form B -> pi pi, pi K in the QCD factorization formalism, including chirally enhanced power corrections, and discuss the effect of these corrections on direct CP asymmetries, which receive their first contribution at O(alpha). We find that the O(alpha^2 beta_0) corrections are often as large as the O(alpha) corrections. We find large uncertainties due to renormalization scale dependence as well as poor knowledge of the non-perturbative parameters. We assess the effect of the perturbative corrections on the direct CP violation parameters of B -> pi^+ pi^-.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures. Updated input parameters and added citations; expanded discussio

    Exploring CP Violation through B Decays

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    The B-meson system provides many strategies to perform stringent tests of the Standard-Model description of CP violation. In this brief review, we discuss implications of the currently available B-factory data on the angles alpha, beta and gamma of the unitarity triangle, emphasize the importance of Bs studies at hadronic B experiments, and discuss new, theoretically clean strategies to determine gamma.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, invited brief review for Modern Physics Letters

    Hadronic Spectral Moments in Semileptonic B Decays With a Lepton Energy Cut

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    We compute the first two moments of the final hadronic invariant mass in inclusive semileptonic B decay, in the presence of a cut on the charged lepton energy. These moments may be measured directly by experiments at the Upsilon(4S) using the neutrino reconstruction technique, which requires such a cut. Measurement of these moments will place constraints on the nonperturbative parameters \bar\Lambda and \lambda_1, which are relevant for extracting the quark masses m_b and m_c, as well as the CKM angle V_cb. We include terms of order \alpha_s^2\beta_0 and 1/m_b^3 in the operator product expansion, and use the latter to estimate the theoretical uncertainty in the extraction of \bar\Lambda and \lambda_1.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, REVTe

    Long-range two-body final-state interactions and direct CP asymmetry in {B}^{+}\to{\pi}^{+} {K}^{0} decay

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    We present a calculation of the direct CP asymmetry, ACPdirA_{CP}^{dir}, for the process B+→π+K0B^+ \to \pi^+ K^0 including the effects of long-range inelastic final-state interactions (FSI). We admit three channels in our calculation: B+→(π+K0),(ηK+)B^+ \to (\pi^+ K^0), (\eta K^+), and (Ds+Dˉ0)(D_s^+ \bar{D}^0). The strong scattering is described in terms of Pomeron and Regge exchanges. We find that the direct CP asymmetry is enhanced by a factor of ∌3\sim 3 as a result of FSI, but remains well short of the claims of (10 - 20)% in recent literature. A critical assessment of papers claiming large CP asymmetries is also presented.Comment: 21 pages, latex, no figures. Added the charge-exchange channel {B}^{+}\to {\pi}^{0} {K}^{+}. Expanded the discussion section. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    A Consistent Calculation of Heavy Meson Decay Constants and Transition Wave Functions in the Complete HQEFT

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    Within the complete heavy quark effective field theory (HQEFT), the QCD sum rule approach is used to evaluate the decay constants including 1/m_Q corrections and the Isgur-Wise function and other additional important wave functions concerned at 1/m_Q for the heavy-light mesons. The 1/m_Q corrections to the scaling law f_M \sim F/\sqrt{m_M} are found to be small in HQEFT, which demonstrates again the validity of 1/m_Q expansion in HQEFT. It is also shown that the residual momentum v.k of heavy quark within hadrons does be around the binding energy \bar{\Lambda} of the heavy hadrons. The calculations presented in this paper provide a consistent check on the HQEFT and shows that the HQEFT is more reliable than the usual HQET for describing a slightly off-mass shell heavy quark within hadron as the usual HQET seems to lead to the breakdown of 1/m_Q expansion in evaluating the meson decay constants. It is emphasized that the introduction of the `dressed heavy quark' mass is useful for the heavy-light mesons (Qq) with m_Q >> \bar{\Lambda} >> m_q, while for heavy-heavy bound states (\psi_1\psi_2) with masses m_1, m_2 >> \bar{\Lambda}, like bottom-charm hadrons or similarly for muonium in QED, one needs to treat both particles as heavy effective particles via 1/m_1 and 1/m_2 expansions and redefine the effective bound states and modified `dressed heavy quark' masses within the HQEFT.Comment: 20 pages, revtex, 22 figures, axodraw.sty, two irrelevant figures are moved awa

    A priori mixing of mesons and the |Delta I|=1/2 rule in K\to\pi\pi

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    We consider the hypothesis of a priori mixings in the mass eigenstates of mesons to obtain the |Delta I|=1/2 rule in K\to\pi\pi. The Hamiltonian responsible for the transition is the strong interacting one. The experimental data are described using the isospin symmetry relations between the strong coupling constants

    Large electroweak penguin contribution in B -> K pi and pi pi decay modes

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    We discuss about a possibility of large electroweak penguin contribution in B -> K pi and pi pi from recent experimental data. The experimental data may be suggesting that there are some discrepancies between the data and theoretical estimation in the branching ratios of them. In B -> K pi decays, to explain it, a large electroweak penguin contribution and large strong phase differences seem to be needed. The contributions should appear also in B -> pi pi. We show, as an example, a solution to solve the discrepancies in both B -> K pi and B -> pi pi. However the magnitude of the parameters and the strong phase estimated from experimental data are quite large compared with the theoretical estimations. It may be suggesting some new physics effects are including in these processes. We will have to discuss about the dependence of the new physics. To explain both modes at once, we may need large electroweak penguin contribution with new weak phases and some SU(3) breaking effects by new physics in both QCD and electroweak penguin type processes.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure
