669 research outputs found

    Fibre bundle formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics. I. Time-dependent approach

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    We propose a new fibre bundle formulation of the mathematical base of relativistic quantum mechanics. At the present stage the bundle form of the theory is equivalent to its conventional one, but it admits new types of generalizations in different directions. In the present first part of our investigation we consider the time-dependent or Hamiltonian approach to bundle description of relativistic quantum mechanics. In it the wavefunctions are replaced by (state) liftings of paths or sections along paths of a suitably chosen vector bundle over space-time whose (standard) fibre is the space of the wavefunctions. Now the quantum evolution is described as a linear transportation (by means of the evolution transport along paths in the space-time) of the state liftings/sections in the (total) bundle space. The equations of these transportations turn to be the bundle versions of the corresponding relativistic wave equations.Comment: 16 standard LaTeX pages. The packages AMS-LaTeX and amsfonts are required. The paper continuous the application of fibre bundle formalism to quantum physics began in the series of works quant-ph/9803083, quant-ph/9803084, quant-ph/9804062, quant-ph/9806046, quant-ph/9901039, quant-ph/9902068, and quant-ph/0004041. For related papers, view http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~bozho

    Raman and Infrared-Active Phonons in Hexagonal HoMnO3_3 Single Crystals: Magnetic Ordering Effects

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    Polarized Raman scattering and infrared reflection spectra of hexagonal HoMnO3_3 single crystals in the temperature range 10-300 K are reported. Group-theoretical analysis is performed and scattering selection rules for the second order scattering processes are presented. Based on the results of lattice dynamics calculations, performed within the shell model, the observed lines in the spectra are assigned to definite lattice vibrations. The magnetic ordering of Mn ions, which occurs below TN_N=76 K, is shown to effect both Raman- and infrared-active phonons, which modulate Mn-O-Mn bonds and, consequently, Mn exchange interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Phonons and Magnetic Excitations in Mott-Insulator LaTiO3_3

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    The polarized Raman spectra of stoichiometric LaTiO3_3 (TN=150_N = 150 K) were measured between 6 and 300 K. In contrast to earlier report on half-metallic LaTiO3.02_{3.02}, neither strong background scattering, nor Fano shape of the Raman lines was observed. The high frequency phonon line at 655 cm−1^{-1} exhibits anomalous softening below TN_N: a signature for structural rearrangement. The assignment of the Raman lines was done by comparison to the calculations of lattice dynamics and the nature of structural changes upon magnetic ordering are discussed. The broad Raman band, which appears in the antiferromagnetic phase, is assigned to two-magnon scattering. The estimated superexchange constant J=15.4±0.5J = 15.4\pm0.5 meV is in excellent agreement with the result of neutron scattering studies.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Comparative Raman Studies of Sr2RuO4, Sr3Ru2O7 and Sr4Ru3O10

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    The polarized Raman spectra of layered ruthenates of the Srn+1RunO3n+1 (n=1,2,3) Ruddlesden-Popper series were measured between 10 and 300 K. The phonon spectra of Sr3Ru2O7 and Sr4Ru3O10 confirmed earlier reports for correlated rotations of neighboring RuO6 octahedra within double or triple perovskite blocks. The observed Raman lines of Ag or B1g symmetry were assigned to particular atomic vibrations by considering the Raman modes in simplified structures with only one double or triple RuO6 layer per unit cell and by comparison to the predictions of lattice dynamical calculations for the real Pban and Pbam structures. Along with discrete phonon lines, a continuum scattering, presumably of electronic origin, is present in the zz, xx and xy, but not in the x'y' and zx spectra. Its interference with phonons results in Fano shape for some of the lines in the xx and xy spectra. The temperature dependencies of phonon parameters of Sr3Ru2O7 exhibit no anomaly between 10 and 300 K where no magnetic transition occurs. In contrast, two B1g lines in the spectra of Sr4Ru3O10, corresponding to oxygen vibrations modulating the Ru-O-Ru bond angle, show noticeable hardening with ferromagnetic ordering at 105 K, thus indicating strong spin-phonon interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Raman scattering study of (Kx_xSr1−x_{1-x})Fe2_2As2_2 (xx = 0.0, 0.4)

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    Polarized Raman spectra of non-superconducting SrFe2_2As2_2 and superconducting K0.4_{0.4}Sr0.6_{0.6}Fe2_2As2_2 (Tc=37T_c = 37 K) are reported. All four phonon modes (A1g_{1g} + B1g_{1g} + 2Eg_g) allowed by symmetry, are found and identified. Shell model gives reasonable description of the spectra. No detectable anomalies are observed near the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic transition in SrFe2_2As2_2 or the superconducting transition in K0.4_{0.4}Sr0.6_{0.6}Fe2_2As2_2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
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