99 research outputs found

    Последствия введения нового углеродного налога Евросоюза для ЕАЭС

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    The article focuses on the interaction of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of green technological transformation. The European Union is actively pursuing a policy of transition to a carbon-neutral economy. In this regard, it intends to implement a special tax mechanism, which may significantly limit export opportunities for the EAEU. Moreover, the EU is one of the key partners of the EAEU and plays a major role in the economic development of individual countries that are members of the integration association. The article further discusses the projected risks for the EAEU member states, and provides measures that can ensure trade security of the Union’s countries on the European markets. In particular, measures should be aimed at the development own environmental legislation, harmonization of the legislation of EAEU member states, and the creation of permanent negotiation mechanisms to bring together the positions of EAEU countries in the context of the climate policy pursued by the European Union.В статье исследуется взаимодействие Европейского союза и Евразийского экономического союза в контексте «зеленой» технологической трансформации. Евросоюз активно проводит курс на переход к углеродно-нейтральной экономике. В этой связи он намерен использовать специальные механизмы, реализация которых может существенно ограничить возможности поставок ряда видов продукции, производимой в странах ЕАЭС на европейский рынок. Тем более, что ЕС является одним из ключевых партнеров ЕАЭС и играет большую роль в экономическом развитии отдельных стран, входящих в интеграционное объединение. Рассматриваются прогнозируемые риски для стран-членов ЕАЭС, а также приводятся меры, которые способны обеспечивать «торговую безопасность» стран Союза на европейских рынках. В частности, мероприятия должны быть направлены разработку собственного законодательства в сфере экологии, гармонизацию законодательств стран-участников ЕАЭС, создание постоянно действующих переговорных механизмов по сближению позиций стран ЕАЭС с учетом климатической политики, проводимой Евросоюзом


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    The purpose of this article is to study the behavior of various types ofanti-seismic joints fillers between frame elements and non-structuralwall infill on the behavior of multi-storey buildings with a reinforcedconcrete flat-slab frame under seismic effects. Reinforced concrete buildings are predominant type of construction in developingcountries like Ukraine. Seismic performance of these buildings, is notpredictable through techniques based on secondary factors such asshort column, irregularities in plan and elevation, soft and weakstories, strong beam–weak column can causes serious damages. Andalso all this factors can be caused by irregular non-structural wallinfill. And if much attention is paid to the study of non-structural wallinfill effect, then the issue of the expansion joint between the frameand the filling remains unexplored. Also this problem is caused bycontradictions in DBN B.1.1-12-2014, which limits the gap between theframe and non-structural wall by 20 mm. But for a typical floor, wesee that the frame works normally and at 50 mm (according topushover analysis) displacements of the floor. Thus, the required20 mm gap does not perform its function. To determine the degree ofimpact of the non-bearing walls on the reinforced concrete frame, anexperimental program was developed that includes two steps. Thefirst stage is to determine the degree of impact of filling the joints. Thesecond stage is testing the wall fragments, taking into account theeffect of filling the deformation joints. This study focuses on the firststage. In this paper the influence of the joint filling was analyzed usingthe three most widely used types in Ukraine: mineral wool,polystyrene foam and vilatherm. The objects of study are threeaerated concrete prisms and one prism made of heavy concrete withfilling material. Displacements from vertical loads on test samplesare key parameters for determining the effect of joint filler on thebehavior of buildings during earthquakes. The second parameter,which was also analyzed, the change of geometric form and completedestruction of the joint filler. This study was undertaken to developthe future Ukrainian Rapid visual screening assessment procedurethat takes into account the influence of anti-seismic joints fillers.Целью данной статьи является изучение поведения различных видов заполнения антисейсмических швов между элементами каркаса и несущих стен на работу многоэтажных зданий с железобетонным безригельным каркасом при сейсмических воздействиях.Влияние заполнения было проанализировано на самых широкоприменяемых в Украине трех видах заполнения: минеральной ваты, пенополистирола и вилатерма. Объектами исследования являются три газобетонные призмы и одна призма из тяжелого бетона сматериалом заполнения швов при сжимающих нагрузках. Перемещение от вертикальных нагрузок на испытываемых образцах –ключевые параметры для определения влияния утеплителя на поведение зданий со стеновым заполнением во время землетрясений. Вторым параметром, который также был проанализирован,является изменение геометрической формы и полного разрушениязаполнителя шва (утеплителя).Метою даної статті є вивчення поведінки різних видів заповненняантисейсмічних швів між елементами каркаса і ненесучих стін нароботу багатоповерхових будівель з залізобетонним безрігельнимкаркасом при сейсмічних впливах. Вплив заповнення було проаналізовано на найбільш широко застосовуваних в Україні трьох видах заповнення: мінеральної вати, пінополістирола і вілатерм. Об'єктами дослідження є три газобетонні призми і одна призма з важкого бетону з матеріалом заповнення швів при стискаючих навантаженнях. Переміщення від вертикальних навантажень на випробуваних зразках – ключові параметри для визначення впливу утеплювача на поведінку будівель зі стіновим заповненням під час землетрусів.Другим параметром, який також був проаналізований, є зміна  геометричної форми і повного руйнування заповнювача шва (утеплювача)

    History of the Hall Thrusters Development in USSR

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    Abstract: As it is well known two types of the so-called "Hall Thrusters" had been developed in USSR, namely: the stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) and thrusters with anode layer (TAL). In the SPT and TAL the ions acceleration by an electric field within the gas were designed, created and tested. They were able to operate with gaseous propellants (Xe, Kr, Ar) within the discharge voltage range of (100-600) V and discharge powers (1-5) kW with thrust efficiency till 40% and specific impulses (1000-1800) s. Obtained performance level was estimated as prospective enough because it was higher than that one of the other EP types within the mentioned range of specific impulses. Therefore at level of the State Committee of Atomic Energy (SCAE) of USSR it was decided to realize the first SPT flight test and in 1972 SPT was successfully * Chief scientist, professor, department of the stationary plasma thrusters, [email protected]. † Chief designer on EP direction, Dr, EPS design development department. ‡ General designer of EDB "Fakel", Dr. § Head of EP laboratory, Dr

    Роль позитронно-емісійної томографії при інфекційних та запальних захворюваннях (огляд літератури)

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    Мета. Дослідити клінічну роль методів гібридної променевої візуалізації, зокрема позитронно-емісійної томографії (ПЕТ) у діагностиці та лікуванні пацієнтів із запальними та інфекційними захворюваннями. Матеріали та методи. Матеріалом для дослідження були наукові результати публікацій фахових наукових видань провідних країн світу  наукової та клінічної діяльності за останні 10 років щодо клінічного значення методів гібридної променевої візуалізації у діагностиці та лікуванні пацієнтів із запальними та інфекційними захворюваннями. Методи дослідження передбачали застосування методів променевої візуалізації ПЕТ при інфекційних та запальних захворюваннях. Результати. Показана ефективність ПЕТ у випадках, коли інші звичайні дослідження є неможливими через високий ризик ускладнень. В роботі розглянуто  корисність методу при діагностиці станів, які виникають як ускладнення після протезування: при ендокардитах протезованого клапану; інфекції  імплантованих електронних пристроїв; протезованих суглобів та імплантантів для фіксації переломів.  ПЕТ в таких випадках дозволяє провести диференційну діагностику між асептичним та інфекційним запаленням, особливо за наявності спричинених  металевими елементами артефактів, які можуть  обмежують дослідження за допомогою комп’ютерної томографії  або магнітно-резонансної томографії. Висновки. Позитронно-емісійна томографія у пацієнтів із запальними або інфекційними захворюваннями є ефективним допоміжним додатковим методом променевої візуалізації. ПЕТ знаходить своє ефективне застосування на різних етапах лікування, а також є корисним методом променевої візуалізації для моніторингу терапевтичної відповіді на лікування

    Advances in and Issues With Minimally Invasive Surgery for Rectal Cancer in Elderly Patients

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    Colorectal cancer ranks third after breast cancer in terms of incidence and second after lung cancer in terms of mortality.Management of rectal cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach, with the surgical management playing the main role. There are currently three resective techniques that complement the traditional open surgery: laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, and transanal total mesorectal excision.Rectal cancer in elderly patients is particularly hard to diagnose and treat surgically due to multiple comorbidities and limited functional reserve. Treatment of such patients may be associated with poorer outcomes after both open and minimally invasive surgery.This article reviews the current state of advances in minimally invasive surgery for rectal cancer in general and in elderly patients in particular

    Patient routing and process approach implementation for regional oncology service

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    Background. Cancer care involves a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of patients. A complex interaction of actors in the deployment of oncology services dictates usage of modern management technologies for improving the quality and efficiency of patient care through processes optimisation.Objectives. Provision of recommendations for patient routing based on research into the oncology service inter-level information exchange, integration of the process approach and electronic services. The lack of a unified information space with a regional oncology service has been explained. Measures are proposed for the patient routing optimisation as part of establishing a unified digital oncology service circuit.Methods. The oncology service was effectively remodelled through functional and information engineering of electronic services and the process management integration to establish a horizontal decision flow between facilities and employees on a process level bypassing the supervisor coordination. Statistical approaches were used to analyse the oncological patient population.Results. The following electronic services have been implemented: specialised patient referral routing, telemedicine and teleradiology. A comprehensive information framework has been created comprising medical, laboratory and radiological information subsystems integrated through regional electronic services of the unified state healthcare information platform. The goals, objectives, general principles, architecture and expected social economic impact on healthcare of Krasnodar Krai have been defined.Conclusion. Use of electronic services ensures an improved quality of specialised care and effective routing of patients. We perceive prospects of the integrated information platform in the extension and improvement of its subsystems’ functionality and content, sourcing more data providers and the circuit expansion to the federal and regional levels

    Ellinaite, CaCr2O4, a New Natural Post-Spinel Oxide from Hatrurim Basin, Israel, and Juína Kimberlite Field, Brazil

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    Ellinaite, a natural analog of the post-spinel phase β-CaCr2O4, was discovered at the Hatrurim Basin, Hatrurim pyrometamorphic formation (the Mottled Zone), Israel, and in an inclusion within the super-deep diamond collected at the placer of the Sorriso River, Juína kimberlite field, Brazil. Ellinaite at the Hatrurim Basin is confined to a reduced rankinite-gehlenite paralava, where it occurs as subhedral grains up to 30μm in association with gehlenite, rankinite and pyrrhotite or forms the rims overgrowing zoned chromite-magnesiochromite. The empirical formula of the Hatrurim sample is (Ca0.960Fe0.0162+Na0.012Mg0.003)0.992(Cr1.731V0.1833+Ti0.0683+Al0.023Ti0.0034+)2.008O4. The mineral crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pnma, unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray single-crystal data: A 8.868(9), b 2.885(3), c 10.355(11)Å, V 264.9(5)Å3 and ZCombining double low line4. The crystal structure of ellinaite from the Hatrurim Basin has been solved and refined to R1Combining double low line0.0588 based on 388 independent observed reflections. Ellinaite in the Juína diamond occurs within the micron-sized polyphase inclusion in association with ferropericlase, magnesioferrite, orthorhombic MgCr2O4, unidentified iron carbide and graphite. Its empirical formula is Ca1.07(Cr1.71Fe0.063+V0.06Ti0.03Al0.03Mg0.02Mn0.02)ς1.93O4. The unit-cell parameters obtained from HRTEM data are as follows: Space group Pnma, a 9.017, b 2.874Å, c 10.170Å, V 263.55Å3, ZCombining double low line4. Ellinaite belongs to a group of natural tunnel-structured oxides of the general formula AB2O4, the so-called post-spinel minerals: Marokite CaMn2O4, xieite FeCr2O4, harmunite CaFe2O4, wernerkrauseite CaFe23+Mn4+O6, chenmingite FeCr2O4, maohokite MgFe2O4 and tschaunerite Fe(FeTi)O4. The mineral from both occurrences seems to be crystallized under highly reduced conditions at high temperatures (>1000°C), but under different pressure: Near-surface (Hatrurim Basin) and lower mantle (Juína diamond). © 2021 Victor V. Sharygin et al.Raman spectroscopy and EBSD investigations for the Hatrurim ellinaite were done on state assignment of IGM SB RAS (IX.125.2) and the Initiative Project of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (grant agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006)). SEM and microprobe studies for the Hatrurim ellinaite were supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 17-17-01056p). Crystallographic studies of the Hatrurim ellinaite were provided by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 18-17-00079)

    Surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis

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    Objective: Improving the results of surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis.Material and methods: The results of medical care for 328 patients with liver cirrhosis, who were treated in the surgical departments of the central district and city hospitals of the Krasnodar Region, were analyzed. The effectiveness of minimally invasive surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in 832 patients with liver cirrhosis treated at the Regional Clinical Hospital no. 2 of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region were also evaluated.Results: The mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis, admitted in first-level institutions of medical care due to acute bleeding from esophageal varices, reached 26.3%. In conditions of surgical treatment of complications of portal hypertension in a third-level institution of specialized care it did not exceed 4.7%.Conclusion: The optimal approach to the surgical treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis is to stop the bleeding from esophageal varices at the first stage of medical care and to treat portal hypertension complications using minimally invasive technologies in a multidisciplinary clinic involving a multidisciplinary team of doctors

    Оценка эффективности локальной стероидной терапии у детей с олигоартикулярным вариантом ювенильного артрита: результаты ретроспективного исследования

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     Background. Despite the progress in diagnosis and treatment of chronic rheumatic diseases in children, the choice of anti-inflammatory drugs in case of the onset of oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) still remains relevant. Till present, pediatric rheumatologists have not reached a  consensus on this issue yet.The aim of this study was to search for predictors of early failure of local steroid therapy and assessment of its feasibility in patients with oligoarticular JIA.Materials and methods. In a retrospective study, 92 children aged 11 months – 9 years with chronic oligoarticular JIA without extra-articular manifestations were monitored. The features of the clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnosis during the disease onset were studied, along with the dynamics of the articular syndrome and the effectiveness of intra-articular administration of corticosteroid drugs.Results and discussion. The data on 92 children with 164 active joints who received 218 local intra-articular injections of triamcinolone acetonide at the onset of the disease were analyzed. Intra-articular injections of triamcinolone acetonide at a dose of 20–40 mg were performed with an interval of 3, 6, and 12 months, depending on the intensity of the disease. In about one third of children with oligoarticular JIA, arthritis became inactive on average after two intra-articular injections of triamcinolone acetonide. The study did not reveal the predictors of early ineffective topical corticosteroid monotherapy in children. No clinical, instrumental, and laboratory signs were identified that would directly indicate the need for early therapy with  methotrexate.Conclusion. Triamcinolone acetonide is an effective and safe drug for children with oligoarticular JIA. Despite the widespread use of biological, gene, and other innovative therapies, application of local corticosteroids as  the firstline therapy in children with oligoarticular JIA should not be  neglected.  Актуальность. Несмотря на большой прогресс в диагностике и лечении ревматических заболеваний у детей, все еще остается актуальным вопрос выбора  противовоспалительной терапии в случае дебюта  хронического олигоартрита. Единого мнения на этот счет у  детских ревматологов нет и по настоящий день. Цель. Поиск предикторов ранней неэффективности и оценка целесообразности локальной стероидной  монотерапии у пациентов с дебютом олигоартикулярного  варианта ювенильного артрита. Материалы и методы. Основу ретроспективного  исследования составили 92 ребенка в возрасте от 11 мес до 9 лет с хроническим олигоартритом без экстраартикулярных  проявлений (олиго-ЮА). Были изучены  особенности клинико-инструментальной и  лабораторной диагностики в дебюте заболевания, динамика суставного синдрома и эффективность внутрисуставного  введения глюкокортикостероидного препарата.Результаты. Проанализированы данные 92 детей со 164 «активными» суставами, которые получили 218 изолированных внутрисуставных манипуляций по введению  стероидного препарата (триамцинолон ацетонид). Триамцинолон ацетонид вводился  внутрисуставно в дозе 20–40 мг с интервалом 3, 6, 12 мес в  зависимости от активности заболевания. Около одной трети  детей с олиго-ЮА достигли неактивной стадии болезни в среднем после двукратного введения данного  препарата. Исследование не позволило выявить предикторов ранней неэффективности монотерапии  локальными стероидными препаратами у детей. Не выявлено достоверных клинико-инструментальных и  лабораторных признаков, которые напрямую указывали бы  на необходимость начала ранней терапии препаратом  «Метотрексат».Заключение. Триамцинолон ацетонид является  эффективным и безопасным препаратом у детей с  олигоартикулярным вариантом ювенильного артрита.  Несмотря на популяризацию генно-инженерной  биологической терапии, не следует пренебрегать лечением  локальными стероидными препаратами как первой линией противоревматической терапии у детей.

    Pneumomediastinum as a predictor of negative prognosis in patients with coronavirus pneumonia

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    Aim of the study was to analyze the course of coronavirus pneumonia in patients with pneumomediastinum. Material and methods. The study included 139 patients, 71 of whom developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum against the background of coronavirus pneumonia. Laboratory, clinical and radiological data were analyzed and compared. Results. The relationship between the severity of viral pneumonia (3rd–4th degree of severity according to MSCT) and pneumomediastinum was revealed. It was found that spontaneous mediastinal emphysema in patients with COVID-19 signifcantly more often leads to the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure and can be a predictor of negative prognosis of the disease outcome. Conclusions. Pneumomediastinum in patients with viral pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus infection is a predictor of severe disease and poor prognosis. With an increase in spontaneous mediastinal emphysema without pneumothorax, it is recommended to perform mediastinotomy according to Razumovsky’s indications, and in case of clinically signifcant concomitant pneumothorax – drainage and revision of the mediastinum