11,692 research outputs found

    Growing pseudo-eigenmodes and positive logarithmic norms in rotating shear flows

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    Rotating shear flows, when angular momentum increases and angular velocity decreases as functions of radiation coordinate, are hydrodynamically stable under linear perturbation. The Keplerian flow is an example of such systems which appears in astrophysical context. Although decaying eigenmodes exhibit large transient energy growth of perturbation which could govern nonlinearity into the system, the feedback of inherent instability to generate turbulence seems questionable. We show that such systems exhibiting growing pseudo-eigenmodes easily reach an upper bound of growth rate in terms of the logarithmic norm of the involved nonnormal operators, thus exhibiting feedback of inherent instability. This supports the existence of turbulence of hydrodynamic origin in the Keplerian accretion disc in astrophysics. Hence, this enlightens the mismatch between the linear theory and experimental/observed data and helps in resolving the outstanding question of origin of turbulence therein.Comment: 12 pages including 4 figures; to appear in New Journal of Physic

    Dynamical supersymmetry analysis of conformal invariance for superstrings in type IIB R-R plane-wave

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    In a previous work (arXiv:0902.3750 [hep-th]) we studied the world-sheet conformal invariance for superstrings in type IIB R-R plane-wave in semi-light-cone gauge. Here we give further justification to the results found in that work through alternative arguments using dynamical supersymmetries. We show that by using the susy algebra the same quantum definition of the energy-momentum (EM) tensor can be derived. Furthermore, using certain Jacobi identities we indirectly compute the Virasoro anomaly terms by calculating second order susy variation of the EM tensor. Certain integrated form of all such terms are shown to vanish. In order to deal with various divergences that appear in such computations we take a point-split definition of the same EM tensor. The final results are shown not to suffer from the ordering ambiguity as noticed in the previous work provided the coincidence limit is taken before sending the regularization parameter to zero at the end of the computation.Comment: 18 pages, Appendix B replaced by shorter argument in text (section 2.1), one reference adde

    All order covariant tubular expansion

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    We consider tubular neighborhood of an arbitrary submanifold embedded in a (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold. This can be described by Fermi normal coordinates (FNC) satisfying certain conditions as described by Florides and Synge in \cite{FS}. By generalizing the work of Muller {\it et al} in \cite{muller} on Riemann normal coordinate expansion, we derive all order FNC expansion of vielbein in this neighborhood with closed form expressions for the curvature expansion coefficients. Our result is shown to be consistent with certain integral theorem for the metric proved in \cite{FS}.Comment: 27 pages. Corrected an error in a class of coefficients resulting from a typo. Integral theorem and all other results remain unchange

    DeWitt-Virasoro construction

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    We study a particular approach for analyzing worldsheet conformal invariance for bosonic string propagating in a curved background using hamiltonian formalism. We work in the Schrodinger picture of a single particle description of the problem where the particle moves in an infinite-dimensional space. Background independence is maintained in this approach by adopting DeWitt's (Phys.Rev.85:653-661,1952) coordinate independent formulation of quantum mechanics. This enables us to construct certain background independent notion of Virasoro generators, called DeWitt-Virasoro (DWV) generators, and invariant matrix elements of an arbitrary operator constructed out of them in spin-zero representation. We show that the DWV algebra is given by the Witt algebra with additional anomalous terms that vanish for Ricci-flat backgrounds. The actual quantum Virasoro generators should be obtained by first introducing the vacuum state and then normal ordering the DWV generators with respect to that. We demonstrate the procedure in the simple cases of flat and pp-wave backgrounds. This is a shorter version of arXiv:0912.3987 [hep-th] with many technical derivations omitted.Comment: 18 pages, shorter version of arXiv:0912.3987 [hep-th] accepted for publication in Pramana - Journal of Physic

    Superstrings in type IIB R-R plane-wave in semi-light-cone gauge and conformal invariance

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    We reconsider the analysis done by Kazama and Yokoi in arXiv:0801.1561 (hep-th). We find that although the right vacuum of the theory is the one associated to massless normal ordering (MNO), phase space normal ordering (PNO) plays crucial role in the analysis in the following way. While defining the quantum energy-momentum (EM) tensor one needs to take into account the field redefinition relating the space-time field and the corresponding world-sheet coupling. We argue that for a simple off-shell ansatz for the background this field redefinition can be taken to be identity if the interaction term is ordered according to PNO. This definition reproduces the correct physical spectrum when the background is on-shell. We further show that the right way to extract the effective equation of motion from the Virasoro anomaly is to first order the anomaly terms according to PNO at a finite regularization parameter \eps and then take the \eps \to 0 limit. This prescription fixes an ambiguity in taking the limit for certain bosonic and fermionic contributions to the Virasoro anomaly and is the natural one to consider given the above definition of the EM tensor.Comment: 22 page

    The Fractional Quantum Hall effect in an array of quantum wires

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    We demonstrate the emergence of the quantum Hall (QH) hierarchy in a 2D model of coupled quantum wires in a perpendicular magnetic field. At commensurate values of the magnetic field, the system can develop instabilities to appropriate inter-wire electron hopping processes that drive the system into a variety of QH states. Some of the QH states are not included in the Haldane-Halperin hierarchy. In addition, we find operators allowed at any field that lead to novel crystals of Laughlin quasiparticles. We demonstrate that any QH state is the groundstate of a Hamiltonian that we explicitly construct.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 2 figure