623 research outputs found

    Parieto-Occipital Alpha and Low-Beta EEG Power Reflect Sense of Agency

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    The sense of agency (SoA) is part of psychophysiological modules related to the self. Disturbed SoA is found in several clinical conditions, hence understanding the neural correlates of the SoA is useful for the diagnosis and determining the proper treatment strategies. Although there are several neuroimaging studies on SoA, it is desirable to translate the knowledge to more accessible and inexpensive EEG-based biomarkers for the sake of applicability. However, SoA has not been widely investigated using EEG. To address this issue, we designed an EEG experiment on healthy adults (n = 15) to determine the sensitivity of EEG on the SoA paradigm using hand movement with parametrically delayed visual feedback. We calculated the power spectral density over the traditional EEG frequency bands for ten delay conditions relative to no delay condition. Independent component analysis and equivalent current dipole modeling were applied to address artifact rejection, volume conduction, and source localization to determine the effect of interest. The results revealed that the alpha and low-beta EEG power increased in the parieto-occipital regions in proportion to the reduced SoA reported by the subjects. We conclude that the parieto-occipital alpha and low-beta EEG power reflect the sense of agency

    Attenuated mismatch negativity in patients with first-episode antipsychotic-naive schizophrenia using a source-resolved method

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    Background: Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a measure of pre-attentive auditory information processing related to change detection. Traditional scalp-level EEG methods consistently find attenuated MMN in patients with chronic but not first-episode schizophrenia. In the current paper, we use a source-resolved method to assess MMN and hypothesize that more subtle changes can be identified with this analysis method. Method: Fifty-six first-episode antipsychotic-naïve schizophrenia (FEANS) patients (31 males, 25 females, mean age 24.6) and 64 matched controls (37 males, 27 females, mean age 24.8) were assessed for duration-, frequency- and combined-type MMN and P3a as well as 4 clinical, 3 cognitive and 3 psychopathological measures. To evaluate and correlate MMN at source-level, independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to the continuous EEG data to derive equivalent current dipoles which were clustered into 19 clusters based on cortical location. Results: No scalp channel group MMN or P3a amplitude differences were found. Of the localized clusters, several were in or near brain areas previously suggested to be involved in the MMN response, including frontal and anterior cingulate cortices and superior temporal and inferior frontal gyri. For duration deviants, MMN was attenuated at the right superior temporal gyrus in patients compared to healthy controls (p = 0.01), as was P3a at the superior frontal cortex (p = 0.01). No individual patient correlations with clinical, cognitive, or psychopathological measures survived correction for multiple comparisons. Conclusion: Attenuated source-localized MMN and P3a peak contributions can be identified in FEANS patients using a method based on independent component analysis (ICA). This indicates that deficits in pre-attentive auditory information processing are present at this early stage of schizophrenia and are not the result of disease chronicity or medication. This is to our knowledge the first study on FEANS patients using this more detailed method. Keywords: Mismatch negativity, Schizophrenia, First episode, EEG, IC

    Inhibitory Effects of Anti-VEGF Antibody on the Growth and Angiogenesis of Estrogen-induced Pituitary Prolactinoma in Fischer 344 Rats: Animal Model of VEGF-targeted Therapy for Human Endocrine Tumors

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    Estrogen-induced pituitary prolactin-producing tumors (PRLoma) in F344 rats express a high level of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) associated with marked angiogenesis and angiectasis. To investigate whether tumor development in E2-induced PRLoma is inhibited by anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody (G6-31), we evaluated tumor growth and observed the vascular structures. With simultaneous treatment with G6-31 for the latter three weeks of the 13-week period of E2 stimulation (E2+G6-31 group), the following inhibitory effects on the PRLoma were observed in the E2+G6-31 group as compared with the E2-only group. In the E2+G6-31 group, a tendency to reduction in pituitary weight was observed and significant differences were observed as (1) reductions in the Ki-67-positive anterior cells, (2) increases in TUNEL-positive anterior cells, and (3) repair of the microvessel count by CD34-immunohistochemistry. The characteristic “blood lakes” in PRLomas were improved and replaced by repaired microvascular structures on 3D observation using confocal laser scanning microscope. These inhibitory effects due to anti-VEGF antibody might be related to the autocrine/paracrine action of VEGF on the tumor cells, because VEGF and its receptor are co-expressed on the tumor cells. Thus, our results demonstrate that anti-VEGF antibody exerted inhibitory effects on pituitary tumorigenesis in well-established E2 induced PRLomas

    Fast ignitor research at the Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University

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    Copyright 2001 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Physics of Plasmas, 8(5), 2268-2274, 2001 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.135259

    A Modified Sagittal Spine Postural Classification and Its Relationship to Deformities and Spinal Mobility in a Chinese Osteoporotic Population

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    BACKGROUND: Abnormal posture and spinal mobility have been demonstrated to cause functional impairment in the quality of life, especially in the postmenopausal osteoporotic population. Most of the literature studies focus on either thoracic kyphosis or lumbar lordosis, but not on the change of the entire spinal alignment. Very few articles reported the spinal alignment of Chinese people. The purpose of this study was threefold: to classify the spinal curvature based on the classification system defined by Satoh consisting of the entire spine alignment; to identify the change of trunk mobility; and to relate spinal curvature to balance disorder in a Chinese population. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 450 osteoporotic volunteers were recruited for this study. Spinal range of motion and global curvature were evaluated noninvasively using the Spinal-Mouse® system and sagittal postural deformities were characterized. RESULTS: We found a new spine postural alignment consisting of an increased thoracic kyphosis and decreased lumbar lordosis which we classified as our modified round back. We did not find any of Satoh's type 5 classification in our population. Type 2 sagittal alignment was the most common spinal deformity (38.44%). In standing, thoracic kyphosis angles in types 2 (58.34°) and 3 (58.03°) were the largest and lumbar lordosis angles in types 4 (13.95°) and 5 (-8.61°) were the smallest. The range of flexion (ROF) and range of flexion-extension (ROFE) of types 2 and 3 were usually greater than types 4 and 5, with type 1 being the largest. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The present study classified and compared for the first time the mobility, curvature and balance in a Chinese population based on the entire spine alignment and found types 4 and 5 to present the worst balance and mobility. This study included a new spine postural alignment classification that should be considered in future population studies

    Recurrent dislocation of the patella accompanying hypotrochlea of the femur and malalignment of the patella

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    This case report describes a rare case of recurrent dislocation of the patella which was accompanied with trochlear dysplasia and malalignment of the patella in a 15-year-old girl. She complained of hemoarthrosis and recurrent patellar dislocation in the early knee flexion phase. Plain radiography and computed tomography (CT) showed patellar malalignment (quadriceps angle 20°) and severe dysplasia of the trochlea of the femur (sulcus angle 170°). Surgery was performed, consisting of trochleoplasty in addition to proximal and distal realignment. Trochleoplasty was undertaken using a modified Dejour technique. After surgery, the patient complained of joint contracture. Arthroscopic release of fibrous tissue relieved symptoms and obtained normal range of motion without patellar dislocation. Postoperative radiography and CT demonstrated improvement of the quadriceps angle (10°) and sulcus angle (140°)