42 research outputs found

    Complete and Draft Genome Sequences of Aerobic Methanotrophs Isolated from a Riparian Wetland

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    Wetlands are important sources of methane emissions, and the impacts of these emissions can be mitigated by methanotrophic bacteria. The genomes of methanotrophs Methylomonas sp. strain LL1 and Methylosinus sp. strain H3A, as well as Methylocystis sp. strains H4A, H15, H62, and L43, were sequenced and are reported here

    Spatial patterns of methanotrophic communities along a hydrological gradient in a riparian wetland

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    Microbial communities display a variety of biogeographical patterns mainly driven by large-scale environmental gradients. Here, we analysed the spatial distribution of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) and methane oxidation in a strongly fluctuating environment. We investigated whether the spatial variability of the MOB community can be explained by an environmental gradient and whether this changes with different plot sizes. We applied a pmoA-specific microarray to detect MOB, measured methane oxidation, methane emissions and soil properties. All variables were measured in a 10 × 10 m, 1 × 1 m and 20 × 20 cm plot and interpreted using a geostatistical approach. Methane oxidation as well as MOB displayed spatial patterns reflected in the underlying flooding gradient. Overlapping and contrasting spatial patterns for type I and type II MOB suggested different ecological life strategies. With smaller plot size, the environmental gradient could not explain the variability in the data and local factors became more important. In conclusion, environmental gradients can generally explain variability in microbial spatial patterns; however, we think that this does not contribute to a mechanistic explanation for microbial diversity because the relevant scales for microorganisms are much smaller than those normally measured.


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    Background. Aerobic methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB) play a vital role in the global climate by degrading the greenhouse gas CH4. The process of CH4 consumption is sensitive to disturbance leading to strong variability in CH4 emission from ecosystems. Mechanistic explanations for variability in CH4 emission from soil and sediment ecosystems may be found in the diversity and ecology of these microbes. The objective of the presented work is to link the community composition and ecology of these microbes to the environmental variability observed in CH4 consumption. Methods. Methane consumption was investigated in a river floodplain along the river Rhine. Methane oxidation kinetics were determined in vitro in slurry incubations as well as on intact cores. Methanotrophic community composition was assessed using pmoA-based micro array and QPCR on mRNA as well as DNA. Stable isotope probing (SIP) of lipids and mRNA was applied to detect the active methanotrophic species. Results. The flooding regime in the Rhine floodplain established a distinct CH4 consumption pattern with a maximum exactly in the part of the floodplain between permanently and irregularly flooded sites. This pattern was mirrored by the MOB community composition. Diversity index as assessed by micro array and activity components (initial consumption, Vmax, Vmax/Km) were positively correlated. These analyses as well as SIP showed that -proteobacterial MOB were responsible for the observed kinetics with a distinct optimum in the gradient whereas α-proteobacterial MOB increased with decreasing flooding intensity. Conclusion. In general it can be concluded that the environmental disturbances shaped the CH4-consuming microbial community leading to differential eco-distribution of MOB. The relative abundance of specific subgroups controlled CH4 consuming activity which makes it evident that knowledge on the microbial community composition is necessary to predict effects of environmental change on methane cycling

    New DGGE strategies for the analyses of methanotrophic microbial communities using different combinations of existing 16S rRNA-based primers

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    Methane-oxidising microbial communities are studied intensively because of their importance for global methane cycling. A suite of molecular microbial techniques has been applied to the study of these communities. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) is a diversity screening tool combining high sample throughput with phylogenetic information of high resolution. The existing 16S rRNA-based DGGE assays available for methane-oxidising bacteria suffer from low-specificity, low phylogentic information due to the length of the amplified fragments and/or from lack of resolving power. In the present study we developed new combinations of existing primers and applied these on methane-oxidising microbial communities in a freshwater wetland marsh. The designed strategies comprised nested as well as direct amplification of environmental DNA. Successful application of direct amplification using combinations of universal and specific primers circumvents the nested designs currently used. All developed assays resulted in identical community profiles in wetland soil cores with Methylobacter sp. and Methylocystis sp.-related sequences. Changes in the occurrence of Methylobacter-related sequences with depth in the soil profile may be related to the decrease in methane- oxidizing activity

    Structural and functional resonse of methanotrophic communities to different flooding regimes in riparian soils

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    Climate change will lead to more extreme precipitation and associated increase of flooding events of soils. This can turn these soils from a sink into a source of atmospheric methane. The latter will depend on the balance of microbial methane production and oxidation. In the present study, the structural and functional response of methane oxidizing microbial communities was investigated in a riparian flooding gradient. Four sites differing in flooding frequency were sampled and soil-physico-chemistry as well as methane oxidizing activities, numbers and community composition were assessed. Next to this, the active community members were determined by stable isotope probing of lipids. Methane consumption as well as population size distinctly increased with flooding frequency. All methane consumption parameters (activity, numbers, lipids) correlated with soil moisture, organic matter content, and conductivity. Methane oxidizing bacteria were present and activated quickly even in seldom flooded soils. However, the active species comprised only a few representatives belonging to the genera Methylobacter, Methylosarcina, and Methylocystis, the latter being active only in permanently or regularly flooded soils. This study demonstrates that soils exposed to irregular flooding harbor a very responsive methane oxidizing community that has the potential to mitigate methane produced in these soils. The number of active species is limited and dominated by one methane oxidizing lineage. Knowledge on the characteristics of these microbes is necessary to assess the effects of flooding of soils and subsequent methane cycling therein.

    Structural and functional response of methane-consuming microbial communities to different flooding regimes in riparian soils

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    Climate change will lead to more extreme precipitation and associated increase of flooding events of soils. This can turn these soils from a sink into a source of atmospheric methane. The latter will depend on the balance of microbial methane production and oxidation. In the present study, the structural and functional response of methane oxidizing microbial communities was investigated in a riparian flooding gradient. Four sites differing in flooding frequency were sampled and soil-physico-chemistry as well as methane oxidizing activities, numbers and community composition were assessed. Next to this, the active community members were determined by stable isotope probing of lipids. Methane consumption as well as population size distinctly increased with flooding frequency. All methane consumption parameters (activity, numbers, lipids) correlated with soil moisture, organic matter content, and conductivity. Methane oxidizing bacteria were present and activated quickly even in seldom flooded soils. However, the active species comprised only a few representatives belonging to the genera Methylobacter, Methylosarcina, and Methylocystis, the latter being active only in permanently or regularly flooded soils. This study demonstrates that soils exposed to irregular flooding harbor a very responsive methane oxidizing community that has the potential to mitigate methane produced in these soils. The number of active species is limited and dominated by one methane oxidizing lineage. Knowledge on the characteristics of these microbes is necessary to assess the effects of flooding of soils and subsequent methane cycling therein

    Whole community genome amplification (WCGA) leads to compositional bias in methane oxidizing communities as assessed by pmoA based microarray analyses and QPCR

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    Whole-genome amplification (WGA) using multiple displacement amplification (MDA) has recently been introduced to the field of environmental microbiology. The amplification of single-cell genomes or whole-community metagenomes decreases the minimum amount of DNA needed for subsequent molecular community analyses. The resolution of profiling methods of environmental microbial communities will increase substantially by the use of the whole-community genome amplification (WCGA) procedure, assuming that the original community composition is not affected qualitatively as well as quantitatively. The present study aims to test if WCGA introduces a bias when applied to aerobic proteobacterial methanotrophic communities. For this, first, we subjected samples from freshwater lake sediment to WCGA, and amplified using primers targeting the pmoA gene coding for the α-subunit of the methane monooxygenase enzyme. Second, we analysed community composition using a diagnostic microarray and quantitative PCR (QPCR) assays. These methods clearly demonstrated that the WCGA amplification introduced a bias. Thus, numbers of γ-proteobacterial methanotrophs ('type Ia') increased significantly while the α-proteobacterial methanotrophs ('type II') were not amplified by the WCGA procedure. It is hypothesized that this bias is caused by the differences in GC content, which may compromise the efficiency of the MDA reaction.

    Remarkable recovery and colonization behaviour of methane oxidizing bacteria in soil after disturbance is controlled by methane source only

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    Little is understood about the relationship between microbial assemblage history, the composition and function of specific functional guilds and the ecosystem functions they provide. To learn more about this relationship we used methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB) as model organisms and performed soil microcosm experiments comprised of identical soil substrates, hosting distinct overall microbial diversities (i.e., full, reduced and zero total microbial and MOB diversities). After inoculation with undisturbed soil, the recovery of MOB activity, MOB diversity and total bacterial diversity were followed over 3 months by methane oxidation potential measurements and analyses targeting pmoA and 16S rRNA genes. Measurement of methane oxidation potential demonstrated different recovery rates across the different treatments. Despite different starting microbial diversities, the recovery and succession of the MOB communities followed a similar pattern across the different treatment microcosms. In this study we found that edaphic parameters were the dominant factor shaping microbial communities over time and that the starting microbial community played only a minor role in shaping MOB microbial community

    Data from: Resistance and recovery of methane-oxidizing communities depends on stress regime and history; a microcosm study

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    Although soil microbes are responsible for important ecosystem functions, and soils are under increasing environmental pressure, little is known about their resistance and resilience to multiple stressors. Here, we test resistance and recovery of soil methane-oxidizing communities to two different, repeated, perturbations: soil drying, ammonium addition and their combination. In replicated soil microcosms we measured methane oxidation before and after perturbations, while monitoring microbial abundance and community composition using quantitative PCR assays for the bacterial 16S rRNA and pmoA gene, and sequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Although microbial community composition changed after soil drying, methane oxidation rates recovered, even after four desiccation events. Moreover, microcosms subjected to soil drying recovered significantly better from ammonium addition compared to microcosms not subjected to soil drying. Our results show the flexibility of microbial communities, even if abundances of dominant populations drop, ecosystem functions can recover. In addition, a history of stress may induce changes in community composition and functioning, which may in turn affect its future tolerance to different stressors

    Manure-associated stimulation of soil-borne methanogenic activity in agricultural soils

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    The growing human population and scarcity of arable land necessitate agriculture intensification to meet the global food demand. Intensification of agricultural land entails manure input into agrosystems which have been associated to increased methane emission. We investigated the immediate short-term response of methane production and the methanogens after manure amendments in agricultural soils and determined the relevance of the manure-derived methanogenic population in its contribution to soil methane production. We followed methane production in a series of unamended and manure-amended batch incubations: (i) manure and soil, (ii) sterilized manure and soil, and (iii) manure and sterilized soil. Moreover, we determined the methanogenic abundance using a quantitative PCR targeting the mcrA gene. Results show that the soil-borne methanogenic community was significantly stimulated by manure amendment, resulting in increased methane production and mcrA gene abundance; manure-derived methanogenic activity contributed only marginally to overall methane production. Accordingly, our results highlighted the importance of the resident methanogenic community and physiochemical properties of a residue when considering methane mitigation strategies in agricultural soils