2,164 research outputs found

    One Particle Hilbertspace of 2+1 dimensional Gravity using Non commuting Coordinates

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    After a review of multi particle solutions in classical 2+1 dimensional gravity we will construct a one particle Hilbert space. As we will use a curved momentum space, the coordinates xμx^\mu are represented as non commuting Hermitian operators on this Hilbertspace. Finally we will indicate how to construct a Schrodinger equation.Comment: 4 pages Latex, 2 eps figures, uses espcr.sty; Talk given at the Second Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, 17-21 september 199

    VAE with a VampPrior

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    Many different methods to train deep generative models have been introduced in the past. In this paper, we propose to extend the variational auto-encoder (VAE) framework with a new type of prior which we call "Variational Mixture of Posteriors" prior, or VampPrior for short. The VampPrior consists of a mixture distribution (e.g., a mixture of Gaussians) with components given by variational posteriors conditioned on learnable pseudo-inputs. We further extend this prior to a two layer hierarchical model and show that this architecture with a coupled prior and posterior, learns significantly better models. The model also avoids the usual local optima issues related to useless latent dimensions that plague VAEs. We provide empirical studies on six datasets, namely, static and binary MNIST, OMNIGLOT, Caltech 101 Silhouettes, Frey Faces and Histopathology patches, and show that applying the hierarchical VampPrior delivers state-of-the-art results on all datasets in the unsupervised permutation invariant setting and the best results or comparable to SOTA methods for the approach with convolutional networks.Comment: 16 pages, final version, AISTATS 201

    Dynamic roughening of the magnetic flux landscape in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x}

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    We study the magnetic flux landscape in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} thin films as a two dimensional rough surface. The vortex density in the superconductor forms a self-affine structure in both space and time. This is characterized by a roughness exponent α=0.76(3)\alpha = 0.76(3) and a growth exponent β=0.57(6)\beta = 0.57(6). This is due to the structure and distribution of flux avalanches in the self-organized critical state, which is formed in the superconductor. We also discuss our results in the context of other roughening systems in the presence of quenched disorder.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    The Torus Universe in the Polygon Approach to 2+1-Dimensional Gravity

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    In this paper we describe the matter-free toroidal spacetime in 't Hooft's polygon approach to 2+1-dimensional gravity (i.e. we consider the case without any particles present). Contrary to earlier results in the literature we find that it is not possible to describe the torus by just one polygon but we need at least two polygons. We also show that the constraint algebra of the polygons closes.Comment: 18 pages Latex, 13 eps-figure

    The 2+1 Kepler Problem and Its Quantization

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    We study a system of two pointlike particles coupled to three dimensional Einstein gravity. The reduced phase space can be considered as a deformed version of the phase space of two special-relativistic point particles in the centre of mass frame. When the system is quantized, we find some possibly general effects of quantum gravity, such as a minimal distances and a foaminess of the spacetime at the order of the Planck length. We also obtain a quantization of geometry, which restricts the possible asymptotic geometries of the universe.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX2e, 9 eps figure
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