4 research outputs found

    Characteristics of cholera strains isolated in Kazakhstan

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    In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are three types of areas with different cholera infection risk levels for people. Within cholera epidemiological surveillance the cholera strains are annually isolated from people and the environment. In this research, we studied the cholera strains isolated in Kazakhstan for 2013-2015 and they were selected for this study. All cholera strains were locally isolatedfrom people and the environment except one toxigenic imported strain of V. cholerae 01 lnaba which had genes of ctxAB, tcpA. The study showed that there were V cholerae strains which were atypical by their agglutination abilities and sensitivity to cholera phages. It can complicate the cholera laboratory diagnostics especially the diagnostics of V. cholerae О1 and for timely recognition of cholera it is necessary to carry out the diagnostics combined with molecular and genetic methods. For the study of antibiotic sensitivity or resistance we use eight antibacterial preparations. Cholera strains isolated in Kazakhstan did not have antibiotic resistance to the studied preparations. But the cholera strain brought from Pakistan was resistant to ciprofloxacin. The lack of strong resistance of local strains to the antibacterial drugs studied is encouraging in terms of conducting aetiotropic therapy. However, the possibility of entering of antibiotic-resistant strains into Kazakhstan obliges regularly to monitor strains for their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs

    Increase of Healthy Food Quality among the Kazakhstan Population

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    At present, one of the most important urgent issues is the study of healthy nutrition of the population of Kazakhstan. Proper nutrition ensures the growth and development of children, contributes to the prevention of diseases, increase the capacity for work and prolong the life of people, while creating conditions for adequate adaptation to the environment.Most of the population of Kazakhstan because of technological processing, the use of inadequate food raw materials, influence of other causes, does not receive the necessary amount of essential components of food, which lead to illnesses, premature aging and shortening of life.The situation aggravates by the low cultural level of the population in matters of rational nutrition and the lack of skills for healthy lifestyles.In this regard, the main task in the work was to study methods of improving the health and quality of life of the population of Kazakhstan, especially those living in zones of environmental problems and contacting with harmful factors

    Artistic Memorial Facilities as a Phenomenon of Impact on Emotional Psychological Perception of People

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    The interplay between architectural design and human psychology is significant, yet it remains largely unnoticed or even ignored both in and outside the design industry. Moreover, the relationship between design and psychology is not only consequential and is bidirectional. On the one hand, successful design has been shown to have clear psychological and physiological impacts; on the other, psychology, human experience, and the function of our neurological systems all play a significant role in what we perceive to be a successful design. This thesis endeavors to understand how that complex relationship evolved and how it works in today's world and shows how artistic memorial facilities can help emotionally to people. The architectural style has evolved over time as the general public's preferences have changed and as new materials and building processes have been discovered. Some styles have been fads that have quickly come and gone, while others have stood the test of time and been around for centuries, even influencing some modern architecture today. The socio-political, socio-cultural processes taking place in modern society require a serious rethinking of the spiritual, moral, cultural, and historical values underlying the artistic and aesthetic comprehension of the world by students. The problem of the aesthetic education of the younger generation, the gradual revival of traditions and culture of peoples is acquiring special relevance at present. At the same time, interest in studying the problems of introducing young people to culture, particularly works of art of architecture - architectural monuments, is of great importance. Of course, the issues of the beneficial influence of the architectural and spatial environment on the development of artistic creativity of children, instilling in schoolchildren a desire to join the national artistic culture with the help of the heritage of ancestors as a factor in the aesthetic education of schoolchildren, enrichment of their inner world are also relevant. The preceding determines the need for further research of art and pedagogical education and aesthetic education of schoolchildren based on a deep study of the heritage of their ancestors, and above all on the historical and architectural samples of cultural and art monuments. This paper aims to show the development of artistic forms of memorial facilities in Kazakhstan and describe how it will emotionally help people. As well as depict its historical development and significance to the people. This research starts its analysis from ancient times until now with memorable periods in history