32 research outputs found

    Integral representations for some weighted classes of functions holomorphic in matrix domains

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    In 1945 the first author introduced the classes Hp(α)H^p(α), 1 ≀ p -1, of holomorphic functions in the unit disk with finite integral (1) ∏D∣f(ζ)∣p(1âˆ’âˆŁÎ¶âˆŁ2)αdΟdη<∞(ζ=Ο+iη) ∏_\mathbb{D} |f(ζ)|^p (1-|ζ|ÂČ)^α dΟ dη < ∞ (ζ=Ο+iη) and established the following integral formula for f∈Hp(α)f ∈ H^p(α): (2) f(z) = (α+1)/π ∏_\mathbb{D} f(ζ) ((1-|ζ|ÂČ)^α)//((1-zζ̅)^{2+α}) dΟdη, z∈ \mathbb{D} . We have established that the analogues of the integral representation (2) hold for holomorphic functions in Ω from the classes Lp(Ω;[K(w)]αdm(w))L^p(Ω;[K(w)]^α dm(w)), where: 1) Ω=w=(w1,...,wn)∈Cn:Imw1>∑k=2n∣wk∣2Ω = {w = (w₁,...,w_n) ∈ ℂ^n: Im w₁ > ∑_{k=2}^n |w_k|ÂČ}, K(w)=Imw1−∑k=2n∣wk∣2K(w) = Im w₁ - ∑_{k=2}^n |w_k|ÂČ; 2) Ω is the matrix domain consisting of those complex m × n matrices W for which I(m)−W⋅W∗I^{(m)} - W·W* is positive-definite, and K(W)=det[I(m)−W⋅W∗]K(W) = det[I^{(m)} - W·W*]; 3) Ω is the matrix domain consisting of those complex n × n matrices W for which ImW=(2i)−1(W−W∗)Im W = (2i)^{-1} (W - W*) is positive-definite, and K(W) = det[Im W]. Here dm is Lebesgue measure in the corresponding domain, I(m)I^{(m)} denotes the unit m × m matrix and W* is the Hermitian conjugate of the matrix W

    Harmonic analysis and boundary value problems in the complex domain

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