15,801 research outputs found

    Improved Simulation of the Mass Charging for ASTROD I

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    The electrostatic charging of the test mass in ASTROD I (Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices I) mission can affect the quality of the science data as a result of spurious Coulomb and Lorentz forces. To estimate the size of the resultant disturbances, credible predictions of charging rates and the charging noise are required. Using the GEANT4 software toolkit, we present a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the ASTROD I test mass charging due to exposure of the spacecraft to galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) protons and alpha particles (3He, 4He) in the space environment. A positive charging rate of 33.3 e+/s at solar minimum is obtained. This figure reduces by 50% at solar maximum. Based on this charging rate and factoring in the contribution of minor cosmic-ray components, we calculate the acceleration noise and stiffness associated with charging. We conclude that the acceleration noise arising from Coulomb and Lorentz effects are well below the ASTROD I acceleration noise limit at 0.1 mHz both at solar minimum and maximum. The coherent Fourier components due to charging are investigated, it needs to be studied carefully in order to ensure that these do not compromise the quality of science data in the ASTROD I mission.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics

    77Se NMR study of pairing symmetry and spin dynamics in KyFe2-xSe2

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    We present a 77Se NMR study of the newly discovered iron selenide superconductor KyFe2-xSe2, in which Tc = 32 K. Below Tc, the Knight shift 77K drops sharply with temperature, providing strong evidence for singlet pairing. Above Tc, Korringa-type relaxation indicates Fermi-liquid behavior. Our experimental results set strict constraints on the nature of possible theories for the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity in this iron selenide system.Comment: Chemical composition of crystals determined. Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    New magnetic phase in metallic V_{2-y}O_3 close to the metal insulator transition

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    We have observed two spin density wave (SDW) phases in hole doped metallic V_{2-y}O_3, one evolves from the other as a function of doping, pressure or temperature. They differ in their response to an external magnetic field, which can also induce a transition between them. The phase boundary between these two states in the temperature-, doping-, and pressure-dependent phase diagram has been determined by magnetization and magnetotransport measurements. One phase exists at high doping level and has already been described in the literature. The second phase is found in a small parameter range close to the boundary to the antiferromagnetic insulating phase (AFI). The quantum phase transitions between these states as a function of pressure and doping and the respective metamagnetic behavior observed in these phases are discussed in the light of structurally induced changes of the band structure.Comment: REVTeX, 8 pages, 12 EPS figures, submitted to PR

    Low-lying S-wave and P-wave Dibaryons in a Nodal Structure Analysis

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    The dibaryon states as six-quark clusters of exotic QCD states are investigated in this paper. With the inherent nodal surface structure analysis, the wave functions of the six-quark clusters (in another word, the dibaryons) are classified. The contribution of the hidden color channels are discussed. The quantum numbers of the low-lying dibaryon states are obtained. The States [ΩΩ](0,0+)[\Omega\Omega]_{(0,0^{+})}, [ΩΩ](0,2)[\Omega\Omega]_{(0,2^{-})}, [ΞΩ](1/2,0+)[\Xi^{*}\Omega]_{(1/2,0^{+})}, [ΣΣ](0,4)[\Sigma^{*}\Sigma^{*}]_{(0,4^{-})} and the hidden color channel states with the same quantum numbers are proposed to be the candidates of dibaryons, which may be observed in experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Improvements in prevalence trend fitting and incidence estimation in EPP 2013

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe modifications to the latest version of the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) Estimation and Projection Package component of Spectrum (EPP 2013) to improve prevalence fitting and incidence trend estimation in national epidemics and global estimates of HIV burden. METHODS: Key changes made under the guidance of the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections include: availability of a range of incidence calculation models and guidance for selecting a model; a shift to reporting the Bayesian median instead of the maximum likelihood estimate; procedures for comparison and validation against reported HIV and AIDS data; incorporation of national surveys as an integral part of the fitting and calibration procedure, allowing survey trends to inform the fit; improved antenatal clinic calibration procedures in countries without surveys; adjustment of national antiretroviral therapy reports used in the fitting to include only those aged 15–49 years; better estimates of mortality among people who inject drugs; and enhancements to speed fitting. RESULTS: The revised models in EPP 2013 allow closer fits to observed prevalence trend data and reflect improving understanding of HIV epidemics and associated data. CONCLUSION: Spectrum and EPP continue to adapt to make better use of the existing data sources, incorporate new sources of information in their fitting and validation procedures, and correct for quantifiable biases in inputs as they are identified and understood. These adaptations provide countries with better calibrated estimates of incidence and prevalence, which increase epidemic understanding and provide a solid base for program and policy planning

    Three Dimensional Simulation of Jet Formation in Collapsing Condensates

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    We numerically study the behavior of collapsing and exploding condensates using the parameters of the experiments by E.A. Donley et al. [Nature, 412, 295, (2001)]. Our studies are based on a full three-dimensional numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) including three body loss. We determine the three body loss rate from the number of remnant condensate atoms and collapse times and obtain only one possible value which fits with the experimental results. We then study the formation of jet atoms by interrupting the collapse and find very good agreement with the experiment. Furthermore we investigate the sensitivity of the jets to the initial conditions. According to our analysis the dynamics of the burst atoms is not described by the GPE with three body loss incorporated.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Incommensurate magnetic structure of CeRhIn5

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    The magnetic structure of the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn5 is determined using neutron diffraction. We find a magnetic wave vector q_M=(1/2,1/2,0.297), which is temperature independent up to T_N=3.8K. A staggered moment of 0.374(5) Bohr magneton at 1.4K, residing on the Ce ion, spirals transversely along the c axis. The nearest neighbor moments on the tetragonal basal plane are aligned antiferromagnetically.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures There was an extra factor of 2 in Eq (2). This affects the value of staggered moment. The correct staggered moment is 0.374(5) Bohr magneton at 1.4