1 research outputs found

    Species composition and syntaxonomic consideration of two communities of the Drabo-Cardaminion hirsutae in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia

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    The paper deals with the vegetation of the association Drabo-Cardaminon hirsutae de Foucault 1988 (Geranio-Cardaminetalia hirsutae, Stellarietea mediae) in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia. This is vernal therophytic vegetation that appears early in the spring and disappears later in the beginning of summer. Two associations were determined: Valeriano carinatae-Calepinetum irregularis de Foucault 1988 and Geranio lucidi-Cardaminetum hirsutae de Foucault et Frileux 1983. Valeriano-Calepinetum irregularis is found on sunny sites with deep soil horizons and Geranio-Cardaminetum hirsutae on sunny sites with only a shallow soil horizon mixed with small partitions of bedrock. According to the floristic and syntaxonomic analysis, it was decided to classify the communities into these associations, which have been already described in the western part of Europe, but to distinguish two geographical races Valeriano carinatae- -Calepinetum irregularis var. geogr. Sisymbrium orientale var. orientale and Geranio- Cardaminetum hirsutae var. geogr. Myosotis ramosissima