1,796 research outputs found

    Domain Size Dependence of Piezoelectric Properties of Ferroelectrics

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    The domain size dependence of piezoelectric properties of ferroelectrics is investigated using a continuum Ginzburg-Landau model that incorporates the long-range elastic and electrostatic interactions. Microstructures with desired domain sizes are created by quenching from the paraelectric phase by biasing the initial conditions. Three different two-dimensional microstructures with different sizes of the 90o90^{o} domains are simulated. An electric field is applied along the polar as well as non-polar directions and the piezoelectric response is simulated as a function of domain size for both cases. The simulations show that the piezoelectric coefficients are enhanced by reducing the domain size, consistent with recent experimental results of Wada and Tsurumi (Brit. Ceram. Trans. {\bf 103}, 93, 2004) on domain engineered BaTiO3BaTiO_{3} Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Neutrino oscillations with disentanglement of a neutrino from its partners

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    We bring attention to the fact that in order to understand existing data on neutrino oscillations, and to design future experiments, it is imperative to appreciate the role of quantum entanglement. Once this is accounted for, the resulting energy-momentum conserving phenomenology requires a single new parameter related to disentanglement of a neutrino from its partners. This parameter may not be CP symmetric. We illustrate the new ideas, with potentially measurable effects, in the context of a novel experiment recently proposed by Gavrin, Gorbachev, Veretenkin, and Cleveland. The strongest impact of our ideas is on the resolution of various anomalies in neutrino oscillations and on neutrino propagation in astrophysical environments.Comment: 6 page

    Phantom energy from graded algebras

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    We construct a model of phantom energy using the graded Lie algebra SU(2/1). The negative kinetic energy of the phantom field emerges naturally from the graded Lie algebra, resulting in an equation of state with w<-1. The model also contains ordinary scalar fields and anti-commuting (Grassmann) vector fields which can be taken as two component dark matter. A potential term is generated for both the phantom fields and the ordinary scalar fields via a postulated condensate of the Grassmann vector fields. Since the phantom energy and dark matter arise from the same Lagrangian the phantom energy and dark matter of this model are coupled via the Grassman vector fields. In the model presented here phantom energy and dark matter come from a gauge principle rather than being introduced in an ad hoc manner.Comment: 8 pages no figures; references added and discussion on condensate of vector grassman fields added. To be published MPL

    Hypothesis of path integral duality: Applications to QED

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    We use the modified propagator for quantum field based on a ``principle of path integral duality" proposed earlier in a paper by Padmanabhan to investigate several results in QED. This procedure modifies the Feynman propagator by the introduction of a fundamental length scale. We use this modified propagator for the Dirac particles to evaluate the first order radiative corrections in QED. We find that the extra factor of the modified propagator acts like a regulator at the Planck scales thereby removing the divergences that otherwise appear in the conventional radiative correction calculations of QED. We find that:(i) all the three renormalisation factors Z1Z_1, Z2Z_2, and Z3Z_3 pick up finite corrections and (ii) the modified propagator breaks the gauge invariance at a very small level of O(1045){\mathcal{O}}(10^{-45}). The implications of this result to generation of the primordial seed magnetic fields are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX2e (uses ijmpd.sty); To appear in IJMP-D; References adde

    Interplay of gravitation and linear superposition of different mass eigenstates

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    The interplay of gravitation and the quantum-mechanical principle of linear superposition induces a new set of neutrino oscillation phases. These ensure that the flavor-oscillation clocks, inherent in the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, redshift precisely as required by Einstein's theory of gravitation. The physical observability of these phases in the context of the solar neutrino anomaly, type-II supernovae, and certain atomic systems is briefly discussed

    Human miRNAs: an antiviral defense mechanism

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    Background miRNAs are short 21-24 nt RNAs that mediate post transcriptional repression of target genes. Various reports have shown that miRNAs are capable of repressing the gene expression levels of different viruses, leading to the suggestion that miRNAs are key mediators of host-virus interaction [1]. HIV-1 is a retrovirus known to cause AIDS, one of the major diseases in humans. The nef gene of the HIV-1 has been shown to be important for virus repression of CD4+ cells and virus progression. It has also been shown earlier that patients infected with nef deleted HIV-1 do not progress from infected to diseased state for longer periods of time, resulting in the Long Term Non-Progressor phenotype [2]. Materials and methods We computationally predicted five endogenously expressed human miRNAs to target the nef gene of HIV-1 retrovirus. On applying other stringency parameters we could focus on two of the five miRNAs viz. hsa-mir-29a and hsa-mir-29b as they were predicted to target the nef gene, at sites highly conserved amongst other clades of HIV-1 [3]. We then created reporter carrying the nef gene inserted downstream of a luciferase reporter. miRNA expression vectors were also made which would express the pri-miRNA when processed and thereby lead to high levels of the miRNA inside the cells. We then identified various cell lines for validating nef as a target for hsa-mir-29a and hsa-mir-29b. Results and discussion Gene reporter assays and ectopic over-expression of miRNAs conclusively showed that human cellular miRNAs hsa-mir-29a and hsa-mir-29b could bring down the nef protein levels and also affect viral replication [4]. These results would provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that could regulate the viral gene expression and human cellular antiviral defense mechanisms whereby miRNAs could serve as potential therapeutics to treat various viral diseases

    Mass dependence of the gravitationally-induced wave-function phase

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    The leading mass dependence of the wave function phase is calculated in the presence of gravitational interactions. The conditions under which this phase contains terms depending on both the square of the mass and the gravitational constant are determined. The observability of such terms is briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, requires Revtex. The discussion has been extended and clarifie

    Extra Dirac Equations

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    This paper has rather a pedagogical meaning. Surprising symmetries in the (j,0)(0,j)(j,0)\oplus (0,j) Lorentz group representation space are analyzed. The aim is to draw reader's attention to the possibility of describing the particle world on the ground of the Dirac "doubles". Several tune points of the variational principle for this kind of equations are briefly discussed.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 14p

    Spin half fermions with mass dimension one: theory, phenomenology, and dark matter

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    We provide the first details on the unexpected theoretical discovery of a spin-one-half matter field with mass dimension one. It is based upon a complete set of dual-helicity eigenspinors of the charge conjugation operator. Due to its unusual properties with respect to charge conjugation and parity, it belongs to a non-standard Wigner class. Consequently, the theory exhibits non-locality with (CPT)^2 = - I. We briefly discuss its relevance to the cosmological `horizon problem'. Because the introduced fermionic field is endowed with mass dimension one, it can carry a quartic self-interaction. Its dominant interaction with known forms of matter is via Higgs, and with gravity. This aspect leads us to contemplate the new fermion as a prime dark matter candidate. Taking this suggestion seriously we study a supernova-like explosion of a galactic-mass dark matter cloud to set limits on the mass of the new particle and present a calculation on relic abundance to constrain the relevant cross-section. The analysis favours light mass (roughly 20 MeV) and relevant cross-section of about 2 pb. Similarities and differences with the WIMP and mirror matter proposals for dark matter are enumerated. In a critique of the theory we bare a hint on non-commutative aspects of spacetime, and energy-momentum space.Comment: 78 pages [Changes: referee-suggested improvements, additional important references, and better readability