1,361,481 research outputs found

    On higher-order discriminants

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    For the family of polynomials in one variable P:=xn+a1xn−1+⋯+anP:=x^n+a_1x^{n-1}+\cdots +a_n, n≥4n\geq 4, we consider its higher-order discriminant sets {D~m=0}\{ \tilde{D}_m=0\}, where D~m:=\tilde{D}_m:=Res(P,P(m))(P,P^{(m)}), m=2m=2, …\ldots, n−2n-2, and their projections in the spaces of the variables ak:=(a1,…,ak−1,ak+1,…,an)a^k:=(a_1,\ldots ,a_{k-1},a_{k+1},\ldots ,a_n). Set P(m):=∑j=0n−mcjajxn−m−jP^{(m)}:=\sum _{j=0}^{n-m}c_ja_jx^{n-m-j}, Pm,k:=ckP−xmP(m)P_{m,k}:=c_kP-x^mP^{(m)}. We show that Res(D~m,∂D~m/∂ak,ak)=Am,kBm,kCm,k2(\tilde{D}_m,\partial \tilde{D}_m/\partial a_k,a_k)= A_{m,k}B_{m,k}C_{m,k}^2, where Am,k=ann−m−kA_{m,k}=a_n^{n-m-k}, Bm,k=B_{m,k}=Res(Pm,k,Pm,k′)(P_{m,k},P_{m,k}') if 1≤k≤n−m1\leq k\leq n-m and Am,k=an−mn−kA_{m,k}=a_{n-m}^{n-k}, Bm,k=B_{m,k}=Res(P(m),P(m+1))(P^{(m)},P^{(m+1)}) if n−m+1≤k≤nn-m+1\leq k\leq n. The equation Cm,k=0C_{m,k}=0 defines the projection in the space of the variables aka^k of the closure of the set of values of (a1,…,an)(a_1,\ldots ,a_n) for which PP and P(m)P^{(m)} have two distinct roots in common. The polynomials Bm,k,Cm,k∈C[ak]B_{m,k},C_{m,k}\in \mathbb{C}[a^k] are irreducible. The result is generalized to the case when P(m)P^{(m)} is replaced by a polynomial P∗:=∑j=0n−mbjajxn−m−jP_*:=\sum _{j=0}^{n-m}b_ja_jx^{n-m-j}, 0≠bi≠bj≠00\neq b_i\neq b_j\neq 0 for i≠ji\neq j

    On the minimization of Dirichlet eigenvalues of the Laplace operator

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    We study the variational problem \inf \{\lambda_k(\Omega): \Omega\ \textup{open in}\ \R^m,\ |\Omega| < \infty, \ \h(\partial \Omega) \le 1 \}, where λk(Ω)\lambda_k(\Omega) is the kk'th eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian acting in L2(Ω)L^2(\Omega), \h(\partial \Omega) is the (m−1)(m-1)- dimensional Hausdorff measure of the boundary of Ω\Omega, and ∣Ω∣|\Omega| is the Lebesgue measure of Ω\Omega. If m=2m=2, and k=2,3,⋯k=2,3, \cdots, then there exists a convex minimiser Ω2,k\Omega_{2,k}. If m≥2m \ge 2, and if Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k} is a minimiser, then Ωm,k∗:=int(Ωm,k‾)\Omega_{m,k}^*:= \textup{int}(\overline{\Omega_{m,k}}) is also a minimiser, and Rm∖Ωm,k∗\R^m\setminus \Omega_{m,k}^* is connected. Upper bounds are obtained for the number of components of Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k}. It is shown that if m≥3m\ge 3, and k≤m+1k\le m+1 then Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k} has at most 44 components. Furthermore Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k} is connected in the following cases : (i) m≥2,k=2,m\ge 2, k=2, (ii) m=3,4,5,m=3,4,5, and k=3,4,k=3,4, (iii) m=4,5,m=4,5, and k=5,k=5, (iv) m=5m=5 and k=6k=6. Finally, upper bounds on the number of components are obtained for minimisers for other constraints such as the Lebesgue measure and the torsional rigidity.Comment: 16 page

    The aspherical Cavicchioli-Hegenbarth-Repovš generalized Fibonacci groups

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    The Cavicchioli–Hegenbarth–Repovš generalized Fibonacci groups are defined by the presentations Gn (m, k) = 〈x 1, … , xn | xixi+m = xi+k (1 ⩽ i ⩽ n)〉. These cyclically presented groups generalize Conway's Fibonacci groups and the Sieradski groups. Building on a theorem of Bardakov and Vesnin we classify the aspherical presentations Gn (m, k). We determine when Gn (m, k) has infinite abelianization and provide sufficient conditions for Gn (m, k) to be perfect. We conjecture that these are also necessary conditions. Combined with our asphericity theorem, a proof of this conjecture would imply a classification of the finite Cavicchioli–Hegenbarth–Repovš groups

    The frequency of elliptic curve groups over prime finite fields

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    Letting pp vary over all primes and EE vary over all elliptic curves over the finite field Fp\mathbb{F}_p, we study the frequency to which a given group GG arises as a group of points E(Fp)E(\mathbb{F}_p). It is well-known that the only permissible groups are of the form Gm,k:=Z/mZ×Z/mkZG_{m,k}:=\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{Z}/mk\mathbb{Z}. Given such a candidate group, we let M(Gm,k)M(G_{m,k}) be the frequency to which the group Gm,kG_{m,k} arises in this way. Previously, the second and fourth named authors determined an asymptotic formula for M(Gm,k)M(G_{m,k}) assuming a conjecture about primes in short arithmetic progressions. In this paper, we prove several unconditional bounds for M(Gm,k)M(G_{m,k}), pointwise and on average. In particular, we show that M(Gm,k)M(G_{m,k}) is bounded above by a constant multiple of the expected quantity when m≤kAm\le k^A and that the conjectured asymptotic for M(Gm,k)M(G_{m,k}) holds for almost all groups Gm,kG_{m,k} when m≤k1/4−ϵm\le k^{1/4-\epsilon}. We also apply our methods to study the frequency to which a given integer NN arises as the group order #E(Fp)\#E(\mathbb{F}_p).Comment: 40 pages, with an appendix by Chantal David, Greg Martin and Ethan Smith. Final version, to appear in the Canad. J. Math. Major reorganization of the paper, with the addition of a new section, where the main results are summarized and explaine
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