19 research outputs found

    Probabilistic G-Metric space and some fixed point results

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    In this note we introduce the notions of generalized probabilistic metric spaces and generalized Menger probabilistic metric spaces. After making our elementary observations and proving some basic properties of these spaces, we are going to prove some fixed point result in these spaces

    Solutions and the Generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of a Generalized Quadratic-Additive Functional Equation

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    We study general solutions and generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of the following -dimensional functional equation ∑(=1∑)+(−2)=1(∑)==1∑=1,>(+), ≥3, on non-Archimedean normed spaces

    The hit problem for symmetric polynomials over the Steenrod algebra

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    We cite [18] for references to work on the hit problem for the polynomial algebra P(n) = [open face F]2[x1, ;…, xn] = [oplus B: plus sign in circle]d[gt-or-equal, slanted]0 Pd(n), viewed as a graded left module over the Steenrod algebra [script A] at the prime 2. The grading is by the homogeneous polynomials Pd(n) of degree d in the n variables x1, …, xn of grading 1. The present article investigates the hit problem for the [script A]-submodule of symmetric polynomials B(n) = P(n)[sum L: summation operator]n , where [sum L: summation operator]n denotes the symmetric group on n letters acting on the right of P(n). Among the main results is the symmetric version of the well-known Peterson conjecture. For a positive integer d, let [mu](d) denote the smallest value of k for which d = [sum L: summation operator]ki=1(2[lambda]i[minus sign]1), where [lambda]i [gt-or-equal, slanted] 0

    The hit problem for symmetric polynomials over the Steenrod algebra

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    On the n

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