2,762 research outputs found

    Building health: an epidemiological study of "sick building syndrome" in the Whitehall II study

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    Objectives: Sick building syndrome (SBS) is described as a group of symptoms attributed to the physical environment of specific buildings. Isolating particular environmental features responsible for the symptoms has proved difficult. This study explores the role and significance of the physical and psychosocial work environment in explaining SBS. Methods: Cross sectional data on the physical environment of a selection of buildings were added to individual data from the Whitehall II study—an ongoing health survey of office based civil servants. A self-report questionnaire was used to capture 10 symptoms of the SBS and psychosocial work stress. In total, 4052 participants aged 42–62 years working in 44 buildings were included in this study. Results: No significant relation was found between most aspects of the physical work environment and symptom prevalence, adjusted for age, sex, and employment grade. Positive (non-significant) relations were found only with airborne bacteria, inhalable dust, dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, and having some control over the local physical environment. Greater effects were found with features of the psychosocial work environment including high job demands and low support. Only psychosocial work characteristics and control over the physical environment were independently associated with symptoms in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: The physical environment of office buildings appears to be less important than features of the psychosocial work environment in explaining differences in the prevalence of symptoms

    The SES health gradient on both sides of the Atlantic

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    In this paper we investigate the size of health differences that exist among men in England and the United States and how those differences vary by Socio-Economic Status (SES) in both countries. Three SES measures are emphasized - education, household income, and household wealth - and the health outcomes investigated span multiple dimensions as well. International comparisons have played a central part of the recent debate involving the 'SES health gradient' with some authors citing cross-country differences in levels of income equality and mortality as among the most compelling evidence that unequal societies have negative impacts on individual health outcomes. In spite of the analytical advantages of making such international comparisons, until recently good micro data measuring both SES and health in comparable ways have not been available for both countries. Fortunately, that problem has been remedied with the fielding of two surveys - the Health and Retirement Survey (HRS) and the English Longitudinal Survey of Aging (ELSA). In order to facilitate the type of research represented in this paper, both the health and SES measures in ELSA and HRS were purposely constructed to be as directly comparable as possible. Our analysis presents data on some of the most salient issues regarding the social health gradient in health and the manner in which this health gradient differs for men across the two countries in question. There are a several key findings. First, looking across a wide variety of diagnosed diseases, average health status among mature men is much worse in America compared to England, confirming non-gender specific findings we reported in earlier research. Second, there exists a steep negative health gradient for men in both countries where men at the bottom of the economic hierarchy are in much worse health than those at the top. This social health gradient exists whether education, income, or financial wealth is used as the marker of SES. While the negative social gradient in male health characterizes men in both countries, it appears to be steeper in the United States. These central conclusions are maintained even after controlling for a standard set of behavioral risk factors such as smoking, drinking, and obesity and are equally true using either biological measures of disease or individual self-reports. In contrast to these disease based measures of health, the health of American men appears to be superior to the health of English men when self-reported subjective general health status is used as the measure of health status. This apparent contradiction does not result from differences in co-morbidity, emotional health, or ability to function all of which still point to mature American men being less healthy than their English counterparts. The contradiction most likely stems instead from different thresholds used by Americans and English when evaluation their health status on subjective scales. For the same 'objective' health status, Americans are much more likely to say that their health is good than are the English. Finally, we present preliminary data that indicates that feedbacks from new health events to household income are also one of the reasons that underlie the strength of the income gradient with health in England. Previous research has demonstrated its importance as one of the underlying causes in the United States and these results suggest that that conclusion should most likely be extended to England as well although further research is required on this topic

    COVID-19: exposing and amplifying inequalities

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    Sickness absence as a global measure of health: evidence from mortality in the Whitehall II prospective cohort study

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    Objective: To examine the association between sickness absence and mortality compared with associations between established health indicators and mortality. Design: Prospective cohort study. Medical examination and questionnaire survey conducted in 1985-8; sickness absence records covered the period 1985-98. Setting: 20 civil service departments in London. Participants: 6895 male and 3413 female civil servants aged 35-55 years. Main outcome measure: All cause mortality until the end of 1999. Results: After adjustment for age and grade, men and women who had more than five medically certified absences (spells greater than 7 days) per 10 years had a mortality 4.8 (95% confidence interval 3.3 to 6.9) and 2.7 (1.5 to 4.9) times greater than those with no such absence. Poor self rated health, presence of longstanding illness, and a measure of common clinical conditions comprising diabetes, diagnosed heart disease, abnormalities on electrocardiogram, hypertension, and respiratory illness were all associated with mortality-relative rates between 1.3 and 1.9. In a multivariate model including all the above health indicators and additional health risk factors, medically certified sickness absence remained a significant predictor of mortality. No linear association existed between self certified absence (spells 1-7 days) and mortality, but the findings suggest that a small amount of self certified absence is protective. Conclusion: Evidence linking sickness absence to mortality indicates that routinely collected sickness absence data could be used as a global measure of health differentials between employees. However, such approaches should focus on medically certified (or long term) absences rather than self certified absences

    Sajid Javid must promote health across government

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    Repeated systemic inflammation was associated with cognitive deficits in older Britons

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    AbstractIntroductionThe relationship of C-reactive protein (CRP) to cognition in the older old group (≥75 years) has recently been found positive on both sides of the Atlantic. We hypothesized that higher levels of CRP and fibrinogen are related to worse episodic memory throughout later life (≥50 years).MethodsData are drawn from older Britons free of dementias in the English Longitudinal Study of Aging 2004–2013. We applied growth trajectory models to repeated observations of episodic memory, CRP, and fibrinogen levels (and sociodemographic confounders). We accounted for practice effects in repeated tests of cognition.ResultsHigher levels of both inflammatory markers were associated with worse episodic memory, where a fibrinogen effect is evident throughout later life (coefficient −0.154; 95% confidence interval [CI] −0.254 to −0.054). Most importantly, the CRP effect is strongly negative among the older old group (coefficient −0.179; CI −0.320 to −0.038).DiscussionHigher levels of fibrinogen are detrimental to older people's cognition, and among the older old, raised CRP levels are comparably deleterious. Repeated measures of inflammation can be considered in clinical practice as part of a response to the challenge of dementias

    Low medically certified sickness absence among employees with poor health status predicts future health improvement: the Whitehall II study

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    Background: High sickness absence is associated with poor health status, but it is not known whether low levels of sickness absence among people with poor health predict future health improvement. Objective: To examine the association between medically certified sickness absence and subsequent change in health among initially unhealthy employees.Methods: 5210 employees (3762 men, 1448 women) whose self-rated health status remained stable (either good or poor) between data phases 1 and 2 were divided into three groups according to their rate of medically certified absences during this period (0 vs >0-5 vs >5 absence spells longer than 7 days per 10 person-years). Subsequent change in health status was determined by self-rated health at follow-up (phase 3).Results: After adjustment for age and sex, there was a strong contemporaneous association between lower sickness absence and better health status. Among participants reporting poor health, low absence was associated with subsequent improvement in health status (odds ratio 2.66, 95% CI 1.78 to 4.02 for no absence vs >5 certified spells per 10 years). This association was only partially explained by known existing morbidity, socioeconomic position and risk factors.Conclusions: Low levels of medically certified sickness absence seem to be associated with positive change in health status among employees in poor health. Further research is needed to examine whether lower sickness absence also marks a more favourable prognosis for specific diseases

    Monitoring socioeconomic inequalities in health in Hong Kong: Insights and lessons from the UK and Australia

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    In many developed countries such as the UK and Australia, addressing socioeconomic inequalities in health is a priority in their policy agenda, with well-established practices and authorities to collect and link selected health and social indicators for long-term monitoring. Nonetheless, the monitoring of socioeconomic inequalities in health in Hong Kong remains in a piecemeal manner. Also, the common international practice to monitor inequalities at area level appears to be unsuitable in Hong Kong due to its small, compact, and highly interconnected built environment that limits the variation of neighbourhood deprivation level. To enhance inequality monitoring in Hong Kong, we aim to draw reference and lesson from the UK and Australia to explore the feasible steps forward regarding collection of health indicators and contextually appropriate equity stratifiers with strong implication on policy actions, and discuss potential strategies to promote the public awareness and motivations for a more comprehensive inequality monitoring system

    Global action on the social determinants of health

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    Action on the social determinants of health (SDH) is required to reduce inequities in health. This article summarises global progress, largely in terms of commitments and strategies. It is clear that there is widespread support for a SDH approach across the world, from global political commitment to within country action. Inequities in the conditions in which people are born, live, work and age, are however driven by inequities in power, money and resources. Political, economic and resource distribution decisions made outside the health sector need to consider health as an outcome across the social distribution as opposed to a focus solely on increasing productivity. A health in all policies approach can go some way to ensure this consideration, and we present evidence that some countries are taking this approach, however given entrenched inequalities, there is some way to go. Measuring progress on the SDH globally will be key to future development of successful policies and implementation plans, enabling the identification and sharing of best practice. WHO work to align measures with the sustainable development goals will help to forward progress measurement