628 research outputs found

    Poisson noise induced switching in driven micromechanical resonators

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    We study Poisson-noise induced switching between coexisting vibrational states in driven nonlinear micromechanical resonators. In contrast to Gaussian noise induced switching, the measured logarithm of the switching rate is proportional not to the reciprocal noise intensity, but to its logarithm, for fixed pulse area. We also find that the switching rate logarithm varies as a square root of the distance to the bifurcation point, instead of the conventional scaling with exponent 3/2.Comment: accepted by PR

    Spectrum of an oscillator with jumping frequency and the interference of partial susceptibilities

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    We study an underdamped oscillator with shot-noise frequency fluctuations. The oscillator spectrum is determined by the interference of the susceptibilities for different eigenfrequencies. Depending on the parameters, it has a fine structure or displays a single asymmetric peak. For nano-mechanical resonators with a fluctuating number of attached molecules, the spectrum is found in a simple analytical form. The results bear on various types of systems where the reciprocal correlation time of frequency fluctuations can be comparable to the typical frequency jumps

    Resonant symmetry lifting in a parametrically modulated oscillator

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    We study a parametrically modulated oscillator that has two stable states of vibrations at half the modulation frequency ωF\omega_F. Fluctuations of the oscillator lead to interstate switching. A comparatively weak additional field can strongly affect the switching rates, because it changes the switching activation energies. The change is linear in the field amplitude. When the additional field frequency ωd\omega_d is ωF/2\omega_F/2, the field makes the populations of the vibrational states different thus lifting the states symmetry. If ωd\omega_d differs from ωF/2\omega_F/2, the field modulates the state populations at the difference frequency, leading to fluctuation-mediated wave mixing. For an underdamped oscillator, the change of the activation energy displays characteristic resonant peaks as a function of frequency

    Displacement Detection with a Vibrating RF SQUID: Beating the Standard Linear Limit

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    We study a novel configuration for displacement detection consisting of a nanomechanical resonator coupled to both, a radio frequency superconducting interference device (RF SQUID) and to a superconducting stripline resonator. We employ an adiabatic approximation and rotating wave approximation and calculate the displacement sensitivity. We study the performance of such a displacement detector when the stripline resonator is driven into a region of nonlinear oscillations. In this region the system exhibits noise squeezing in the output signal when homodyne detection is employed for readout. We show that displacement sensitivity of the device in this region may exceed the upper bound imposed upon the sensitivity when operating in the linear region. On the other hand, we find that the high displacement sensitivity is accompanied by a slowing down of the response of the system, resulting in a limited bandwidth

    Semiclassical theory of energy diffusive escape in a Duffing oscillator

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    Motivated by recent experimental progress to read out quantum bits implemented in superconducting circuits via the phenomenon of dynamical bifurcation, transitions between steady orbits in a driven anharmonic oscillator, the Duffing oscillator, are analyzed. In the regime of weak dissipation a consistent master equation in the semiclassical limit is derived to capture the intimate relation between finite tunneling and reflection and bath induced quantum fluctuations. From the corresponding steady state distributions analytical expressions for the switching probabilities are obtained. It is shown that a reduction of the transition rate due to finite reflection at the phase-space barrier is overcompensated by an increase due to environmental quantum fluctuations that are specific for diffusion processes over dynamical barriers. Moreover, it is revealed that close to the bifurcation threshold the escape dynamics enters an overdamped domain such that the quantum mechanical energy scale associated with friction even exceeds the thermal energy scale

    Exponential peak and scaling of work fluctuations in modulated systems

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    We extend the stationary-state work fluctuation theorem to periodically modulated nonlinear systems. Such systems often have coexisting stable periodic states. We show that work fluctuations sharply increase near a kinetic phase transition where the state populations are close to each other. The work variance is proportional here to the reciprocal rate of interstate switching. We also show that the variance displays scaling with the distance to a bifurcation point and find the critical exponent for a saddle-node bifurcation

    Many-particle confinement by constructed disorder and quantum computing

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    Many-particle confinement (localization) is studied for a 1D system of spinless fermions with nearest-neighbor hopping and interaction, or equivalently, for an anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain. This system is frequently used to model quantum computers with perpetually coupled qubits. We construct a bounded sequence of site energies that leads to strong single-particle confinement of all states on individual sites. We show that this sequence also leads to a confinement of all many-particle states in an infinite system for a time that scales as a high power of the reciprocal hopping integral. The confinement is achieved for strong interaction between the particles while keeping the overall bandwidth of site energies comparatively small. The results show viability of quantum computing with time-independent qubit coupling.Comment: An invited paper for the topical issue of J. Opt. B on quantum contro

    Scaling in activated escape of underdamped systems

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    Noise-induced escape from a metastable state of a dynamical system is studied close to a saddle-node bifurcation point, but in the region where the system remains underdamped. The activation energy of escape scales as a power of the distance to the bifurcation point. We find two types of scaling and the corresponding critical exponents.Comment: 9 page

    Cooling and squeezing via quadratic optomechanical coupling

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    We explore the physics of optomechanical systems in which an optical cavity mode is coupled parametrically to the square of the position of a mechanical oscillator. We derive an effective master equation describing two-phonon cooling of the mechanical oscillator. We show that for high temperatures and weak coupling, the steady-state phonon number distribution is non-thermal (Gaussian) and that even for strong cooling the mean phonon number remains finite. Moreover, we demonstrate how to achieve mechanical squeezing by driving the cavity with two beams. Finally, we calculate the optical output and squeezing spectra. Implications for optomechanics experiments with the membrane-in-the-middle geometry or ultracold atoms in optical resonators are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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