125 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modeling of a Solar Arrays Deploying Process at Ground Tests

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    This paper focuses on the creating of a mathematical model of a solar array deploying process during ground tests. Lagrange equation was used to obtain the math model. The distinctive feature of this mathematical model is the possibility of taking into account the gravity compensation system influence on the construction in the deploying process and the aerodynamic resistance during ground tests

    Organizational conflicts during universities transformation: Destruam et aedificabo

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    Introduction. The authors tackle the topical problem of assessing the conflict level between subidentical groups: “management academics” (professors and lectures staff) and “academic managers” (administrative managing staff). The aim of the paper is to construct a new method of quantitative assessment of the conflict level between professional groups generated by the organizational culture; to study the dynamics of the change in the conflict level between professional and age-based cohorts existing in Russian universities. Materials and Methods. In this study, the conflict level is defined as a difference of common cultural vectors found for each of target age-groups, demonstrating generations' behavioral features and their professional competence, set up as the result of analysis of expert assessments with the help of organizational culture methods developed by the Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument of K. Сameron and R. Quinn. Empirical data are taken from sociological research involving 384 respondents from 18 universities representing 12 regions of the Russian Federation. Results. It is shown that activity of the considered target bunches is under significant influence of hierarchical (bureaucratic) organizational culture. This objective circumstance of proceeding transformation processes forms the basis for fragmentation of existing academic identity into those intra-university bunches which are combined both in terms of valuable patterns of generations and patterns formed under the influence of social and economic conditions. Interference of various age-grade valuable patterns under permanent current transformation invokes escalation of strife, its minimum level is reached in identical age-grades of professors and lectures staff (“management academics”) and administrative managing staff (“academic managers”). A certain influence on the level of conflicts between the target groups under consideration is produced by the degree of goals adequacy and objectives of the university available resources (competence, material, technical, and financial base). Discussion and Conclusion. The novelty of the conducted research lies in consideration of conflict problems in universities arisen from the increasing differentiation of general cultural vectors of university communities. Complex, sustainable and reproducible nature of this social phenomenon, linking together both value and behavioral aspects of university communities, requires a transformation of research tactics. The research materials might be useful in practical work of heads of universities as scientific and methodological recommendations for the study and prediction of conflict processes in universities. © 2019 National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Fundamental Investigations, RFFI18-411-130018р_а, The authors received the support of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research and the Government of the Republic of Mordovia within the framework of Project 18-411-130018р_а “The organizational culture of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Mordovia (at the example of the innovative and industrial clusters)”; the article also relies on results obtained in the course of Project No. within the framework of the Program for Boosting Competitiveness of National Research Tomsk State University

    Picosecond Fluorescence Relaxation Spectroscopy of the Calcium-Discharged Photoproteins Aequorin and Obelin

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    Addition of calcium ions to the Ca2+-regulated photoproteins, such as aequorin and obelin, produces a blue bioluminescence originating from a fluorescence transition of the protein-bound product, coelenteramide. The kinetics of several transient fluorescent species of the bound coelenteramide is resolved after picosecond-laser excitation and streak camera detection. The initially formed spectral distributions at picosecond-times are broad, evidently comprised of two contributions, one at higher energy (25000 cm-1) assigned as from the Ca2+-discharged photoprotein-bound coelenteramide in its neutral state. This component decays much more rapidly (t1/2 2 ps) in the case of the Ca2+-discharged obelin than aequorin (t1/2 30 ps). The second component at lower energy shows several intermediates in the 150-500 ps times, with a final species having spectral maxima 19400 cm-1, bound to Ca2+-discharged obelin, and 21300 cm-1, bound to Ca2+-discharged aequorin, and both have a fluorescence decay lifetime of 4 ns. It is proposed that the rapid kinetics of these fluorescence transients on the picosecond time scale, correspond to times for relaxation of the protein structural environment of the binding cavit

    Deciphering the stem cell machinery as a basis for understanding the molecular mechanism underlying reprogramming

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    Stem cells provide fascinating prospects for biomedical applications by combining the ability to renew themselves and to differentiate into specialized cell types. Since the first isolation of embryonic stem (ES) cells about 30 years ago, there has been a series of groundbreaking discoveries that have the potential to revolutionize modern life science. For a long time, embryos or germ cell-derived cells were thought to be the only source of pluripotency—a dogma that has been challenged during the last decade. Several findings revealed that cell differentiation from (stem) cells to mature cells is not in fact an irreversible process. The molecular mechanism underlying cellular reprogramming is poorly understood thus far. Identifying how pluripotency maintenance takes place in ES cells can help us to understand how pluripotency induction is regulated. Here, we review recent advances in the field of stem cell regulation focusing on key transcription factors and their functional interplay with non-coding RNAs

    RISCI - Repeat Induced Sequence Changes Identifier: a comprehensive, comparative genomics-based, in silico subtractive hybridization pipeline to identify repeat induced sequence changes in closely related genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background -</p> <p>The availability of multiple whole genome sequences has facilitated <it>in silico </it>identification of fixed and polymorphic transposable elements (TE). Whereas polymorphic loci serve as makers for phylogenetic and forensic analysis, fixed species-specific transposon insertions, when compared to orthologous loci in other closely related species, may give insights into their evolutionary significance. Besides, TE insertions are not isolated events and are frequently associated with subtle sequence changes concurrent with insertion or post insertion. These include duplication of target site, 3' and 5' flank transduction, deletion of the target locus, 5' truncation or partial deletion and inversion of the transposon, and post insertion changes like inter or intra element recombination, disruption etc. Although such changes have been studied independently, no automated platform to identify differential transposon insertions and the associated array of sequence changes in genomes of the same or closely related species is available till date. To this end, we have designed RISCI - 'Repeat Induced Sequence Changes Identifier' - a comprehensive, comparative genomics-based, <it>in silico </it>subtractive hybridization pipeline to identify differential transposon insertions and associated sequence changes using specific alignment signatures, which may then be examined for their downstream effects.</p> <p>Results -</p> <p>We showcase the utility of RISCI by comparing full length and truncated L1HS and AluYa5 retrotransposons in the reference human genome with the chimpanzee genome and the alternate human assemblies (Celera and HuRef). Comparison of the reference human genome with alternate human assemblies using RISCI predicts 14 novel polymorphisms in full length L1HS, 24 in truncated L1HS and 140 novel polymorphisms in AluYa5 insertions, besides several insertion and post insertion changes. We present comparison with two previous studies to show that RISCI predictions are broadly in agreement with earlier reports. We also demonstrate its versatility by comparing various strains of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>for IS 6100 insertion polymorphism.</p> <p>Conclusions -</p> <p>RISCI combines comparative genomics with subtractive hybridization, inferring changes only when exclusive to one of the two genomes being compared. The pipeline is generic and may be applied to most transposons and to any two or more genomes sharing high sequence similarity. Such comparisons, when performed on a larger scale, may pull out a few critical events, which may have seeded the divergence between the two species under comparison.</p


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    The article analyzes changes in the profile of organizational culture of an average Russian university during the last 13 years (2003–2016), diagnosed with the use of OCAI methods. The research base of the article consists of poll results obtained by the authors in 2003–2005 and 2016. It is shown that during that period of time Russian higher education demonstrated significant deviation of university organizational culture from its planned state. Modernization processes in higher education caused universities to form adaptation reactions different from those designed at the stage of designing new development institutions. Research data allow identifying a gap between expectations concerning modernization of university organizational couture and real trends, including the growth of bureaucratic component and decrease of real autonomy and independence of academic staff, increased imbalance in corporate values of university communities creating new risks and threats for higher education development. The influence of such factors as university type, respondent’s position, profile of subjects taught on the cultural mindset of university staff was also defined. The novelty of the research is in the analysis of change dynamics in university organizational culture, defining more complicated mechanisms of its transformation and development that do not allow implementing simple linear solutions for forming modern university culture

    Intellectual and Emotional Burnout Degree Assessment at Higher School

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    Введение. Исследование посвящено изучению концептуальных подходов при построении современных систем эффективного менеджмента высших учебных заведений. Построение таких систем обусловлено трендом на реформирование государственного сектора, к которому преимущественно относится институт высшего образования. Превышение рабочей нагрузки в процессе проведения модернизации высшей школы вызвало значительное психо-эмоциональное напряжение работников разного уровня, что привело к появлению деформаций в их профессиональной деятельности. Материалы и методы. Анализ современных тенденций развития менеджмента показывает, что исходя из теории организационной справедливости успех в построении и реализации систем эффективного менеджмента в высших учебных заведениях определяется социально-психологическим состоянием работников, уровнем профессионализма, исключающем интеллектуальное и эмоциональное выгорание профессорско-преподавательского состава. В исследовании высказана гипотеза, что состояние организационной культуры университетов определяет соответствующий уровень профессионального (интеллектуального и эмоционального) выгорания профессорско-преподавательского состава, так как системный феномен «организационная культура» является синергетическим соединением отношений работников внутри организации в процессе совместной деятельности и их адаптационного потенциала к внешним воздействиям. Предложены диагностические шкалы отдельных характеристик организационной справедливости. Для оценки уровня отклонений, связанных с профессиональным (интеллектуальным и эмоциональным) выгоранием членов университетского сообщества, предложено использовать разность общекультурных векторов, относящихся к существующему настоящему и желаемому состояниям организационной культуры. Диагностика организационной культуры проводилась по методике OСAI К. Камерона и Р. Куинна. Эмпирические материалы получены в результате исследования, проведенного в 2016–2018 гг., в рамках которого было опрошено 386 респондентов из 18 университетов, представляющих 12 регионов Российской Федерации. Для сравнения использовались данные аналогичного исследования, проведенного в 2003 г. Результаты исследования. Показано, что деятельность рассматриваемых экспертных групп и возрастных когорт находится под значительным воздействием иерархической (бюрократической) организационной культуры (существующее настоящее состояние). В то же время общекультурные векторы желаемого состояния организационной культуры рассмотренных групп и когорт располагаются в поле клановой (семейной) организационной культуры. Этот результат качественно обуславливает объективные условия для появления профессионального (интеллектуального и эмоционального) выгорания членов университетского сообщества. Количественная оценка уровня профессионального выгорания как разности общекультурных векторов, относящихся к существующему настоящему и желаемому состояниям организационной культуры университета, показала: во-первых, нарастающую динамику уровня профессионального выгорания членов университетского сообщества (на протяжении 2003–2018 гг.); во-вторых, влияние возрастной специфики рассматриваемых когорт на величину профессионального (интеллектуального и эмоционального) выгорания. Обозначены условия, препятствующие построению справедливых систем эффективного менеджмента в российской высшей школе. Обсуждение и заключение. Новизна проведенного исследования состоит в рассмотрении влияния непреднамеренных воздействий систем менеджмента, являющихся объективными причинами интеллектуального и эмоционального выгорания членов университетского сообщества. Пренебрежение фактором интеллектуального и эмоционального выгорания профессорско-преподавательского состава чревато утратой им профессиональной идентичности, ведущей к снижению эффективности, деградации высшей школы. Материалы исследования могут быть полезны руководителям вузов в практической работе как научно-методические рекомендации по построению и реализации справедливых систем эффективного менеджмента, а также предприятий и организаций различного профиля.The article studies conceptual approaches to constructing modern systems of higher educational institutions effective management. Constructing such systems is caused by the trend in reforming public sector which higher education institute belongs to. Exceeding workload caused by higher school modernization has invoked a significant psychological and emotional stress of employees at different levels, which has led to certain deformations in their professional activities. Materials and methods. The analysis of modern trends in management development shows that, according to the theory of organizational justice, successful constructing and implementing effective management systems in higher education is determined by the social and psychological state of employees, by their level of professionalism, which excludes intellectual and emotional burnout of the teaching staff. The study hypothesizes that the state of universities’ organizational culture determines the corresponding level of professional (intellectual and emotional) burnout of the teaching staff, as far as the systemic phenomenon of organizational culture is a synergetic combination of employee relationships within the organization in the process of their joint activities and of their adaptive capacity to external influences. There is proposed a diagnostic scale of the individual characteristics of organizational justice. To assess the level of deviations associated with professional (intellectual and emotional) burnout of members of the university community, the article suggests using the difference of general cultural vectors related to the existing present and to the desired states of organizational culture. Diagnostics of organizational culture was made on K. Cameron and R. Quinn’s OСAI procedure. The empirical materials have been obtained within the framework of the investigation conducted in 2016–2018 among 386 respondents from 18 universities representing 12 regions of the Russian Federation. To compare and contrast these materials, the data of the similar research conducted in 2003 have been used. The results of the investigation. The activity of the considered expert and age groups is shown to be under significant influence of hierarchical (bureaucratic) organizational culture (at present state). At the same time, general cultural vectors of a desirable state of the considered groups’ organizational culture come to be within the field of clan (family) organizational culture. This result qualitatively causes objective conditions of university assemblage members’ professional (intellectual and emotional) burnout. The quantitative assessment of professional burnout level as the general cultural vectors difference, which concerns the existing present and desirable states of organizational university culture, shows, firstly, the growing dynamics of university workers’ professional burnout level of (throughout 2003–2018); secondly, the influence of the considered groups’ age over professional (intellectual and emotional) burnout degree. There are also outlined conditions preventing the construction of just, effective management systems in Russian higher education. Discussion and conclusion. The study originally considers the unintended impact of management systems, which are the objective reasons for university workers’ intellectual and emotional burnout. Neglecting the factor of intellectual and emotional teaching staff’s burnout is fraught with the loss of their professional identity, which, on its turn, will lead to a decrease in efficiency, degradation of higher education. The research materials can be practically useful for heads of universities as scientific and methodological recommendations for constructing and implementing fair systems of effective management, as well as enterprises and organizations of various profiles.Статья подготовлена при поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Республики Мордовия (проект № 8-411-130018 р_а)

    Dynamics of Organizational Culture Changes In Russian Universities

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    The article is a research paper. It introduces new theoretical instruments for University organizational culture research considering dynamic balance state of the social system, as well as quantitative characteristics of its profile, according to the OCAI organizational culture diagnostics method. With the help of comparative analysis of the changes in organizational culture profile of average Russian university for the latest 13 years (2003–2016), it is demonstrated that during the studied period Russian higher education activities got significant deviations of university organizational culture from balanced state. The article declares that adaptation of a social institute to permanent changes of the environment should be conducted as a chain of alternating time intervals of imbalanced and balanced (quasi-balanced) state of dynamic development. The article suggests a version of a «road map» to solve the problem of formulating new higher education values in the highly dynamic and uncertain world based on post-industrial society development patterns.Статья является исследовательской работой. Введены новые теоретические инструменты исследования организационной культуры университета с учетом динамического равновесного состояния социальной системы, также количественные характеристики ее профиля согласно методике диагностики организационной культуры OCAI. Проведен сравнительный анализ изменения профиля организационной культуры усредненного российского университета за последние 13 лет (2003–2016 гг.). Показано, что в деятельности российской высшей школы в течение исследуемого интервала времени происходило существенное нарастание отклонения организационной культуры университета от равновесного состояния. Отмечается, что адаптация социального института к перманентным изменениям окружающей среды должна осуществляться в непрерывной цепи чередующихся временных интервалов отклонений от равновесного состояния и последующего возвращения к равновесному (квазиравновесному) состоянию динамичного развития. Предложено видение «дорожной карты» решения проблемы формулирования новых ценностей высшего образования в мире с высокой степенью динамизма и неопределенности, основанных на закономерностях развития постиндустриального общества

    Quasicrystalline phase formation by heating a mechanically alloyed Al65Cu23Fe12 powder mixture

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    Elemental powder mixtures of Al65Cu23Fe12 composition milled for two and four hours in a planetary ball mill were used to form quasicrystals. Annealing of the as-milled samples led to complex solid-state transformations. During the heat-up a sequence of solid-state reactions takes place in the as-milled powder. These reactions were studied both by differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction methods. An analysis of the phase formation shows the effect of the difference in the thermodynamic driving forces, such as the positive heats of mixing for the Cu-Fe system and the negative ones for the Al-Fe and Al-Cu systems, on the phase transformation consequence