187 research outputs found

    Analytical Heavy Quark Expansion in the 't Hooft Model

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    We present a number of exact relations for the heavy quark limit and develop an analytical 1/m_Q expansion for heavy mesons in the 't Hooft model. Among the new results are relation 3\mu_\pi^2=\bar\Lambda^2 - m_{sp}^2+\beta^2, 1/m_Q corrections to the decay constants, to the kinetic expectation values and 1/m_Q^2 nonperturbative corrections to the B->D amplitude at zero recoil. The properties of the IW functions are addressed and the small velocity sum rules are verified.Comment: 22 pages, plain LaTeX (no figures

    Domain walls in supersymmetric QCD: from weak to strong coupling

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    We consider domain walls that appear in supersymmetric QCD with Nf < Nc massive flavours. In particular, for 2 Nf < Nc we explicitly construct the domain walls that interpolate between vacua labeled by i and (i+ N_f). We show that these solutions are Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) saturated for any value of the mass of the matter fields. This fact allows us to evaluate the large mass limit of these domain walls. We comment on the relevance of these solutions for supersymmetric gluodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, LaTex, uses psfig.st

    Exact Results in Gauge Theories: Putting Supersymmetry to Work. The 1999 Sakurai Prize Lecture

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    Powerful methods based on supersymmetry allow one to find exact solutions to certain problems in strong coupling gauge theories. The inception of some of these methods (holomorphy in the gauge coupling and other chiral parameters, in conjunction with instanton calculations) dates back to the 1980's. I describe the early exact results -- the calculation of the beta function and the gluino condensate -- and their impact on the subsequent developments. A brief discussion of the recent breakthrough discoveries where these results play a role is given.Comment: Based on the talk at the Centennial Meeting of The American Physical Society, March 20-26, Atlanta, GA. LaTex (uses sprocl.sty), 36 pages, 5 eps figures include

    Functional Approach to Stochastic Inflation

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    We propose functional approach to the stochastic inflationary universe dynamics. It is based on path integral representation of the solution to the differential equation for the scalar field probability distribution. In the saddle-point approximation scalar field probability distributions of various type are derived and the statistics of the inflationary-history-dependent functionals is developed.Comment: 20 pages, Preprint BROWN-HET-960, uses phyzz

    Precision Studies of Duality in the 't Hooft Model

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    We address numerical aspects of local quark-hadron duality using the example of the exactly solvable 't Hooft model, two-dimensional QCD with N_c --> infinity. The primary focus of these studies is total semileptonic decay widths relevant for extracting |V_{cb}| and |V_{ub}|. We compare the exact channel-by-channel sum of exclusive modes to the corresponding rates obtained in the standard 1/m_Q expansion arising from the Operator Product Expansion. An impressive agreement sets in unexpectedly early, immediately after the threshold for the first hadronic excitation in the final state. Yet even at higher energy release it is possible to discern the seeds of duality-violating oscillations. We find the ``Small Velocity'' sum rules to be exceptionally well saturated already by the first excited state. We also obtain a convincing degree of duality in the differential distributions and in an analogue of R_{e^+e^-}(s). Finally, we discuss possible lessons for semileptonic decays of actual heavy quarks in QCD.Comment: 45 pages, 16 eps figures include

    Heavy Quark Expansion and Preasymptotic Corrections to Decay Widths in the 't Hooft Model

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    We address nonperturbative power corrections to inclusive decay widths of heavy flavor hadrons in the context of the 't Hooft model (two-dimensional QCD at N_c->oo), with the emphasis on the spectator-dependent effects sensitive to the flavor of the spectator. The summation of exclusive widths is performed analytically using the `t Hooft equation. We show that the 1/m_Q expansion of both the Weak Annihilation and Pauli Interference widths coincides with the OPE predictions, to the computed orders. Violation of local duality in the inclusive widths is quantified, and the new example is identified where the OPE prediction and the actual effect are completely saturated by a single final state. The qualitative aspects of quark hadronization emerging from the analysis in the 't Hooft model are discussed. Certain aspects of summation of spectator-independent hadronic weak decay widths are given in more detail, which were not spelled out previously. We also give some useful details of the 1/m_Q expansion in the 't~Hooft model.Comment: 54 pages, 8 figures in the text. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. A number of typos are corrected and relevant references added. Clarifications in Conclusions, Appendices 2.1 and 3 are adde

    Conformal Invariance and Cosmic Background Radiation

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    The spectrum and statistics of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) are investigated under the hypothesis that scale invariance of the primordial density fluctuations should be promoted to full conformal invariance. As in the theory of critical phenomena, this hypothesis leads in general to deviations from naive scaling. The spectral index of the two-point function of density fluctuations is given in terms of the quantum trace anomaly and is greater than one, leading to less power at large distance scales than a strict Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum. Conformal invariance also implies non-gaussian statistics for the higher point correlations and in particular, it completely determines the large angular dependence of the three-point correlations of the CMBR.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex file, uuencoded with one figur

    Domain Walls and Decay Rate of the Excited Vacua in the Large N Yang-Mills Theory

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    In the (non-supersymmetric) Yang-Mills theory in the large N limit there exists an infinite set of non-degenerate vacua. The distinct vacua are separated by domain walls whose tension determines the decay rate of the false vacua. I discuss the phenomenon from a field-theoretic point of view, starting from supersymmetric gluodynamics and then breaking supersymmetry, by introducing a gluino mass. By combining previously known results, the decay rate of the excited vacua is estimated, \Gamma \sim \exp (-const \times N^4). The fourth power of N in the exponent is a consequence of the fact that the wall tension is proportional to N.Comment: Plain Latex, 6 pages, no figure

    Operator Product Expansion for Exclusive Decays: B^+ ->Ds^+ e+e- and B^+ -> Ds^{*+} e+e-

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    The decays B+Ds,d+e+eB^+\to D_{s,d}^+e^+e^- and B+Ds,d+e+eB^+\to D_{s,d}^{*+}e^+e^- proceed through a weak and an electromagnetic interaction. This is a typical ``long distance'' process, usually difficult to compute systematically. We propose that over a large fraction of phase space a combination of an operator product and heavy quark expansions effectively turns this process into one in which the weak and electromagnetic interactions occur through a local operator. Moreover, we use heavy quark spin symmetry to relate all the local operators that appear in leading order of the operator expansion to two basic ones. We use this operator expansion to estimate the decay rates for B+Ds,d()+e+eB^+\to D_{s,d}^{(*)+}e^+e^-.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Latex, published version in PR

    Extracting V_{ub} Without Recourse to Structure Functions

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    We present a closed form expression for |V_{ub}|^2/ |V_{tb} V_{ts}^*|^2 in terms of the endpoint photon and lepton spectra from the inclusive decays B -> X_s\gamma and B -> X_u\ell\nu, respectively, which includes the resummation of the endpoint logs at next to leading order and is completely independent of the B meson structure function. The use of this expression for extracting V_{ub} would eliminate the large systematic errors usually incurred due to the modeling of the heavy quarks' Fermi motion.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, minor typos correcte