112 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Charge Leakage From Self-assembled CdTe Quantum Dots

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    We study the leakage dynamics of charge stored in an ensemble of CdTe quantum dots embedded in a field-effect structure. Optically excited electrons are stored and read out by a proper time sequence of bias pulses. We monitor the dynamics of electron loss and find that the rate of the leakage is strongly dependent on time, which we attribute to an optically generated electric field related to the stored charge. A rate equation model quantitatively reproduces the results.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Quantum interference in exciton-Mn spin interactions in a CdTe semiconductor quantum dot

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    We show theoretically and experimentally the existence of a new quantum interference(QI) effect between the electron-hole interactions and the scattering by a single Mn impurity. Theoretical model, including electron-valence hole correlations, the short and long range exchange interaction of Mn ion with the heavy hole and with electron and anisotropy of the quantum dot, is compared with photoluminescence spectroscopy of CdTe dots with single magnetic ions. We show how design of the electronic levels of a quantum dot enable the design of an exciton, control of the quantum interference and hence engineering of light-Mn interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Optical manipulation of a single Mn spin in a CdTe-based quantum dot

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    A system of two coupled CdTe quantum dots, one of them containing a single Mn ion, was studied in continuous wave and modulated photoluminescence, photoluminescence excitation, and photon correlation experiments. Optical writing of information in the spin state of the Mn ion has been demonstrated, using orientation of the Mn spin by spin-polarized carriers transferred from the neighbor quantum dot. Mn spin orientation time values from 20 ns to 100 ns were measured, depending on the excitation power. Storage time of the information in the Mn spin was found to be enhanced by application of a static magnetic field of 1 T, reaching hundreds of microseconds in the dark. Simple rate equation models were found to describe correctly static and dynamical properties of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Single spin optical read-out in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot studied by photon correlation spectroscopy

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    Spin dynamics of a single electron and an exciton confined in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot is investigated by polarization-resolved correlation spectroscopy. Spin memory effects extending over at least a few tens of nanoseconds have been directly observed in magnetic field and described quantitatively in terms of a simple rate equation model. We demonstrate an effective (68%) all-optical read-out of the single carrier spin state through probing the degree of circular polarization of exciton emission after capture of an oppositely charged carrier. The perturbation introduced by the pulsed optical excitation serving to study the spin dynamics has been found to be the main source of the polarization loss in the read-out process. In the limit of low laser power the read-out efficiency extrapolates to a value close to 100%. The measurements allowed us as well to determine neutral exciton spin relaxation time ranging from 3.4 +/- 0.1 ns at B = 0 T to 16 +/- 3 ns at B = 5 T.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.