1,474 research outputs found

    Dissipative heat engine is thermodynamically inconsistent

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    A heat engine operating on the basis of the Carnot cycle is considered, where the mechanical work performed is dissipated within the engine at the temperature of the warmer isotherm and the resulting heat is added to the engine together with an external heat input. The resulting work performed by the engine per cycle is increased at the expense of dissipated work produced in the previous cycle. It is shown that such a dissipative heat engine is thermodynamically inconsistent violating the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The existing physical models employing the dissipative heat engine concept, in particular, the heat engine model of hurricane development, are physically invalid.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    On the forward-backward charge asymmetry in e+e- -annihilation into hadrons at high energies

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    The forward-backward asymmetry in e+ e- annihilation into a quark-antiquark pair is considered in the double-logarithmic approximation at energies much higher than the masses of the weak bosons. It is shown that after accounting to all orders for the exchange of virtual photons and W, Z -bosons one is lead to the following effect (asymmetry): quarks with positive electric charge (e.g. u, \bar{d}) tend to move in the e+ - direction whereas quarks with negative charges (e.g. d, \bar{u}) tend to move in the e- - direction. The value of the asymmetry grows with increasing energy when the produced quarks are within a cone with opening angle, in the cmf, \theta_0\sim 2M_Z/\sqrt{s} around the e+e- -beam. Outside this cone, at \theta_0 << \theta << 1, the asymmetry is inversely proportional to \theta .Comment: 17 Pages, 2 Tables, 4 Figures. Hadronization effects to the asymmetry are considered with more detail

    Scaling the neutral atom Rydberg gate quantum computer by collective encoding in Holmium atoms

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    We discuss a method for scaling a neutral atom Rydberg gate quantum processor to a large number of qubits. Limits are derived showing that the number of qubits that can be directly connected by entangling gates with errors at the 10−310^{-3} level using long range Rydberg interactions between sites in an optical lattice, without mechanical motion or swap chains, is about 500 in two dimensions and 7500 in three dimensions. A scaling factor of 60 at a smaller number of sites can be obtained using collective register encoding in the hyperfine ground states of the rare earth atom Holmium. We present a detailed analysis of operation of the 60 qubit register in Holmium. Combining a lattice of multi-qubit ensembles with collective encoding results in a feasible design for a 1000 qubit fully connected quantum processor.Comment: 6 figure

    Constraints on short-range spin-dependent interactions from scalar spin-spin coupling in deuterated molecular hydrogen

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    A comparison between existing measurements and calculations of the scalar spin-spin interaction (J-coupling) in deuterated molecular hydrogen (HD) yields stringent constraints on anomalous spin-dependent potentials between nucleons at the atomic scale (∼1A˚{\rm \sim 1 \AA}). The dimensionless coupling constant gPpgPN/4πg_P^pg_P^{N}/4\pi associated with exchange of pseudoscalar (axion-like) bosons between nucleons is constrained to be less than 5×10−75\times 10^{-7} for boson masses in the range of 5keV5 {\rm keV}. This represents improvement by a factor of about 100 over constraints placed by measurements of the dipole-dipole interaction in molecular H2{\rm H_2}. The dimensionless coupling constant gApgAN/4πg_A^pg_A^N/4 \pi associated with exchange of a heretofore undiscovered axial-vector boson between nucleons is constrained to be gApgAN/4π<2×10−19g_A^pg_A^N/4 \pi < 2 \times 10^{-19} for bosons of mass ≲1000eV\lesssim 1000 {\rm eV}, improving constraints at this distance scale by a factor of 100 for proton-proton couplings and more than 8 orders of magnitude for neutron-proton couplings. This limit is also a factor of 100 more stringent than recent constraints obtained for axial-vector couplings between electrons and nucleons obtained from comparison of measurements and calculations of hyperfine structure.Comment: 4 pages 2 figure

    Beyond the Spin Model Approximation for Ramsey Spectroscopy

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    Ramsey spectroscopy has become a powerful technique for probing non-equilibrium dynamics of internal (pseudospin) degrees of freedom of interacting systems. In many theoretical treatments, the key to understanding the dynamics has been to assume the external (motional) degrees of freedom are decoupled from the pseudospin degrees of freedom. Determining the validity of this approximation -- known as the spin model approximation -- is complicated, and has not been addressed in detail. Here we shed light in this direction by calculating Ramsey dynamics exactly for two interacting spin-1/2 particles in a harmonic trap. We focus on ss-wave-interacting fermions in quasi-one and two-dimensional geometries. We find that in 1D the spin model assumption works well over a wide range of experimentally-relevant conditions, but can fail at time scales longer than those set by the mean interaction energy. Surprisingly, in 2D a modified version of the spin model is exact to first order in the interaction strength. This analysis is important for a correct interpretation of Ramsey spectroscopy and has broad applications ranging from precision measurements to quantum information and to fundamental probes of many-body systems

    Spin Diffusion and Relaxation in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field

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    We consider a quasiclassical model that allows us to simulate the process of spin diffusion and relaxation in the presence of a highly nonuniform magnetic field. The energy of the slow relaxing spins flows to the fast relaxing spins due to the dipole-dipole interaction between the spins. The magnetic field gradient suppresses spin diffusion and increases the overall relaxation time in the system. The results of our numerical simulations are in a good agreement with the available experimental data.Comment: 11 pages and 6 figure

    Interacting Qubit-Photon Bound States with Superconducting Circuits

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    Qubits strongly coupled to a photonic crystal give rise to many exotic physical scenarios, beginning with single and multi-excitation qubit-photon dressed bound states comprising induced spatially localized photonic modes, centered around the qubits, and the qubits themselves. The localization of these states changes with qubit detuning from the band-edge, offering an avenue of in situ control of bound state interaction. Here, we present experimental results from a device with two qubits coupled to a superconducting microwave photonic crystal and realize tunable on-site and inter-bound state interactions. We observe a fourth-order two photon virtual process between bound states indicating strong coupling between the photonic crystal and qubits. Due to their localization-dependent interaction, these states offer the ability to create one-dimensional chains of bound states with tunable and potentially long-range interactions that preserve the qubits' spatial organization, a key criterion for realization of certain quantum many-body models. The widely tunable, strong and robust interactions demonstrated with this system are promising benchmarks towards realizing larger, more complex systems of bound states
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