329 research outputs found

    Pauli-Potential and Green Function Monte-Carlo Method for Many-Fermion Systems

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    The time evolution of a many-fermion system can be described by a Green's function corresponding to an effective potential, which takes anti-symmetrization of the wave function into account, called the Pauli-potential. We show that this idea can be combined with the Green's Function Monte Carlo method to accurately simulate a system of many non-relativistic fermions. The method is illustrated by the example of systems of several (2-9) fermions in a square well.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 4 figure

    The heavy-quark pole masses in the Hamiltonian approach

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    From the fact that the nonperturbative self-energy contribution CSEC_{\rm SE} to the heavy meson mass is small: CSE(bbˉ)=0C_{\rm SE}(b\bar{b})=0; CSE(ccˉ)≅−40C_{\rm SE}(c\bar{c})\cong -40 MeV \cite{ref.01}, strong restrictions on the pole masses mbm_b and mcm_c are obtained. The analysis of the bbˉb\bar{b} and the ccˉc\bar{c} spectra with the use of relativistic (string) Hamiltonian gives mbm_b(2-loop)=4.78±0.05=4.78\pm 0.05 GeV and mcm_c(2-loop)=1.39±0.06=1.39 \pm 0.06 GeV which correspond to the MSˉ\bar{\rm MS} running mass mˉb(mˉb)=4.19±0.04\bar{m}_b(\bar{m}_b)=4.19\pm 0.04 GeV and mˉc(mˉc)=1.10±0.05\bar{m}_c(\bar{m}_c)=1.10\pm 0.05 GeV. The masses ωc\omega_c and ωb\omega_b, which define the heavy quarkonia spin structure, are shown to be by ∼200\sim 200 MeV larger than the pole ones.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, 8 table

    Yang-Baxter maps and multi-field integrable lattice equations

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    A variety of Yang-Baxter maps are obtained from integrable multi-field equations on quad-graphs. A systematic framework for investigating this connection relies on the symmetry groups of the equations. The method is applied to lattice equations introduced by Adler and Yamilov and which are related to the nonlinear superposition formulae for the B\"acklund transformations of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger system and specific ferromagnetic models.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, corrected versio

    On the interrelation between monopoles, vortices, topological charge and chiral symmetry breaking: an analysis using overlap fermions for SU(2)

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    We study the properties of configurations from which P-vortices on one hand or Abelian monopoles on the other hand have been removed. We find that the zero modes and the band of non-zero modes close to zero disappear from the spectrum of the overlap Dirac operator, confirming the absence of topological charge and quark condensate. The different behavior of the modified ensembles under smearing compared to the unmodified Monte Carlo ensemble corroborates these findings. The gluonic topological susceptibility rapidly approaches zero in accordance with Q_{index}=0. The remaining (ultraviolet) monopoles without vortices and -- to a less extent -- the remaining vortices without monopoles are unstable under smearing whereas smearing of the unmodified Monte Carlo ensemble effects the monopoles and vortices only by smoothing, reducing the density only slightly.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, strongly revised, results added, one figure added, accepted for publication, title changed

    Effective Monopole Potential for SU(2) Lattice Gluodynamics in Spatial Maximal Abelian Gauge

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    We investigate the dual superconductor hypothesis in finite-temperature SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in the Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge. This gauge is more physical than the ordinary Maximal Abelian gauge due to absence of non-localities in temporal direction. We show numerically that in the Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge the probability distribution of the abelian monopole field is consistent with the dual superconductor mechanism of confinement: the abelian condensate vanishes in the deconfinement phase and is not zero in the confinement phase.Comment: LaTeX2e, 8 pages with 3 EPS figures, uses epsf.st

    Higgs Boson Sector of the Next-to-MSSM with CP Violation

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    We perform a comprehensive study of the Higgs sector in the framework of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with CP-violating parameters in the superpotential and in the soft-supersymmetry-breaking sector. Since the CP is no longer a good symmetry, the two CP-odd and the three CP-even Higgs bosons of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model in the CP-conserving limit will mix. We show explicitly how the mass spectrum and couplings to gauge bosons of the various Higgs bosons change when the CP-violating phases take on nonzero values. We include full one-loop and the logarithmically enhanced two-loop effects employing the renormalization-group (RG) improved approach. In addition, the LEP limits, the global minimum condition, and the positivity of the square of the Higgs-boson mass have been imposed. We demonstrate the effects on the Higgs-mass spectrum and the couplings to gauge bosons with and without the RG-improved corrections. Substantial modifications to the allowed parameter space happen because of the changes to the Higgs-boson spectrum and their couplings with the RG-improved corrections. Finally, we calculate the mass spectrum and couplings of the few selected scenarios and compare to the previous results in literature where possible; in particular, we illustrate a scenario motivated by electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 40 pages, 49 figures; v2: typos corrected and references added; v3: some clarification and new figures added, version published in PR

    Some properties of the k-dimensional Lyness' map

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    This paper is devoted to study some properties of the k-dimensional Lyness' map. Our main result presentes a rational vector field that gives a Lie symmetry for F. This vector field is used, for k less or equal to 5 to give information about the nature of the invariant sets under F. When k is odd, we also present a new (as far as we know) first integral for F^2 which allows to deduce in a very simple way several properties of the dynamical system generated by F. In particular for this case we prove that, except on a given codimension one algebraic set, none of the positive initial conditions can be a periodic point of odd period.Comment: 22 pages; 3 figure

    Casimir eigenvalues for universal Lie algebra

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    For two different natural definitions of Casimir operators for simple Lie algebras we show that their eigenvalues in the adjoint representation can be expressed polynomially in the universal Vogel's parameters α,β,γ\alpha, \beta, \gamma and give explicit formulae for the generating functions of these eigenvalues.Comment: Slightly revised versio
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