2,020 research outputs found

    Curricula comparison of mechanical engineering technology and similarly named programmes

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    In this article, the author presents a curricula comparison study of the historically Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) accredited Mechanical Engineering Technology programme at Applied College in the University of Hafr Al Batin, the currently ABET-accredited Mechanical Maintenance Engineering Technology programme at Jubail Industrial College, and the currently ABET-accredited Mechanical Maintenance Technology programme at Yanbu Industrial College. In this curricula comparison, the author has analysed in finer details the respective general and core requirements of these engineering technology programmes offered at different colleges in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The analysis presented in this article may be applied in a similar manner to other engineering technology programmes preparing for ABET accreditation

    Chronic and Transitory Poverty in Pakistan: Evidence from a Longitudinal Household Survey

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    This paper analyses the incidence of chronic and transitory poverty in Pakistan in both urban and rural settings. The findings are that rural poverty is severer and also chronic as compared to transitory poverty in urban centres. The main factor behind this phenomenon is the homogeneity of the rural set-up which affects the employment and wage levels adversely. On the other hand, in the urban areas, heterogeneous population with diverse occupations provides better employment and wage opportunities. Furthermore, illiteracy, landlessness, lack of ownership of dwellings, and dependency on sharecropping are the main factors accentuating rural poverty. The paper also analyses the zakat element of the safety net strategy. Contrary to the prevailing perception that zakat does not reach the actually poor, it turns out that in fact zakat has become an identification mark for the chronic poor. The findings of this paper have significant implications for the poverty reduction strategy of the Government of Pakistan.Poverty, Chronic Poverty, Household Surveys Longitudinal, Pakistan

    Performance evaluation of optical attocells configuration in an indoor visible light communication

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    Visible light communication VLC is deemed as futuristic technology applied for both illumination and data communication due to the low-cost energy consumption, long life expectancy, huge bandwidth, and high security compared to radio frequency RF. Uncovered area, minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and received power results from the non-uniform distribution of small base stations (i.e. Optical attocells) in the room. In this paper, the researchers propose a new LEDs distribution of five optical attocells configuration model in order to optimize the received power distribution and SNR at the center of the room for indoor VLC system. The optical attocells configuration in terms of received power to fill the uncovered area at the center of the room has been investigated. The simulation results showed that the proposed attocells configuration saved 24.9% of the transmitted power. Besides that, the whole room was covered uniformly. As a result, the received power and SNR are improved


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    ABSTRAKSI Berdasarkan arti harfiah, Animasi adalah menghidupkan. Yaitu usaha untuk menggerakkan sesuatu yang tidak bisa bergerak sendiri. Animasi juga merupakan sebuah rangkaian gambar yang di tampilkan secara bergantian melalui beberapa frame yang disusun secara urut sehingga menghasilkan sebuah gambar yang bergerak. Sejak jaman dulu, manusia telah mencoba menganimasi gerak gambar binatang mereka, seperti yang ditemukan oleh para ahli purbakala di gua Lascaux Spanyol Utara, sudah berumur dua ratus ribu tahun lebih. Masyarakat awam kini sering lupa apabila ditanya tentang sejarah nasional. Apalagi seiring dengan banyaknya budaya asing yang masuk ke negara kita, budaya dan sejarah nasional kita pun jadi ikut dilupakan. Masyarakat dan anak-anak di zaman sekarang ini malah lebih mengenal sejarah negara lain lewat animasi-animasi luar yang banyak beredar di televisi. Apabila anak-anak di tanya pahlawan seperti apakah yang mereka kenal. Mereka pasti lebih mengenal pahlawan animasi Jepang dan Amerika daripada tokoh pahlawan nasional. . Dengan gaya visual yang lebih mudah dipahami dan di padu dengan warnawarna yang colourfull ternyata membuat mereka lebih tertarik mengenal tokoh fiktif dalam serial atau film-film animasi yang tayang di televisi. Maka dirasa peran animasi ternyata punya andil besar dalam perkembangan anak-anak. Dan pelajaran sejarah juga sangat penting,apalagi anak-anak zaman sekarang kurang begitu mengenal apalagi tertarik mengenai pahlawan-pahlawan perjuangan. Maka dirasa melalui media animasi ini dapat memberikan sesuatu yang berbeda dengan merancang film animasi 2D dengan cerita yang menarik dan sesuai dengan anak-anak tentang kisah perjuangan Pangeran Diponegoro. Konsep yang dipakai adalah “Diponegoro Is My Hero”. Disini di ceritakan seolah Diponegoro adalah seorang pahlawan super hero. Agar dapat menarik minat anak-anak untuk lebih mengenal Pangeran Diponegoro nantinya. Kata Kunci : Animasi, Pahlawan Nasional, Diponegoro Is My Her

    Removal of multiple artifacts from ECG signal using cascaded multistage adaptive noise cancellers

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    Although cascaded multistage adaptive noise cancellers have been employed before by researchers for multiple artifact removal from the ElectroCardioGram (ECG) signal, they all used the same adaptive algorithm in all the cascaded multi-stages for adjusting the adaptive filter weights. In this paper, we propose a cascaded 4-stage adaptive noise canceller for the removal of four artifacts present in the ECG signal, viz. baseline wander, motion artifacts, muscle artifacts, and 60 Hz Power Line Interference (PLI). We have investigated the performance of eight adaptive algorithms, viz. Least Mean Square (LMS), Least Mean Fourth (LMF), Least Mean Mixed-Norm (LMMN), Sign Regressor Least Mean Square (SRLMS), Sign Error Least Mean Square (SELMS), Sign-Sign Least Mean Square (SSLMS), Sign Regressor Least Mean Fourth (SRLMF), and Sign Regressor Least Mean Mixed-Norm (SRLMMN) in terms of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) improvement for removing the aforementioned four artifacts from the ECG signal. We employed the LMMN, LMF, LMMN, LMF algorithms in the proposed cascaded 4-stage adaptive noise canceller to remove the respective ECG artifacts as mentioned above. We succeeded in achieving an SNR improvement of 12.7319 dBs. The proposed cascaded 4-stage adaptive noise canceller employing the LMMN, LMF, LMMN, LMF algorithms outperforms those that employ the same algorithm in the four stages. One unique and powerful feature of our proposed cascaded 4-stage adaptive noise canceller is that it employs only those adaptive algorithms in the four stages, which are shown to be effective in removing the respective ECG artifacts as mentioned above. Such a scheme has not been investigated before in the literature


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    Dewasa ini, rumah sakit sudah menjamur di masyarakat, dan setiap rumah sakit memiliki keunggulan dan kelebihannya masing-masing. Sehingga, sulit bagi kita untuk mengingat keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh setiap rumah sakit. Untuk itu, diperlukan sebuah corporate identity untuk memvisualkan keunggulan dan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh setiap rumah sakit. Tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai corporate identity pada sebuah rumah sakit Gatoel


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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa Kelas X (Sepuluh) Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri 11 Bandung yang ditandai dengan banyaknya siswa yang belum mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) pada mata pelajaran pengantar administrasi perkantoran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat kompetensi pedagogik dan hasil belajar siswa dan pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode explanatory survey, dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara penyebaran angket menggunakan skala likert, dengan mengambil ukuran sampel 58siswa kelas X di SMK Negeri 11 Bandung. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa kompetensi pedagogik berada pada kategori sedang dan indikator terendah adalah perancangan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran, sedangkan hasil belajar berada pada kategori sedang. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bahwa kompetensi pedagogik berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa di SMK Negeri 11 Bandung; (2) Hasil belajar siswa di SMK Negeri 11 Bandung tidak banyak dipengaruhi oleh kompetensi pedagogik, dikarenakan adanya faktor-faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa yang tidak dikaji dalam penelitian ini. ; The problem in this research contents is about the low of student learning outcomes in Class X Office Administration expertise in SMK Negeri 11 Bandung which characterized by quite a few of students that not getting yet the minimum graduation criteria for the final exam outcomeson office administration expertise. The purpose of this research is to find level of pedagogical competence and student learning outcomes, and the influence of pedagogical competence tostudent learning outcomes. The study used explanatory survey method and the collecting data technique is using questionnaire by using Likert-scaled, with the 58 students grade X at The State Vocational High School 11 Bandung the samples. The analysis data technique used in the study is the simple linear regression. The result of the study is gained that teacher pedagogical competence in the middle category and lowest indicator is design and implementation of learning, where as student learning outcomesin the middle category. The result of the study as follows; (1) that pedagogical competence positively influenced to student learning outcomes at The State Vocational High School 11 Bandung, (2) student learning outcomes at The State Vocational High School 11 Bandung is not much influenced by pedagogical competence, it is caused by other factors which influences the student learning outcomes that is not studied in this researc

    Ergonomic study on the manual harvesting tasks of oil-palm plantation in Indonesia based on anthropometric, postures and work motions analyses

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    Harvesting is the most important but burdensome work in oil-palm industries in which done manually by human power and skill. This research deals with analyses of anthropometry, work motion and posture on the harvesting tasks in the aims to understand ergonomic risks associated with the tasks and intervention needed in order to minimize the risks. A set of forty-two anthropometric dimensions and video records of work-motions were collected from a total sample of 141 male harvesting-workers from three different regions in Sumatera, Kalimantan and Sulawesi islands of Indonesia. The stature, height of eye and shoulder, and the length of arms were observed as the most relevant and critical anthropometry in designing the harvesting task and tool; and the height of the palm tree should be fully considered as well.  Motion analysis revealed that the push-cutting technique with a “dodos” (a chisel-like) tool effectively applied to harvest fresh fruit bunch (FFB) which height is less than 3 m, while the pull-cutting technique with an ‘egrek’ (a sickle-like) tool is the only applicable way to harvest FFB taller than 3 m.  The upper body segments such as neck, shoulder, back and arms were ergonomically vulnerable in most cases of the harvesting tasks. The results of RULA revealed that the work postures are outside safe ranges and further investigation and changes are required immediately. Finally, the results of work motion simulations could formulate tasking procedures that may minimize awkward posture and MSD risk.

    Sustainable agriculture in Indonesia: Facts and challenges to keep growing in harmony with environment

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    The nature of agricultural production system in Indonesia is very diverse from shifting cultivation to intensive crop farming, from rain-fed to intensive-irrigated paddy field, from vegetables mix farming to monoculture industrial plantations, from subsistence small-scale farming to large-scale commercial plantation.  As the fourth most populous country in the world that is inhabited by 250 million people, agriculture plays a substantial role in Indonesian economy which generates close to half of total employment and accounts for about a fifth of GDP, as well as the very important contributor of export.  Notwithstanding the great potential resources and market demand, the sustainability of agriculture in the country remains challenging. The challenge is how to continue the agricultural development and economic growth that is needed to improve the quality of life and the basic needs of the growing population while at the same time to protect the environment by reducing the pressure on the carrying capacity.  Rapid pace of agricultural development in the last four decades –as well as the commercialization, industrialization and urbanization– has led to significant changes in agricultural production systems. In some regions, modernization ofagricultural technologies has increased production to keep pace with the population growth, but other problems in supply chain and distribution still plague many communities and regions. Concerning the current conditions of agricultural practices in dealing with the needs to improve productivity and at the same time to conserve the environment and natural resources, we need to adjust our understanding and formulate action strategies for developingagricultural practices  better and more sustainable future.  This paper discussed the present status of agricultural condition and practices in Indonesia as well as some challenges and strategiesto overcome

    Tuning PID Controller Pada Sistem Eksitasi Alternator

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    Abstrak: Dalam pembangkitan tenaga listrik, kestabilan tegangan merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan karena dapat mempengaruhi kestabilan sistem kelistrikan. Perubahan tegangan keluaran sebuah generator dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor diantaranya adalah beban dinamis dan tegangan penguat magnet (tegangan eksitasi). Untuk merepresentasikan pembangkit yang sebenarnya dirancang sebuah alternator sebagai modul praktikum yang dilengkapi dengan sistem eksitasi yang bekerja secara otomatis. Dengan program SIMULINK disimulasikan grafik tanggapan alternator pada setiap perubahan seting konstanta PID yang ditala secara tepat agarmendapatkan tegangan alternator yang stabil sesuai rating walaupun beban berubah-rubah.Respon sistem jauh dari harapan jika amplifier diberikan penguatan KA=1, sehingga KA dinaikkan hingga 45 tapi efeknya terjadi overshoot dengan waktu steady state 10 detik. Overshoot yang terjadi akibat kenaikan KA diperbaiki dengan memasang PID Controller dengan seting berdasarkan metode Ziegler-Nichols diperoleh Kp=1,05, Ti= 0,25, Td=0,12 bisa menekan overshoot tinggal 6 % dan waktu steady state kurang dari 1 detik.Kata-kata kunci: eksitasi, alternator, controlle