61,433 research outputs found

    Constituent quark model for nuclear stopping in high energy nuclear collisions

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    We study the nuclear stopping in high energy nuclear collisions using the constituent quark model. It is assumed that wounded nucleons with different number of interacted quarks hadronize in different ways. The probabilities of having such wounded nucleons are evaluated for proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. After examining our model in proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions and fixing the hadronization functions, it is extended to nucleus-nucleus collisions. It is used to calculate the rapidity distribution and the rapidity shift of final state protons in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The computed results are in good agreement with the experimental data on ^{32}\mbox{S} +\ ^{32}\mbox{S} at Elab=200E_{lab} = 200 AGeV and ^{208}\mbox{Pb} +\ ^{208}\mbox{Pb} at Elab=160E_{lab} = 160 AGeV. Theoretical predictions are also given for proton rapidity distribution in ^{197}\mbox{Au} +\ ^{197}\mbox{Au} at s=200\sqrt{s} = 200 AGeV (BNL-RHIC). We predict that the nearly baryon free region will appear in the midrapidity region and the rapidity shift is Δy=2.22\langle \Delta y \rangle = 2.22.Comment: 40 pages, 16 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Planning the digitisation, storage and access of large scale audiovisual archives

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    This paper presents ongoing work in PrestoSpace on how broadcast archives can plan large-scale, long-term digitization and storage projects. In our approach, carrier decay, technical obsolescence, and rapidly falling costs of mass storage are represented as a series of statistical and predictive models. The models include ongoing migration within a digital archive. The objective is to allow archive managers to investigate the trade-offs between how many items to transfer, the cost of transfer and storage, how long it will take, what quality can be achieved, how much will be lost, and what digital storage solutions to adopt over time. The process and models are based on digitization projects conducted by large broadcast archives that are currently migrating their collections into digital form. Whilst our focus is on broadcast archives, our findings should be readily transferable to other scenarios where there is a need to store large volumes of digital data over long periods of time

    Dynamic model of fiber bundles

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    A realistic continuous-time dynamics for fiber bundles is introduced and studied both analytically and numerically. The equation of motion reproduces known stationary-state results in the deterministic limit while the system under non-vanishing stress always breaks down in the presence of noise. Revealed in particular is the characteristic time evolution that the system tends to resist the stress for considerable time, followed by sudden complete rupture. The critical stress beyond which the complete rupture emerges is also obtained

    Affine maps of density matrices

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    For quantum systems described by finite matrices, linear and affine maps of matrices are shown to provide equivalent descriptions of evolution of density matrices for a subsystem caused by unitary Hamiltonian evolution in a larger system; an affine map can be replaced by a linear map, and a linear map can be replaced by an affine map. There may be significant advantage in using an affine map. The linear map is generally not completely positive, but the linear part of an equivalent affine map can be chosen to be completely positive and related in the simplest possible way to the unitary Hamiltonian evolution in the larger system.Comment: 4 pages, title changed, sentence added, reference update

    Dynamic model for failures in biological systems

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    A dynamic model for failures in biological organisms is proposed and studied both analytically and numerically. Each cell in the organism becomes dead under sufficiently strong stress, and is then allowed to be healed with some probability. It is found that unlike the case of no healing, the organism in general does not completely break down even in the presence of noise. Revealed is the characteristic time evolution that the system tends to resist the stress longer than the system without healing, followed by sudden breakdown with some fraction of cells surviving. When the noise is weak, the critical stress beyond which the system breaks down increases rapidly as the healing parameter is raised from zero, indicative of the importance of healing in biological systems.Comment: To appear in Europhys. Let

    Cohomological non-rigidity of generalized real Bott manifolds of height 2

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    We investigate when two generalized real Bott manifolds of height 2 have isomorphic cohomology rings with Z/2 coefficients and also when they are diffeomorphic. It turns out that cohomology rings with Z/2 coefficients do not distinguish those manifolds up to diffeomorphism in general. This gives a counterexample to the cohomological rigidity problem for real toric manifolds posed in \cite{ka-ma08}. We also prove that generalized real Bott manifolds of height 2 are diffeomorphic if they are homotopy equivalent

    A Feature-Augmented Grammar for Automated Media Production

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    The IST Polymnia project is creating a fully automated system for personalised video generation, including content creation, selection and composition. This paper presents a linguistically motivated solution using context-free feature-augmented grammar rules to describe editing tasks and hence automate video editing. The solution is media and application independent

    Ballistic transport properties across nonuniform strain barriers in graphene

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    We study the effect of uniaxial strain on the transmission and the conductivity across a strain-induced barrier in graphene. At variance with conventional studies, which consider sharp barriers, we consider a more realistic, smooth barrier, characterized by a nonuniform, continuous strain profile. Our results are instrumental towards a better understanding of the transport properties in corrugated graphene.Comment: High Press. Res., to appea