9,584 research outputs found

    The hydrodynamic force on a rigid particle undergoing arbitrary time-dependent motion at small Reynolds number

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    The hydrodynamic force acting on a rigid spherical particle translating with arbitrary time-dependent motion in a time-dependent flowing fluid is calculated to O(Re) for small but finite values of the Reynolds number, Re, based on the particle's slip velocity relative to the uniform flow. The corresponding expression for an arbitrarily shaped rigid particle is evaluated for the case when the timescale of variation of the particle's slip velocity is much greater than the diffusive scale, a^2/v, where a is the characteristic particle dimension and v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. It is found that the expression for the hydrodynamic force is not simply an additive combination of the results from unsteady Stokes flow and steady Oseen flow and that the temporal decay to steady state for small but finite Re is always faster than the t^-½ behaviour of unsteady Stokes flow. For example, when the particle accelerates from rest the temporal approach to steady state scales as t^-2

    The force on a bubble, drop, or particle in arbitrary time-dependent motion at small Reynolds number

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    The hydrodynamic force on a body that undergoes translational acceleration in an unbounded fluid at low Reynolds number is considered. The results extend the prior analysis of Lovalenti and Brady [to appear in J. Fluid Mech. (1993)] for rigid particles to drops and bubbles. Similar behavior is shown in that, with the inclusion of convective inertia, the long-time temporal decay of the force (or the approach to steady state) at finite Reynolds number is faster than the t-1/2 predicted by the unsteady Stokes equations

    The force on a sphere in a uniform flow with small-amplitude oscillations at finite Reynolds number

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    The unsteady force acting on a sphere that is held fixed in a steady uniform flow with small-amplitude oscillations is evaluated to O(Re) for small Reynolds number Re. Good agreement is shown with the numerical results of Mei, Lawrence & Adrian (1991) up to Re [approximate] 0.5. The analytical result is transformed by Fourier inversion to allow for an arbitrary time-dependent motion which is small relative to the steady uniform flow. This yields a history-dependent force which has an integration kernel that decays exponentially for large time

    Force on a sphere via the generalized reciprocal theorem

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    An approach based on the generalized reciprocal theorem is presented to derive the well-known result for the drag force exerted on a rigid sphere translating in a viscous fluid in an arbitrary manner. The use of generalized reciprocal theorem allows one to bypass the calculation of stress distribution over the particle surface in order to compute the force

    Dynamic structure factor study of diffusion in strongly sheared suspensions

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    Diffusion of neutrally buoyant spherical particles in concentrated monodisperse suspensions under simple shear flow is investigated. We consider the case of non-Brownian particles in Stokes flow, which corresponds to the limits of infinite Péclet number and zero Reynolds number. Using an approach based upon ideas of dynamic light scattering we compute self- and gradient diffusion coefficients in the principal directions normal to the flow numerically from Accelerated Stokesian Dynamics simulations for large systems (up to 2000 particles). For the self-diffusivity, the present approach produces results identical to those reported earlier, obtained by probing the particles' mean-square displacements (Sierou & Brady, J. Fluid Mech. vol. 506, 2004 p. 285). For the gradient diffusivity, the computed coefficients are in good agreement with the available experimental results. The similarity between diffusion mechanisms in equilibrium suspensions of Brownian particles and in non-equilibrium non-colloidal sheared suspensions suggests an approximate model for the gradient diffusivity: {\textsfbi D}^\triangledown\,{\approx}\,{\textsfbi D}^s/S^{eq}(0), where {\textsfbi D}^s is the shear-induced self-diffusivity and Seq(0)S^{eq}(0) is the static structure factor corresponding to the hard-sphere suspension at thermodynamic equilibrium

    Collective diffusion in sheared colloidal suspensions

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    Collective diffusivity in a suspension of rigid particles in steady linear viscous flows is evaluated by investigating the dynamics of the time correlation of long-wavelength density fluctuations. In the absence of hydrodynamic interactions between suspended particles in a dilute suspension of identical hard spheres, closed-form asymptotic expressions for the collective diffusivity are derived in the limits of low and high Péclet numbers, where the Péclet number Pe = gamma-dot a^2/D0 with gamma-dot being the shear rate and D0 = kB T/6πη a is the Stokes–Einstein diffusion coefficient of an isolated sphere of radius a in a fluid of viscosity η. The effect of hydrodynamic interactions is studied in the analytically tractable case of weakly sheared (Pe « 1) suspensions. For strongly sheared suspensions, i.e. at high Pe, in the absence of hydrodynamics the collective diffusivity Dc = 6 Ds∞, where Ds∞ is the long-time self-diffusivity and both scale as φ gamma-dot a^2$, where φ is the particle volume fraction. For weakly sheared suspensions it is shown that the leading dependence of collective diffusivity on the imposed flow is proportional to D0 φPe Ê, where Ê is the rate-of-strain tensor scaled by gamma-dot, regardless of whether particles interact hydrodynamically. When hydrodynamic interactions are considered, however, correlations of hydrodynamic velocity fluctuations yield a weakly singular logarithmic dependence of the cross-gradient-diffusivity on k at leading order as ak → 0 with k being the wavenumber of the density fluctuation. The diagonal components of the collective diffusivity tensor, both with and without hydrodynamic interactions, are of O(φPe2), quadratic in the imposed flow, and finite at k = 0. At moderate particle volume fractions, 0.10 ≤ φ ≤ 0.35, Brownian Dynamics (BD) numerical simulations in which there are no hydrodynamic interactions are performed and the transverse collective diffusivity in simple shear flow is determined via time evolution of the dynamic structure factor. The BD simulation results compare well with the derived asymptotic estimates. A comparison of the high-Pe BD simulation results with available experimental data on collective diffusivity in non-Brownian sheared suspensions shows a good qualitative agreement, though hydrodynamic interactions prove to be important at moderate concentrations

    The non-Newtonian rheology of dilute colloidal suspensions

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    The non-Newtonian rheology is calculated numerically to second order in the volume fraction in steady simple shear flows for Brownian hard spheres in the presence of hydrodynamic and excluded volume interactions. Previous analytical and numerical results for the low-shear structure and rheology are confirmed, demonstrating that the viscosity shear thins proportional to Pe2, where Pe is the dimensionless shear rate or Péclet number, owing to the decreasing contribution of Brownian forces to the viscosity. In the large Pe limit, remnants of Brownian diffusion balance convection in a boundary-layer in the compressive region of the flow. In consequence, the viscosity shear thickens when this boundary-layer coincides with the near-contact lubrication regime of the hydrodynamic interaction. Wakes are formed at large Pe in the extensional zone downstream from the reference particle, leading to broken symmetry in the pair correlation function. As a result of this asymmetry and that in the boundary-layer, finite normal stress differences are obtained as well as positive departures in the generalized osmotic pressure from its equilibrium value. The first normal stress difference changes from positive to negative values as Pe is increased when the hard-sphere limit is approached. This unusual effect is caused by the hydrodynamic lubrication forces that maintain particles in close proximity well into the extensional quadrant of the flow. The study demonstrates that many of the non-Newtonian effects observed in concentrated suspensions by experiments and by Stokesian dynamics simulations are present also in dilute suspensions

    Anisotropic Diffusion Limited Aggregation

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    Using stochastic conformal mappings we study the effects of anisotropic perturbations on diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) in two dimensions. The harmonic measure of the growth probability for DLA can be conformally mapped onto a constant measure on a unit circle. Here we map mm preferred directions for growth of angular width σ\sigma to a distribution on the unit circle which is a periodic function with mm peaks in [−π,π)[-\pi, \pi) such that the width σ\sigma of each peak scales as σ∼1/k\sigma \sim 1/\sqrt{k}, where kk defines the ``strength'' of anisotropy along any of the mm chosen directions. The two parameters (m,k)(m,k) map out a parameter space of perturbations that allows a continuous transition from DLA (for m=0m=0 or k=0k=0) to mm needle-like fingers as k→∞k \to \infty. We show that at fixed mm the effective fractal dimension of the clusters D(m,k)D(m,k) obtained from mass-radius scaling decreases with increasing kk from DDLA≃1.71D_{DLA} \simeq 1.71 to a value bounded from below by Dmin=3/2D_{min} = 3/2. Scaling arguments suggest a specific form for the dependence of the fractal dimension D(m,k)D(m,k) on kk for large kk, form which compares favorably with numerical results.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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