355 research outputs found

    Hysteresis of static polarizability of a ballistic ring in presence of intense high-frequency field

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    A ballistic ring in presence of collinear dc and high-frequency electric fields is considered. A possibility is demonstrated of the system switching between two states by changing the strength of dc and/or high-frequency field. It leads to hysteretic behavior of the ring dc dipole moment as a function of the dc electric field.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Parametric instability of a magnetic junction under modulated spin-polarized current

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    The stability is analyzed of the magnetic junction collinear configurations against small fluctuations under amplitude-modulated current with CPP mode. High spin injection is assumed. Under parametric resonance conditions, with the modulation frequency twice the precession frequency, instability is possible of one, or another, or both the collinear configurations. When the dc component of the current density exceeds the instability threshold of the antiparallel configuration, the parametric instability is suppressed by nonparametric one which is induced by the dc current. The parametric instability manifests itself as lowering the threshold of the dc current density in presence of the high-frequency current, such an effect has been observed in experiments repeatedly.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Quasi-one-dimensional ballistic ring in the field of circularly polarized electromagnetic wave

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    Dynamics is studied of an electron in a quasi-one-dimensional ballistic ring under circularly polarized electromagnetic field propagating along the normal to the ring plane. The average emission intensity from the ring is calculated. The value and direction of the electron average angular velocity in the ring depend on the incident wave parameters. It is found that the ring average dipole moment can remain constant under certain conditions. Possibility is shown of higher harmonics enhancement in the ring radiation spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Nonequilibrium phase transitions in a quasi-two-dimensional superlattice with parabolic miniband

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    Distribution function and current density in a one-dimensional superlattice with parabolic miniband are calculated. The current dependence on the temperature coincides with experimental data. Generalization is carried out to quasi-two-dimensional superlattice with paraboloidal miniband. For a sample opened in Y direction with dc current in X direction, a novel nonequilibrium phase transition is found, namely, appearing a spontaneous transverse electric field under temperature rising.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Stochastic resonance in a quasi-two-dimensional superlattice. II

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    A fluctuation theory is presented for the nonequilibrium second order phase transition in a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas. A transverse (with respect to the current through the sample) spontaneous electric field as an order parameter and a driving longitudinal field as a control parameter are used. In addition to the earlier results, the intrawell dynamics is taken into account. Non-monotonous behavior of the periodic signal gain as a function of the noise power (stochastic resonance) is predicted.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Phenomenological theory of current driven exchange switching in ferromagnetic nanojunctions

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    Phenomenological approach is developed in the theory of spin-valve type ferromagnetic junctions to describe exchange switching by current flowing perpendicular to interfaces. Forward and backward current switching effects are described and they may be principally different in nature. Mobile electron spins are considered as being free in all the contacting ferromagnetic layers. Joint action of the following two current effects is investigated: the nonequilibrium longitudinal spin-injection effective field and the transverse spin-transfer surface torque. Dispersion relation for fluctuations is derived and solved for a junction model having spatially localized spin transfer torque: depth of the torque penetration into the free layer is assumed much smaller than the total free layer thickness. Some critical value of the well known Gilbert damping constant is established for the first time. Spin transfer torque dominates in the instability threshold determination for small enough damping constants, while the spin-injection effective field dominates for high damping. Fine interplay between spin transfer torque and spin injection is necessary to provide a hysteretic behavior of the resistance versus current dependence. The state diagram building up shows the possibility of non-stationary (time dependent) nonlinear states arising due to instability development. Calculations lead to the instability rise time values of the order of 0.1 ns. Spin wave resonance frequency spectrum softening occurs under the current growing to the instability threshold. Magnetization fluctuations above the threshold rise oscillating with time for low damping, but rise aperiodically and much more rapid for high damping.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Corrected typos. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quasi-one-dimensional ballistic ring in crossed high-frequency electric fields

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    We study electron dynamics in a quasi-one-dimensional ballistic ring driven by two crossed high-frequency electric fields parallel to the ring plane. The averaged dipole moment and emission intensity are calculated. The emission polarization coincides with the direction of one of the fields. A possibility is shown of the polarization switching to perpendicular direction under changes in the field amplitudes and frequencies.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Conductivity of a superlattice with parabolic miniband

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    The static and high-frequency differential conductivity of a one-dimensional superlattice with parabolic miniband, in which the dispersion law is assumed to be parabolic up to the Brillouin zone edge, are investigated theoretically. Unlike the earlier published works, devoted to this problem, the novel formula for the static current density contains temperature dependence, which leads to the current maximum shift to the low field side with increasing temperature. The high-frequency differential conductivity response properties including the temperature dependence is examined and opportunities of creating a terahertz oscillator on Bloch electron oscillations in such superlattices are discussed. Analysis shows that superlattices with parabolic miniband dispersion law may be used for generation and amplification of terahertz fields only at very low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Disturbance of spin equilibrium by current through the interface of noncollinear ferromagnets

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    Boundary conditions are derived that determine the penetration of spin current through an interface of two non-collinear ferromagnets with an arbitrary angle between their magnetization vectors. We start from the well-known transformation properties of an electron spin wave functions under the rotation of a quantization axis. It allows directly find the connection between partial electric current densities for different spin subbands of the ferromagnets. No spin scattering is assumed in the near interface region, so that spin conservation takes place when electron intersects the boundary. The continuity conditions are found for partial chemical potential differences in the situation. Spatial distribution of nonequilibrium electron magnetizations is calculated under the spin current flowing through a contact of two semi-infinite ferromagnets. The distribution describes the spin accumulation effect by current and corresponding shift of the potential drop at the interface. These effects appear strongly dependent on the relation between spin contact resistances at the interface.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to J. Magn. Magn. Mater. Corrected typo

    Tunnel magnetoresistance of magnetic junctions with cubic symmetry of the layers

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    A tunnel magnetic junction is considered with magnetic hard and magnetic soft layers of cubic symmetry. The magnetic switching is analyzed of the layers by a magnetic field perpendicular to the initial magnetizations. In such a situation, an additional peak of the TMR ratio appears at the magnetic field value lower substantially than the anisotropy energy of the soft layer.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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