7 research outputs found

    Identification of the Sin3-Binding Site in Ume6 Defines a Two-Step Process for Conversion of Ume6 from a Transcriptional Repressor to an Activator in Yeast

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    The DNA-binding protein Ume6 is required for both repression and activation of meiosis-specific genes, through interaction with the Sin3 corepressor and Rpd3 histone deacetylase and the meiotic activator Ime1. Here we show that fusion of a heterologous activation domain to Ume6 is unable to convert it into a constitutive activator of early meiotic gene transcription, indicating that an additional function is needed to overcome repression at these promoters. Mutations in UME6 allowing the fusion to activate lie in a predicted amphipathic alpha helix and specifically disrupt interaction with Sin3 but not with Teal, an activator of Ty transcription also found to interact with Ume6 in a two-hybrid screen. The mutations cause a loss of repression by Ume6 and precisely identify the Ume6 Sin3-binding domain, which we show interacts with the paired amphipathic helix 2 region of Sin3. Analysis of these mutants indicates that conversion of Ume6 to an activator involves two genetically distinct steps that act to relieve Sin3-mediated repression and provide an activation domain to Ume6. The mutants further demonstrate that premature expression and lack of subsequent rerepression of Ume6-Sin3-regulated genes are not deleterious to meiotic progression and suggest that the essential role of Sin3 in meiosis is independent of Ume6. The model for Ume6 function arising from these studies indicates that Ume6 is similar in many respects to metazoan regulators that utilize Sin3, such as the Myc-Mad-Max system and nuclear hormone receptors, and provides new insights into the control of transcriptional repression and activation by the Ume6-URS1 regulatory complex in yeast

    Derepression of INO1 Transcription Requires Cooperation between the Ino2p-Ino4p Heterodimer and Cbf1p and Recruitment of the ISW2 Chromatin-Remodeling Complex ▿ †

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae INO1 gene encodes the structural enzyme inositol-3-phosphate synthase for the synthesis de novo of inositol and inositol-containing phospholipids. The transcription of INO1 is completely derepressed in the absence of inositol and choline (I− C−). Derepression requires the binding of the Ino2p-Ino4p basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) heterodimer to the UASINO promoter element. We report here the requirement of a third bHLH protein, centromere-binding factor 1 (Cbf1p), for the complete derepression of INO1 transcription. We found that Cbf1p regulates INO1 transcription by binding to sites distal to the INO1 promoter and encompassing the upstream SNA3 open reading frame (ORF) and promoter. The binding of Cbf1p requires Ino2p-Ino4p binding to the UASINO sites in the INO1 promoter and vice versa, suggesting a cooperative mechanism. Furthermore, Cbf1p binding to the upstream sites was required for the binding of the ISW2 chromatin-remodeling complex to the Ino2p-Ino4p-binding sites on the INO1 promoter. Consistent with this, ISW2 was also required for the complete derepression of INO1 transcription

    Regulation of 1D-myo-Inositol-3-Phosphate Synthase in Yeast

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