4,009 research outputs found

    Galaxy rotations from quantised inertia and visible matter only

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    It is shown here that a model for inertial mass, called quantised inertia, or MiHsC (Modified inertia by a Hubble-scale Casimir effect) predicts the rotational acceleration of the 153 good quality galaxies in the SPARC dataset (2016 AJ 152 157), with a large range of scales and mass, from just their visible baryonic matter, the speed of light and the co-moving diameter of the observable universe. No dark matter is needed. The performance of quantised inertia is comparable to that of MoND, yet it needs no adjustable parameter. As a further critical test, quantised inertia uniquely predicts a specific increase in the galaxy rotation anomaly at higher redshifts. This test is now becoming possible and new data shows that galaxy rotational accelerations do increase with redshift in the predicted manner, at least up to Z=2.2.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Published in Astrophys Space Sc

    Can the Podkletnov effect be explained by quantised inertia?

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    The Podkletnov effect is an unexplained loss of weight of between 0.05% and 0.07% detected in test masses suspended above supercooled levitating superconducting discs exposed to AC magnetic fields. A larger weight loss of up to 0.5% was seen over a disc spun at 5000 rpm. The effect has so far been observed in only one laboratory. Here, a new model for inertia that assumes that inertial mass is caused by Unruh radiation which is subject to a Hubble-scale Casimir effect (called MiHsC or quantised inertia) is applied to this anomaly. When the disc is exposed to the AC magnetic field it vibrates (accelerates), and MiHsC then predicts that the inertial mass of the nearby test mass increases, so that to conserve momentum it must accelerate upwards against freefall by 0.0029 m/s^2 or 0.03% of g, about half of the weight loss observed. With disc rotation, MiHsC predicts an additional weight loss, but 28 times smaller than the rotational effect observed. MiHsC suggests that the effect should increase with disc radius and rotation rate, the AC magnetic field strength (as observed), and also with increasing latitude and for lighter discs.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the SPESIF-2011 conference proceedings, in Physics Procedi

    Inertia from an asymmetric Casimir effect

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    The property of inertia has never been fully explained. A model for inertia (MiHsC or quantised inertia) has been suggested that assumes that 1) inertia is due to Unruh radiation and 2) this radiation is subject to a Hubble-scale Casimir effect. This model has no adjustable parameters and predicts the cosmic acceleration, and galaxy rotation without dark matter, suggesting that Unruh radiation indeed causes inertia, but the exact mechanism by which it does this has not been specified. The mechanism suggested here is that when an object accelerates, for example to the right, a dynamical (Rindler) event horizon forms to its left, reducing the Unruh radiation on that side by a Rindler-scale Casimir effect whereas the radiation on the other side is only slightly reduced by a Hubble-scale Casimir effect. This produces an imbalance in the radiation pressure on the object, and a net force that always opposes acceleration, like inertia. A formula for inertia is derived, and an experimental test is suggested.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by EPL (Europhysics Letters) on the 11th February, 201

    Testing quantised inertia on galactic scales

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    Galaxies and galaxy clusters have rotational velocities apparently too fast to allow them to be gravitationally bound by their visible matter. This has been attributed to the presence of invisible (dark) matter, but so far this has not been directly detected. Here, it is shown that a new model that modifies inertial mass by assuming it is caused by Unruh radiation, which is subject to a Hubble-scale (Theta) Casimir effect predicts the rotational velocity (v) to be: v^4=2GMc^2/Theta (the Tully-Fisher relation) where G is the gravitational constant, M is the baryonic mass and c is the speed of light. The model predicts the outer rotational velocity of dwarf and disk galaxies, and galaxy clusters, within error bars, without dark matter or adjustable parameters, and makes a prediction that local accelerations should remain above 2c^2/Theta at a galaxy's edge.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science on 27/7/201

    The Tajmar effect from quantised inertia

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    The Tajmar anomaly is an unexplained acceleration observed by gyroscopes close to, but isolated from, rotating rings cooled to 5K. The observed ratio between the gyroscope and ring accelerations was 3+/-1.2*10^-8 for clockwise rotations and about half this size for anticlockwise ones. Here, this anomaly is predicted using a new model that assumes that the inertial mass of the gyroscope is caused by Unruh radiation that appears as the ring and the fixed stars accelerate relative to it, and that this radiation is subject to a Hubble-scale Casimir effect. The model predicts that the sudden acceleration of the ring causes a slight increase in the inertial mass of the gyroscope, and, to conserve momentum the gyroscope must move with the ring with an acceleration ratio of 2.67+/-0.24*10^-8 for clockwise rotations and 1.34+/-0.12*10^-8 for anticlockwise ones, in agreement with the observations. The model predicts that in the southern hemisphere the anomaly should be larger for anticlockwise rotations instead, and that with a significant reduction of the mass of the disc, the decay of the effect with vertical distance should become measurable.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by EPL on the 16th June, 201
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