19 research outputs found

    Temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the conductivity of YBaCuO films in the vicinity of superconducting transition: Effect of Tc-inhomogeneity

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    Temperature and magnetic field dependences of the conductivity of YBaCuO films in the transition region are analyzed taking into account spatial inhomogeneity in transition temperature, Tc. (i) An expression for the superconducting contribution to conductivity, \sigma_s(T,H,Tc), of a homogeneous superconductor for H<<Hc2(T=0) is obtained using the solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equation in form of perturbation expansions [S.Ullah, A.T.Dorsey, PRB 44, 262 (1991)]. (ii) The error in \sigma_s(T,H,Tc) occurring due to the presence of Tc-inhomogeneity is calculated and plotted on an H-T plane diagram. These calculations use an effective medium approximation and a Gaussian distribution of Tc. (iii) Measuring the temperature dependences of a voltage, induced by a focused electron beam, we determine spatial distributions of the critical temperature for YBaCuO microbridges with a 2 micron resolution. A typical Tc-distribution dispersion is found to be approximately 1K. For such dispersion, error in \sigma_s(T,H,Tc) due to Tc-inhomogeneity exceeds 30% for magnetic fields H < 1 T and temperatures |T-Tc| < 0.5 K. (iv) Experimental R(T,H) dependences of resistance are well described by a numerical solution of a set of Kirchoff equations for the resistor network based on the measured spatial distributions of Tc and the expression for \sigma_s(T,H,Tc).Comment: REVTeX, 12 pages including 7 figures, resubmitted to Phys. Rev.

    Superconductor strip with transport current: Magneto-optical study of current distribution and its relaxation

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    The dynamics of magnetic flux distributions across a YBaCuO strip carrying transport current is measured using magneto-optical imaging at 20 K. The current is applied in pulses of 40-5000 ms duration and magnitude close to the critical one, 5.5 A. During the pulse some extra flux usually penetrates the strip, so the local field increases in magnitude. When the strip is initially penetrated by flux, the local field either increases or decreases depending both on the spatial coordinate and the current magnitude. Meanwhile, the current density always tends to redistribute more uniformly. Despite the relaxation, all distributions remain qualitatively similar to the Bean model predictions.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Supercond. Sci. Technol. Revision: MO image and more refs are adde

    Tc-Mapping and Investigation of Water-Initiated Modification of YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films by Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    The Tc -mapping method using low temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) has been developed to study the spatial distribution of the critical temperature in high temperature superconducting (HTSC) films with a spatial resolution approaching 2 μm. To achieve so high a spatial resolution, a numerical deconvolution method was applied that eliminated distorting effects associated with the thermal diffusion and with the contribution from the absorbed beam current. The Tc -mapping method was used to investigate modification by water of YBa2Cu3O7-x films grown on (100) MgO and (110) LaAIO3 substrates. The rate of modification of a [110]-oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x/LaAIO3 film is found to be 40 times that of a c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x/MgO epitaxial film. It is argued that water-initiated modification of the films results from penetration of hydrogen into the films, rather than from out-diffusion of oxygen

    Crack-Free Thick AlGaN Grown on Sapphire using AlN/AlGaN Superlattices for Strain Management

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    We report on an AlN/AlGaN superlattice approach to grow high-Al-content thick n+-AlGaNlayers over c-plane sapphire substrates. Insertion of a set of AlN/AlGaN superlattices is shown to significantly reduce the biaxial tensile strain, thereby resulting in 3-μm-thick, crack-free Al0.2Ga0.8N layers. These high-quality, low-sheet-resistive layers are of key importance to avoid current crowding in quaternary AlInGaN multiple-quantum-well deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes over sapphire substrates

    Symmetry of the remanent state flux distribution in superconducting thin strips: Probing the critical state

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    The critical-state in a thin strip of YBaCuO is studied by magneto-optical imaging. The distribution of magnetic flux density is shown to have a specific symmetry in the remanent state after a large applied field. The symmetry was predicted [PRL 82, 2947 (1999)] for any Jc(B), and is therefore suggested as a simple tool to verify the applicability of the critical-state model. At large temperatures we find deviations from this symmetry, which demonstrates departure from the critical-state behavior. The observed deviations can be attributed to an explicit coordinate dependence of jcj_c since both a surface barrier, and flux creep would break the symmetry in a different way.Comment: 5 pages including 5 eps figures, submitted to PR

    GaN Homoepitaxy on Freestanding (11Ì„00) Oriented GaN Substrates

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    We report homoepitaxialGaNgrowth on freestanding (11Ì„00) oriented (M-plane GaN) substrates using low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.Scanning electron microscopy,atomic-force microscopy, and photoluminescence were used to study the influence of growth conditions such as the V/III molar ratio and temperature on the surface morphology and optical properties of the epilayers. Optimized growth conditions led to high quality (11Ì„00) oriented GaN epilayers with a smooth surface morphology and strong band-edge emission. These layers also exhibited strong room temperature stimulated emission under high intensity pulsed optical pumping. Since for III-N materials the (11Ì„00) crystal orientation is free from piezoelectric or spontaneous polarization electric fields, our work forms the basis for developing high performance III-N optoelectronic devices

    Polarization Effects in Photoluminescence of C- and M-Plane GaN/AlGaN Multiple Quantum Wells

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    Polarizationeffects have been studied in GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells(MQWs) with different c-axis orientation by means of excitation-dependent photoluminescence(PL) analysis. Quantum structures were grown on [0001]-oriented sapphire substrates (C plane) and single-crystalline [11Ì„00]-oriented freestanding GaN (M plane) using the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique. Strong PL spectrum line blueshifts (up to 140 meV) which are correlated with the excitation intensity have been obtained for C-plane MQWs, whereas no shift has been observed for M-plane MQWs.Theoretical calculations and comparison with the PL data confirm that the built-in electric field for C-plane structures is much stronger than the field present for M-plane MQWs. In the former case, the excitation-induced blueshift of the PL line is due to the screening of the built-in electric field by photoinjected carriers, which is consistent with the field strength of 1.23 MV/cm in the absence of excitation