546 research outputs found
Gender disparity in South Asia : comparisons between and within countries
Using data assembled from the Demographic Health Surveys of over 50 countries and from the National Family Health Surveys of individual states in India, the authors create a new data set of comparable indicators of gender disparity. They establish three findings: 1) As is by now well-known, the level of gender disparities in health and education outcomes for girls in South Asia is the highest in the world. 2) Even within South Asia, and within India or Pakistan, there are huge variations in gender disparity. Differences in gender disparity among Indian states or among provinces in Pakistan are typically greater than those among the world's nations. The ratio of female to male child mortality in one Indian state (Haryana) is worse than in any country in the world, although in another state (Tamil Nadu) it is lower than in all but three countries. 3) Across and within the set of developing nations, gender disparity is not only a phenomenon of poverty. There is almost no correlation between per capita income and the gender disparities in health and education outcomes. So although absolute levels of health and education outcomes for girls are strongly related to economic conditions, the disparities between outcomes for girls and boys are not. Understanding what causes such great gender disparity within South Asia is the next pressing question for researchers.Public Health Promotion,Early Childhood Development,Early Child and Children's Health,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Economics&Finance,Health Economics&Finance,Early Child and Children's Health,Adolescent Health,Early Childhood Development,Health Monitoring&Evaluation
Viola sororia Willd.
Viola pensylvanica Michx.
Viola sagittata Ait.
Viola pallens (Banks ex Ging) Brainerd
Sweet orange clones suitable for the climatic conditions of the state of acre, brazil.
Abstract: Considering that the genetic improvement of orange trees usingdifferent scion-rootstock combinations requires extensive research, we aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance and fruit quality of32 native clones of sweet orange grafted onto ‘Cravo’lime and grown on for eight years. The cultivar ‘Aquiri’ orange was employed as control since it is currently recommended by Embrapa for cultivation in Acre. Grafted treeswere evaluated with respect toproductivity and number of fruits per plant, while fruit quality was assessed in terms of mass, dimensions, juice content, total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable total acidity (TTA). Of the 32 clones investigated, eight exhibited very high productivities and two were considered elite clones since they exhibited productivity values (49.29 and 59.91 t ha-1) and numbers of fruits per plant (2048 and 1970.67) that exceeded those of the control ‘Aquiri’(37.78 t ha-1 and 1263 fruits per plant). Mass, dimensions and juice content of the fruits were similar for all of the clones and the control, but nine clones showed superior values for TSS and TTA. Our findings warrant further research on combinations of these clones with alternative rootstocks to establish the most productive pairs that generate the highest quality fruits
Influence of different forest species and spacing on the weight of bunchesfrom cultivar ‘Plátano d’ Angola’.
Abstract: In the present study, banana plants were cultivated in integrated agroforestry systems (IAFSs) established in the Amazon-Cerrado transition region, and the effects of different forest species and crop plant spacings on the weight of the bunches producedwereassessed. The experiment followed a randomized block design in a split-plot arrangement with four treatments in the plots, three treatments in the subplots and three repetitions. The four treatments (plots) corresponded to the forest component of the IAFSs, which included both leguminous (acacia and taxi-branco)and non-leguminous (eucalyptus and casuarina) species. The three treatments (subplots) corresponded to the spacing of the crop component, namely banana cultivar ‘PlátanoD’Angola’, planted at 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0m apart. Banana bunches with the highest weights were obtained when the leguminous trees acacia and taxi-branco were employed as the forest component, with mean productivities of 9 and 11 t ha-1, respectively. A spacing of 1.0 m between banana plants appeared to be suitable for IAFSs involving the slow-growing forest species taxi-branco and casuarina, whereas spacingsof 1.5 and 2.0m were more adequate for the fast-growing species acacia and eucalyptus. Based on the results obtained in this study, recommendations can be made for the establishment of more productive
Emissões de N2O de um latossolo após a aplicação de fertilizantes nitrogenados.
O óxido nitroso (N2O) é o principal gás do efeito estufa emitido pelos solos agrÃcolas e sua emissão é influenciada pelo uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados. Este trabalho avaliou, sob condições controladas, o comportamento das emissões de N2O em amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho, em função da aplicação de duas fontes (nitrato de amônio e ureia) e de três doses (0,11 mg; 0,15 mg e 0,22 mg de N g-1 de solo) de nitrogênio. Os tratamentos foram aplicados na forma de solução, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Todos os tratamentos aumentaram as emissões de N2O em relação ao controle. O efeito da dose de N sobre as emissões de N2O foi mais pronunciado para a ureia. As emissões foram maiores e ocorreram mais rapidamente nos tratamentos com ureia do que naqueles com nitrato de amônio (maior emissão diária aos 9 e aos 12 dias, respectivamente). As emissões acumuladas ajustaram-se adequadamente a modelos logÃsticos em todos os tratamentos, indicando que estas curvas representam bem as emissões de N2O induzidas pela aplicação de fertilizantes nitrogenados sob condições controladas. Os resultados podem auxiliar no planejamento de pesquisas similares a serem conduzidas no campo
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