1,119 research outputs found

    Exact Counting of Black Hole Microstates

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    The exact entropy of two-charge supersymmetric black holes in N=4 string theories is computed to all orders using Wald's formula and the supersymmetric attractor equations with an effective action that includes the relevant higher curvature terms. Classically, these black holes have zero area but the attractor equations are still applicable at the quantum level. The quantum corrected macroscopic entropy agrees precisely with the microscopic counting for an infinite tower of fundamental string states to all orders in an asymptotic expansion.Comment: 4 pages, latex, minor change

    Violating the string winding number maximally in Anti-de Sitter space

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    We study n-string scattering amplitudes in three-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space (AdS3). We focus our attention on the processes in which the winding number conservation is violated maximally; that is, those processes in which it is violated in n-2 units. A worldsheet conformal field theory calculation leads us to confirm a previous conjecture about the functional form of these observables.Comment: 15 pages. V2 references added and minor typo corrected. V3, V4 addendum on an alternative derivation of the main formula for short string

    Higher Derivative Corrections, Dimensional Reduction and Ehlers Duality

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    Motivated by applications to black hole physics and duality, we study the effect of higher derivative corrections on the dimensional reduction of four-dimensional Einstein, Einstein Liouville and Einstein-Maxwell gravity to one direction, as appropriate for stationary, spherically symmetric solutions. We construct a field redefinition scheme such that the one-dimensional Lagrangian is corrected only by powers of first derivatives of the fields, eliminating spurious modes and providing a suitable starting point for quantization. We show that the Ehlers symmetry, broken by the leading R2R^2 corrections in Einstein-Liouville gravity, can be restored by including contributions of Taub-NUT instantons. Finally, we give a preliminary discussion of the duality between higher-derivative F-term corrections on the vector and hypermultiplet branches in N=2 supergravity in four dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, uses JHEP3.cls; v3: minor corrections, final version published in JHE

    tt* Geometry and Closed String Tachyon Potential

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    We propose a closed string tachyon action including kinetic and potential terms for non-supersymmetric orbifolds. The action is given in terms of solutions to tttt^* equations which captures the geometry of vacua of the corresponding N=2 worldsheet theory. In certain cases the solutions are well studied. In case of tachyons of C/Zn{\bf C}/Z_n, solutions to affine toda equations determine the action. We study the particular case of C/Z3C{\bf C}/Z_3\to {\bf C} in detail and find that the Tachyon action is determined in terms of a solution to Painleve III equation.Comment: 10 page

    Black Holes, Elementary Strings and Holomorphic Anomaly

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    In a previous paper we had proposed a specific route to relating the entropy of two charge black holes to the degeneracy of elementary string states in N=4 supersymmetric heterotic string theory in four dimensions. For toroidal compactification this proposal works correctly to all orders in a power series expansion in inverse charges provided we take into account the corrections to the black hole entropy formula due to holomorphic anomaly. In this paper we demonstrate that similar agreement holds also for other N=4 supersymmetric heterotic string compactifications.Comment: LaTeX file, 28 pages, reference added, minor changes in appendix

    Veneziano Amplitude for Winding Strings

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    String configurations with nonzero winding number describe soliton string states. We compute the Veneziano amplitude for the scattering of arbitrary winding states and show that in the large radius limit the strings always scatter trivially and with no change in the individual winding numbers of the strings. In this limit, then, these states scatter as true solitons.Comment: 7 page

    Counting all dyons in N =4 string theory

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    For dyons in heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus, with electric charge vector Q and magnetic charge vector P, the positive integer I = g.c.d.(Q \wedge P) is an invariant of the U-duality group. We propose the microscopic theory for computing the spectrum of all dyons for all values of I, generalizing earlier results that exist only for the simplest case of I=1. Our derivation uses a combination of arguments from duality, 4d-5d lift, and a careful analysis of fermionic zero modes. The resulting degeneracy agrees with the black hole degeneracy for large charges and with the degeneracy of field-theory dyons for small charges. It naturally satisfies several physical requirements including integrality and duality invariance. As a byproduct, we also derive the microscopic (0,4) superconformal field theory relevant for computing the spectrum of five-dimensional Strominger-Vafa black holes in ALE backgrounds and count the resulting degeneracies

    How Does a Fundamental String Stretch its Horizon?

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    It has recently been shown that if we take into account a class of higher derivative corrections to the effective action of heterotic string theory, the entropy of the black hole solution representing elementary string states correctly reproduces the statistical entropy computed from the degeneracy of elementary string states. So far the form of the solution has been analyzed at distance scales large and small compared to the string scale. We analyze the solution that interpolates between these two limits and point out a subtlety in constructing such a solution due to the presence of higher derivative terms in the effective action. We also study the T-duality transformation rules to relate the moduli fields of the effective field theory to the physical compactification radius in the presence of higher derivative corrections and use these results to find the physical radius of compactification near the horizon of the black hole. The radius approaches a finite value even though the corresponding modulus field vanishes. Finally we discuss the non-leading contribution to the black hole entropy due to space-time quantum corrections to the effective action and the ambiguity involved in comparing this result to the statistical entropy.Comment: LaTeX file, 38 pages; v2: minor changes and added reference

    Branes, Black Holes and Topological Strings on Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds

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    We develop means of computing exact degerenacies of BPS black holes on toric Calabi-Yau manifolds. We show that the gauge theory on the D4 branes wrapping ample divisors reduces to 2D q-deformed Yang-Mills theory on necklaces of P^1's. As explicit examples we consider local P^2, P^1 x P^1 and A_k type ALE space times C. At large N the D-brane partition function factorizes as a sum over squares of chiral blocks, the leading one of which is the topological closed string amplitude on the Calabi-Yau. This is in complete agreement with the recent conjecture of Ooguri, Strominger and Vafa.Comment: 50 pages, 6 figures, harvma