4 research outputs found
Masking, aftereffect, and illusion in visual perception of curvature
- Author
- B. Crassini
- B. Crassini
- Boris Crassini
- C. Blakemore
- C. Blakemore
- C. Blakemore
- C. Blakemore
- C. Blakemore
- C. G. Gross
- C. McCollough
- D. H. Hubel
- D. H. Hubel
- D. M. Mackay
- D. M. Mackay
- F. W. Campbell
- G. H. Henry
- H. R. Maturana
- H. W. Leibowitz
- J. F. Baless
- J. J. Bibson
- J. J. Gibson
- J. J. Gibson
- J. W. Letivin
- J. Wilson
- K. Houlihan
- L. A. Riggs
- M. Coltheart
- M. Cyander
- P. Sterling
- R. H. S. Carpenter
- R. Over
- R. W. Sekuler
- Ray Over
- S. Appelle
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
13. Children in Australian society
- Author
- Abello A
- Al‐Yaman F
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- Cabinet Office
- Centre for Community Child Health
- Cyander M
- Draper G
- Draper G
- Elliman D
- Marmot M
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- Olds D
- Pridmore P
- The Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- Vinson V
- Webb E
- Publication venue
- 'AMPCo'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Using a Population-based Health Information System to Study Child Health
- Author
- AL Kozyrskyj
- B Starfield
- C Hertzman
- C Hertzman
- C Hertzman
- CA Mustard
- Canadian Council on Social Development.
- D Power
- DP Ross
- G Davey Smith
- H Mheen van de
- I Roberts
- J Eyles
- J Eyles
- JL Aber
- K Carriere
- LL Roos
- M Gissler
- M Nelson Jr.
- MG Marmot
- MS Cyander
- N Muhajarine
- NP Roos
- NP Roos
- NP Roos
- NP Roos
- O Lundberg
- O Rahkonen
- P Martens
- P Martens
- PG Szilagyi
- Statistics Canada.
- Statistics Canada.
- V Carstairs
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Early Institutionalization: Neurobiological Consequences and Genetic Modifiers
- Author
- A Caspi
- A Rotondo
- A Smyke
- Alisa Almas
- American Psychiatric Association
- AR Clarke
- AT Smyke
- B Aragona
- B Ciliax
- B Funke
- C Babiloni
- C Barr
- C Beckett
- C Nelson
- C Zeanah
- C Zeanah
- C Zeanah
- C Zeanah
- CA Mann
- CA Nelson
- CH Zeanah
- CH Zeanah
- D Grady
- D Kilpatrick
- D Wechsler
- D Wechsler
- DE Johnson
- DM Fergusson
- E Binder
- F Karoum
- H Egger
- H Grabe
- H Guldberg
- H Lachman
- H Morishita
- H Stevens
- H Wolf
- HL Egger
- HT Chugani
- I Gauthier
- I Massat
- J Gogos
- J Hodges
- J Kaufman
- J Kaufman
- J McClay
- J Swain
- JM Kreppner
- JM Kreppner
- JN Giedd
- JV Lavigne
- K Burdick
- K Chisholm
- K Kendler
- K Lesch
- K Lyons-Ruth
- K MacLean
- K O’hara
- K Pérez-Edgar
- KA McLaughlin
- Kate McLaughlin
- KC Gunthert
- KJ Bos
- L Dries van den
- L Pezawas
- L Strathearn
- L Young
- LC Miller
- LH Albers
- M Egan
- M Haan de
- M Ijzendoorn Van
- M Kinsbourne
- M Matsuura
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- MA Bell
- MA Bell
- MA Mehta
- Margaret Sheridan
- MC Moulson
- MH Ijzendoorn Van
- MR Gunnar
- MS Cyander
- N Bayley
- N Risch
- N Tottenham
- N Tottenham
- NW Boris
- O Berton
- O Guillin
- P Garris
- P Shaw
- P Xie
- PA Valdés-Hernández
- PJ Marshall
- PJ Marshall
- PJ Marshall
- PM Rossini
- R Uher
- RA Hoksbergen
- RE Vanderwert
- RJ Barry
- RJ Barry
- S Chanraud
- S Stevens
- SD Pollak
- SE Fox
- SE Humphries
- Stacy Drury
- SW Parker
- SW Parker
- T Insel
- T Lotta
- T O’Connor
- T Willoughby
- TC Benoit
- TG O’Connor
- TJ Eluvathingal
- W Dennis
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study