43 research outputs found

    Healthcare Associated Infections. educational intervention by "Adult Learning" in an Italian teaching hospital

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    An educational intervention for HAI prevention based on a combination of training, motivation and subsequent application in the current clinical practice in an Italian teaching hospital

    Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale

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    Aim: To develop an instrument to investigate knowledge and predictive factors of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSIs) in nursing students during clinical placements. Design: Instrument development and cross-sectional study for psychometric testing. Methods: A self-administered instrument including demographic data, injury epidemiology and predictive factors of NSIs was developed between October 2018–January 2019. Content validity was assessed by a panel of experts. The instrument's factor structure and discriminant validity were explored using principal components analysis. The STROBE guidelines were followed. Results: Evidence of content validity was found (S-CVI 0.75; I-CVI 0.50–1.00). A three-factor structure was shown by exploratory factor analysis. Of the 238 participants, 39% had been injured at least once, of which 67.3% in the second year. Higher perceptions of “personal exposure” (4.06, SD 3.78) were reported by third-year students. Higher scores for “perceived benefits” of preventive behaviours (13.6, SD 1.46) were reported by second-year students

    Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale

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    Metal ion complexation in organometallic crown ethers - Structural and rate effects on the migratory insertion of carbon monoxide in indenyl and cyclopentadienyl iron (II) complexes

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    The iron complexes [Fe(eta(5)-ligand)(CO)(2)R][ligand = C5H5 (Cp), R = Me (1); ligand = C5H5, R = CHMe2 (2); ligand = C9H7 (Ind) R=Me (3)] react with the crown ether functionalized phosphine [Ph2P-CH2-(aza-15-crown-5)] (L) to give the products of alkyl migratory insertion [Fe(eta(5)-ligand)(COR)(CO)(L)] 4, 5 and 6, respectively. The cyclopentadienyl methyl complex [Fe(eta(5)-C5H5)(Co)(2)Me] reacts with L only in refluxing hexane. The reactions of 2 and 3, in acetonitrile or chloroform, have been followed by FT-IR spectroscopy, or by UV-Vis. The presence of sodium or calcium salts, NaI, NaPF6, or CaI2, does not affect the reactivity of the cyclopentadienyl complex 2, whereas it increases two to three times the rate of reaction of the indenyl complex 3. The acetyl complexes [Fe(eta(5)-ligand)(CoMe)(CO)(L)], (ligand = Cp, 4; ligand = Ind, 6) exhibit a shift of the stretching band v(COMe) to lower frequencies, in the presence of metal salts, up to 40 cm(-1) in the case of 6 . NaPF6 in chloroform, and up to 46 cm(-1) in the case 6 . KPF6 in dichloromethane, as a result of coordination of the carbonyl oxygen to the crown ether held cation. This shift is absent or small in the more polar solvents tetrahydrofuran, acetonitrile, or dioxane, and it is not observed for the isopropyl complex 5, suggesting that steric hindrance of the alkyl group prevents acyl coordination to the metal ion. The terminal carbonyl group of complexes 4, 5 and 6 displays a shift of the v(CO) band to higher frequencies in most solvents, up to 27 cm(-1) for 6 . NaPF6 in acetonitrile and to 26 cm(-1) for 6 . LiClO4 in dichloromethane, arising from electronic polarization by the metal ion and indicating electronic communication between the two metal centres. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A

    Infezioni ospedaliere da Clostridium Difficile: approccio al tema presso l'Azienda Ospedaliera Sant'Andrea.

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    INTRODUZIONE: L’infezione da Clostridium difficile (CD) è tipicamente di origine nosocomiale e si manifesta con discreta frequenza anche con carattere epidemico. La gravità del quadro clinico è estremamente variabile: si può manifestare solo diarrea lieve, ma possono anche verificarsi quadri di estrema gravità, quali la colite pseudomembranosa, il megacolon tossico e la perforazione intestinale. La prevenzione dalla trasmissione del microrganismo e dell’infezione continua a rappresentare un importante problema di salute pubblica e una difficile sfida nell’ ambito della prevenzione delle infezioni e della sicurezza dei pazienti. Dalle schede di rilevazione dei microrganismi sentinella che pervengono presso l’Unità Operativa di Igiene e Tecnica dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea è stato notato un aumento delle segnalazioni relative a tale batterio. Allo scopo di verificare la presenza di eventuali picchi di infezione e la necessità di mettere in atto misure aggiuntive di prevenzione è stata iniziato un approfondimento epidemiologico in collaborazione con l’unità di Microbiologia MATERIALI E METODI: Sono stati consultati i dati generali relativi al 2013 e ai primi quattro mesi del 2014. Parallelamente a questo è stato iniziato un approfondimento bibliografico per un aggiornamento sia sull’andamento nazionale ed internazionale di tale infezione sia sulle linee guida relative al controllo e alla prevenzione di tali infezione. RISULTATI: Dai dati è risultato che nel 2013 i ceppi isolati sono stati 71 in totale, a fronte di 34 ceppi isolati da Gennaio a Aprile 2014. La distribuzione sembra essere omogenea nei diversi reparti, ad eccezione di un maggior numero di isolamenti presso il Pronto Soccorso e la Medicina di Urgenza. Dalla ricerca bibliografica è emerso che una recente indagine portata avanti in 103 ospedali italiani ha mostrato che negli anni 2010-2011 il tasso di campioni esaminati dai laboratori di microbiologia e stato di 35/1.000 ricoveri e di 46/10.000 giornate di degenza. Dai dati forniti da 63 su 103 ospedali sono risultati tassi di malattia di 1/1.000 ricoveri e 3,6/10.000 giornate di degenza. Il 79% dei centri applica regolarmente le precauzioni da contatto per i malati infetti da CD, il 62% ha organizzato iniziative di formazione/informazione per gli operatori sanitari e il 46% ha reso disponibili per malati, familiari e/o visitatori opuscoli/depliant informativi su tale infezione. CONCLUSIONI: A partire dall’analisi dei dati e dalla ricerca bibliografica sono state ipotizzate diverse modalità di intervento per la prevenzione ed il controllo dell’infezione da CD. Partendo dalla consapevolezza che è ampiamente dimostrato, anche da recenti studi, che la contaminazione delle superfici ambientali con spore di CD si associa al rischio di trasmissione crociata di infezione, mediata soprattutto dalle mani degli operatori, è stato ipotizzato un intervento di formazione ed aggiornamento del personale sanitario e del personale delle pulizie, specialmente nei reparti più a rischio. Assieme a questo si procederà ad una verifica dei prodotti utilizzati quali disinfettanti per l’igiene ambientale e ad una valutazione dell’utilizzo degli antibiotici presso la struttura ospedaliera

    Point prevalence surveys on healthcare acquired infections in medical and surgical wards of a teaching hospital in Rome

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    Background. Healthcare acquired infections (HAI) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitals worldwide. Aim of the study was to analyze nine years surveillance activity, carried out by point prevalence surveys from 2007 to 2015, in a 450-bed teaching hospital in Rome. Methods. Point prevalence surveys were carried out every year in the medical and surgical wards following the same methodology. In accordance with definitions used by the Centers for Disease Control, all infections occurred more than 48 hours after hospital admission were considered HAI, and included in the study. Baseline characteristics, clinical features, isolated pathogens (only for the period 2011-2015) and antimicrobial resistance were recorded. Results. During the nine years point prevalence surveys a total 2,840 patients were enrolled. Overall 136 (4.79%) patients developed 180 (6.34%) HAI. The most frequent HAI were respiratory tract infections (RTI), which accounted for 35.0% of all HAI, followed by surgical site infections (SSI) 22.2%, urinary tract infections (UTI) 19.4%, bloodstream infections (BSI) 17.2%, and others 6.1%. HAI related to major invasive risk procedures were also evaluated. SSI/patients undergoing surgery 3.99%, UTI/patients with urinary catheter 4.17% and BSI/patients with CVC 9.42%. Over one-half of all patients surveyed (1,532, 53.9%) were receiving antibiotics at the time of our study. Among them 892 (58.2%) for treatment, 641 (41.8%) for prophylaxis. In the latter group, 109 (17.0%) underwent extra-short term, 89 (13.9%) short term and 443 (69.1%) a long term prophylaxis. During the period 2011-2015 out of 110 HAI episodes 71 (64.5%) were confirmed microbiologically. In total 106 pathogens were isolates, Gram-negative bacteria (63.2%) were isolated more frequently than Gram-positive bacteria (28.3%). Conclusion. The overall HAI prevalence in our hospital was consistent with those reported in other studies in Italy. The study underlined the role of Gram-negative bacteria in HAI and the need for antimicrobial stewardship. It also provided useful baseline data for rational priorities in allocation of resources, for further infection control activities