49 research outputs found

    ESG development of Russian companies: a focus on the markets of the Asian-Pacific region and the Middle East

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    The article considers the tasks of the ESG transformation in Russian companies. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the main problems and development trends of the ESG agenda in the regions where Russian business is reorienting in conditions of the sanctions’ pressure, namely, the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East. The expediency of adopting a single national standard for non-financial reporting, which includes a system of indicators taking into account industry specifics and allows optimizing partnerships with Eastern counterparties, is substantiated. It is proposed to create an ESG portal under the auspices of VEB.RF as the main methodological center for sustainable development in the Russian Federation, which will allow Russian exporters and importers to receive up-to-date information on the ESG requirements of potential foreign counterparties. The basis for financing for the creation and development of such a portal should be both federal budget funds and private financing, which corresponds to the interests of both parties. Thus, the state encourages the development of export relations with foreign companies, and the private sector gets access to regularly updated information to expand foreign economic activity in new markets. Further research will be aimed at developing recommendations for Russian exporters and importers focusing on the markets of the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East in the context of specific jurisdictions and industries

    Model for financing the agro-industrial complex of the region

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    The article deals with the problems of financing the agro-industrial complex of the region. A critical assessment of the current model of state support for agricultural organisations is given. It was revealed that when deciding on the allocation of subsidies, the region is guided exclusively by production indicators and does not assess the impact of subsidies on the financial condition of agricultural producers in the future. It is proposed that the assessment of the effectiveness of the provision of subsidies be supplemented in regional state programs for the development of agriculture by comparing the volumes of loans issued and the added value created for a certain period. A universal model of financing the agro-industrial complex of the Russian region has been developed, which makes it possible to choose the most effective option for the distribution of budgetary financing of agricultural organizations in a particular region


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    The article considers the role of the budgeting system in mergers and absorption at all stages of their implementation – the search for the target company and preparation for the transaction, the process of conducting and concluding the transaction, the integration of the initiator company and the target company in the post-transaction period and describes the options for the build budget models during the integration period. The article suggests models of interaction of budgeting systems using project budgets in mergers and absorption in general, as well as in the implementation of vertical integration of companies that are parties to the transaction. It shows the role of project budgets in relationship between budget model of initiation company and target company. The advantages and disadvantages of the considered models have been highlighted

    Observation of the onset of strong scattering on high frequency acoustic phonons in densified silica glass

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    The linewidth of longitudinal acoustic waves in densified silica glass is obtained by inelastic x-ray scattering. It increases with a high power alpha of the frequency up to a crossover where the waves experience strong scattering. We find that \alpha is at least 4, and probably larger. Resonance and hybridization of acoustic waves with the boson-peak modes seems to be a more likely explanation for these findings than Rayleigh scattering from disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Sustainable development of companies as a driver of capitalisation growth in a smart economy

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    Digitalisation processes have a signifcant impact on changing forms of interaction between economic entities; they also contribute to the development of the fnancial market. Thus, the study of the capitalisation of companies as one of the defning indicators of the stock market is becoming increasingly relevant, including the identifcation of factors that have a direct and indirect impact on the volatility of the indicator under consideration and their management capabilities. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the sustainable development of the enterprise, as well as its components and the capitalisation of the company. The methodological basis of the study is the balanced growth model, general scientifc methods – analysis and synthesis, as well as statistical – correlation and regression analysis. The empirical base of the study includes 20 companies whose shares are traded on the stock market of the Russian Federation. The authors conducted a correlation and regression analysis and as a result revealed the relationship between the sustainable development of companies and their capitalisation

    Sparse random matrices and vibrational spectra of amorphous solids

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    A random matrix approach is used to analyze the vibrational properties of amorphous solids. We investigated a dynamical matrix M=AA^T with non-negative eigenvalues. The matrix A is an arbitrary real NxN sparse random matrix with n independent non-zero elements in each row. The average values =0 and dispersion =V^2 for all non-zero elements. The density of vibrational states g(w) of the matrix M for N,n >> 1 is given by the Wigner quarter circle law with radius independent of N. We argue that for n^2 << N this model can be used to describe the interaction of atoms in amorphous solids. The level statistics of matrix M is well described by the Wigner surmise and corresponds to repulsion of eigenfrequencies. The participation ratio for the major part of vibrational modes in three dimensional system is about 0.2 - 0.3 and independent of N. Together with term repulsion it indicates clearly to the delocalization of vibrational excitations. We show that these vibrations spread in space by means of diffusion. In this respect they are similar to diffusons introduced by Allen, Feldman, et al., Phil. Mag. B 79, 1715 (1999) in amorphous silicon. Our results are in a qualitative and sometimes in a quantitative agreement with molecular dynamic simulations of real and model glasses.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Measurement of bitumen viscosity in the room-temperature drop experiment: student education, public outreach and modern science in one

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    Slow flow of the viscous liquid is a thought-provoking experiment that challenges students, academics and public to think about some fundamental questions in modern science. In the Queensland demonstration, the world-longest running experiment earning the Ig Nobel prize, one drop of pitch takes about 10 years to fall, leading to problems of actually observing the drops. Here, we describe our recent demonstration of slowly-flowing bitumen where appreciable flow is observed on the time scale of months. The experiment is free from dissipative heating effects and has the potential to improve the accuracy of measurement. Bitumen viscosity was calculated by undergraduate students during the summer project. The worldwide access to the running experiment is provided by webcams uploading the images to a dedicated website, enhancing student education experience and promotion of science. This demonstration serves as an attractive student education exercise and stimulates the discussion of fundamental concepts and hotly debated ideas in modern physics research: difference between solids and liquids, the nature of liquid-glass transition, emergence of long time scales in a physical process, and the conflict between human intuition and physical reality