3 research outputs found
Some aspects of examination of children with combined spine and pelvis pathology living in an industrial city
The aim of the study was to analyze the peculiarities of combined spinal and pelvic pathology in children living on the industrial area of the Irkutsk Region. To perform the analysis we carried out the clinical-roentgenological research, and when making orthopedic examination we took into consideration ecological factors and used the chart of multivariative analysis. It was found that in the structure of combined pathology, pelvis asymmetry ranks first, scoliosis ranks second, Legg - Calve - Perthes disease ranks third. According to the assessment of age structure of combined pathology we can conclude that at the equal manifestations of scoliosis, Spina bifida, retrospondylolisthesis, pelvis asymmetry, children of 11-15 y.o. more often have Legg - Calve - Perthes disease, children of 16-21 y.o. - coxarthrosis. In its turn relative share of Legg - Calve - Perthes disease cases in children living within a radius of 5 km from the industrial center is the largest (21 из 28 cases). It's important to mention that Legg - Calve - Perthes disease was registered in all examined boys and only in 35.5 % of girls. I and II degrees of manifestation of clinicoroentgenologic disorders of combined spine and pelvis pathology prevail (77 and 43 cases correspondingly) over the disorders of the III degree (15 cases)
The article presents review of literature data concerning modern vision of concomitant deformities and disorders of the spine and pelvis in terms of age aspect, covering the causes of development of locomotor system functional disorders in children and teenagers and considering information on concomitant orthopedic pathology. The authors analyse new approaches to health evaluation in various age groups of population. The conclusion has been made, that despite certain success obtained in studying separate degenerative-dystrophic disorders of locomotor system, there is no unique solution to the problem of concomitant deformities and disorders of the spine and pelvis and their mutual interaction
Epidural fibrosis is formed around the dural sac and the neurovascular structures of the vertebral canal in the postoperative period. It is one of the common causes of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) syndrome. It occurs in 100 % with repeated surgical interventions, in connection with which the operational technique of working with the dural sac and on neurovascular structures of the vertebral canal becomes more complicated and sometimes leads to their damage. Despite the development of modern technologies, in medicine, there are no specific and sensitive methods for diagnosing epidural fibrosis, which would help to establish the correct diagnosis in 100 % of cases. The review summarizes and systematizes domestic and foreign literature data on etiology, pathogenesis and pathophysiology of cicatricial and epidural adhesion. The analysis includes 22 sources of Russian literature and 28 sources of foreign literature