9 research outputs found

    Genetic variability in resistance to gastro-intestinal strongyles during early lactation in Creole goats

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    International audienceThe study was undertaken in a Creole goat flock at INRA-Gardel in Guadeloupe, to evaluate the opportunity to use artificial selection as a means of controlling gastro-intestinal infection during early lactation. The flock grazed all year on Digitaria decumbens pastures. Faecal and blood samples were taken from kids at 11 months of age and from does at kidding before drenching (week 0) and at weeks 4 and 6 after kidding. Faecal egg counts (FEC) were estimated using a modified McMaster method. Blood samples were used to determine packed cell volume (PCV) and eosinophil concentrations (EOS) values. Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Oesophagostomum columbianum were the main strongyle species identified in faecal cultures. The data came from 1092 litters obtained from 688 does sired by 142 bucks and 413 dams. Variance and covariance components for genetic and residual effects were estimated with multivariate animal models using the restricted maximum likelihood VCE package. Repeatability and overall heritability for FEC during the post-partum period were 0·17 and 0·10±0·02. The genetic correlations between FEC and PCV were −0·56±0·11 at 4 weeks after kidding and −0·79±0·13 at 6 weeks after kidding. The genetic correlations between FEC and EOS were 0·37±0·15 at 4 weeks after kidding and 0·68±0·17 at 6 weeks after kidding. Hence, does that contributed least to pasture contamination during the postpartum period also had low EOS and high PCV breeding values. The genetic correlations between FEC measured at 11 months of age and FEC during periparturient period ranged from 0·57±0·12 to 0·76±0·16. Therefore, breeding goats for increased resistance during the post-weaning period will lead to a less marked and less persistent rise in doe FEC during early lactation. The epidemiological implications of this selection have to be quantified in terms of lower pasture contamination, lower kid parasitism, and higher milk production of does

    Transcriptome variation in response to gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats

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    Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are a major constraint for small ruminant production. Due to the rise of anthelmintic resistance throughout the world, alternative control strategies are needed. The development of GIN resistance breeding programs is a promising strategy. However, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying genetic resistance might lead to more effective breeding programmes. In this study, we compare transcriptome profiling of abomasal mucosa and lymph node tissues from non-infected, resistant and susceptible infected Creole goats using RNA-sequencing. A total of 24 kids, 12 susceptible and 12 GIN resistant based on the estimated breeding value, were infected twice with 10,000 L3 Haemonchus contortus. Physiological and parasitological parameters were monitored during infection. Seven weeks after the second infection, extreme kids (n = 6 resistant and 6 susceptible), chosen on the basis of the fecal egg counts (FEC), and 3 uninfected control animals were slaughtered. Susceptible kids had significantly higher FEC compared with resistant kids during the second infection with no differences in worm burden, male and female worm count or establishment rate. A higher number of differentially expressed genes (DEG) were identified in infected compared with non-infected animals in both abomasal mucosa (792 DEG) and lymph nodes (1726 DEG). There were fewer DEG in resistant versus susceptible groups (342 and 450 DEG, in abomasal mucosa and lymph nodes respectively). 'Cell cycle' and 'cell death and survival' were the main identified networks in mucosal tissue when comparing infected versus non-infected kids. Antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via major histocompatibility complex class I were in the top biological functions for the DEG identified in lymph nodes. The TGF beta 1 gene was one of the top 5 upstream DEG in mucosal tissue. Our results are one of the fist investigating differences in the expression profile induced by GIN infection in goats

    Geographical contrasts of Y‐chromosomal haplogroups from wild and domestic goats reveal ancient migrations and recent introgressions

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    International audienceBy their paternal transmission, Y-chromosomal haplotypes are sensitive markers of population history and male-mediated introgression. Previous studies identified biallelic single-nucleotide variants in the SRY, ZFY and DDX3Y genes, which in domestic goats identified four major Y-chromosomal haplotypes, Y1A, Y1B, Y2A and Y2B, with a marked geographical partitioning. Here, we extracted goat Y-chromosomal variants from whole-genome sequences of 386 domestic goats (75 breeds) and seven wild goat species, which were generated by the VarGoats goat genome project. Phylogenetic analyses indicated domestic haplogroups corresponding to Y1B, Y2A and Y2B, respectively, whereas Y1A is split into Y1AA and Y1AB. All five haplogroups were detected in 26 ancient DNA samples from southeast Europe or Asia. Haplotypes from present-day bezoars are not shared with domestic goats and are attached to deep nodes of the trees and networks. Haplogroup distributions for 186 domestic breeds indicate ancient paternal population bottlenecks and expansions during migrations into northern Europe, eastern and southern Asia, and Africa south of the Sahara. In addition, sharing of haplogroups indicates male-mediated introgressions, most notably an early gene flow from Asian goats into Madagascar and the crossbreeding that in the 19th century resulted in the popular Boer and Anglo-Nubian breeds. More recent introgressions are those from European goats into the native Korean goat population and from Boer goat into Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Zimbabwe. This study illustrates the power of the Y-chromosomal variants for reconstructing the history of domestic species with a wide geographical range