103 research outputs found
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Understanding Designer Mental Models to Support Computer Directed Analogical Design
Analysis of alternative concepts has a significant impact on design project outcomes, and yet many design teams fail to consider a significantly broad range of conceptual solutions. Within the realm of conceptual design exists a technique called design by analogy (DBA) -- the practice of reapplying old solutions to new problems. DBA mitigates the effort required to generate a large field of candidate concepts by leveraging existing knowledge from a wide variety of domains, making it an attractive approach toward improving design outcomes. Unfortunately, DBA is challenging in the absence of expert knowledge. Designers need computational support in order to effectively identify a large number of high-quality analogical connections across a wide variety of domains. With this challenge in mind, the goal of this dissertation is to improve the body of knowledge regarding computational support for design by analogy. More specifically, this body of work includes five manuscripts. Manuscript 0 presents a review of several function-related design abstractions, including their impacts on education and industry. Manuscript 1 studies analogy retrieval in a novel design context and catalogs the types of abstract similarity (including function) commonly used to form analogies. Manuscript 2 examines a scalable approach to capturing analogy-relevant design knowledge to support large-scale analogy searching. Manuscripts 3 and 4 examine and modify a technique from de novo drug design for quickly indexing and retrieving design analogies. Manuscript 3 examines the domain independence of the technique, and manuscript 4 develops it as a large-scale design analogy search method. The body of work contributes to a greater understanding of (1) the abstractions used by designers during conceptual design, (2) the use of human computation to support conceptual design activities, and (3) large scale solution screening using a variety of mixed design abstractions. This understanding advances the creation of tools that enable designers to consider a wide range of conceptual solutions in spite of lacking domain expertise
Contaminación transfronteriza de material particulado en la Amazonía de Brasil a Junín-Perú
La influencia de las partículas de aerosoles atmosféricos en el clima de la Tierra depende en gran medida de las propiedades ópticas, microfísicas y químicas de las partículas, alterando el equilibrio de radiación de la Tierra (Twomey, 2007). Aunque muchos investigadores han estudiado exhaustivamente los aerosoles, su concentración y propiedades ópticas de los aerosoles; aún se considera una fuente importante de incertidumbre en el cambio climático global y el pronóstico de la calidad del aire regional (Che et al., 2014; Hansen et al., 2005). El aumento de partículas de aerosol se ha considerado un factor importante que enfría el sistema tierra-atmósfera y compensa parcialmente el efecto invernadero (Stocker et al., 2013; Tosca et al., 2017). El aerosol atmosférico es una mezcla en suspensión de partículas sólidas finas o gotitas de líquido en el aire, y también se conoce como material particulado (MP) (Rabha & Saikia, 2019), y muestra amplios efectos sobre los procesos atmosféricos, el clima, la ecología y la salud pública (Hallquist et al., 2009; Pinto et al. al., 2010; Pöschl, 2005). La contaminación del aire está cobrando cada vez más importancia dentro del escenario ambiental porque ocasiona grandes riesgos para la salud, con mayor riesgo de muerte y enfermedades respiratorias en los niños (César et al., 2016; Perlroth & Branco, 2017). En 2016, una de cada nueve muertes de niños se atribuyó a los efectos de la contaminación, con un total de 7 millones de muertes en todo el mundo (Adair, Heather, Arroyo, 2018). Por lo tanto, este estudio determina el transporte transfronterizo de material particulado desde la Amazonía de Brasil al departamento de Junín - Perú. Los datos obtenidos se analizan utilizando el sensor PA-II Purple-air de bajo costo (mediciones de material particulado), como el modelo Hysplit y GFS (trayectorias del viento) para el año 2020. Se obtuvo eso para la concentración de PM2.5, en la estación seca predominan las concentraciones obtenidas en las estaciones T3 (21.4ug/m3) y T1 (29.2ug/m3), para la estación húmeda, hay un ligero predominio en la estación T1 (20.4ug / m3), esto se debe a que en la zona de Huancayo las lluvias se retrasaron y la tasa de precipitación mensual fue baja. Finalmente, la concentración de MP menor a 10 micrómetros, en la estación seca predominan las concentraciones obtenidas en las estaciones T3 (22.4ug/ m3) y T1 (28.2ug/m3), para la estación húmeda hay un ligero predominio en la estación T1 (25.4 ug/m3), esto se debe al período de lluvias en la zona de Huancayo, además la hipótesis presentada es que el material particulado que se presenta en los estados de Amazonas y Acre se traslada a la provincia de Huancayo, departamento de Junín, producto al transporte de masas de aire
Ecotopia: An Ecological Framework for Change Management in Distributed Systems
Abstract. Dynamic change management in an autonomic, service-oriented infrastructure is likely to disrupt the critical services delivered by the infrastructure. Furthermore, change management must accommodate complex real-world systems, where dependability and performance objectives are managed across multiple distributed service components and have specific criticality/value models. In this paper, we present Ecotopia, a framework for change management in complex service-oriented architectures (SOA) that is ecological in its intent: it schedules change operations with the goal of minimizing the service-delivery disruptions by accounting for their impact on the SOA environment. The change-planning functionality of Ecotopia is split between multiple objective-advisors and a system-level change-orchestrator component. The objective advisors assess the change-impact on service delivery by estimating the expected values of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), during and after change. The orchestrator uses the KPI estimations to assess the per-objective and overall business-value changes over a long time-horizon and to identify the scheduling plan that maximizes the overall business value. Ecotopia handles both external change requests, like software upgrades, and internal changes requests, like fault-recovery actions. We evaluate the Ecotopia framework using two realistic change-management scenarios in distributed enterprise systems
Dynamic replication strategies in data grid systems: A survey
In data grid systems, data replication aims to increase availability, fault tolerance, load balancing and scalability while reducing bandwidth consumption, and job execution time. Several classification schemes for data replication were proposed in the literature, (i) static vs. dynamic, (ii) centralized vs. decentralized, (iii) push vs. pull, and (iv) objective function based. Dynamic data replication is a form of data replication that is performed with respect to the changing conditions of the grid environment. In this paper, we present a survey of recent dynamic data replication strategies. We study and classify these strategies by taking the target data grid architecture as the sole classifier. We discuss the key points of the studied strategies and provide feature comparison of them according to important metrics. Furthermore, the impact of data grid architecture on dynamic replication performance is investigated in a simulation study. Finally, some important issues and open research problems in the area are pointed out
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