19 research outputs found

    Schwinger Model Green functions with topological effects

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    The fermion propagator and the 4-fermion Green function in the massless QED2 are explicitly found with topological effects taken into account. The corrections due to instanton sectors k=+1,-1, contributing to the propagator, are shown to be just the homogenous terms admitted by the Dyson-Schwinger equation for S. In the case of the 4-fermion function also sectors k=+2,-2 are included into consideration. The quark condensates are then calculated and are shown to satisfy cluster property. The theta-dependence exhibited by the Green functions corresponds to and may be removed by performing certain chiral gauge transformation.Comment: 16 pages, in REVTE

    Properties of the Fixed Point Lattice Dirac Operator in the Schwinger Model

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    We present a numerical study of the properties of the Fixed Point lattice Dirac operator in the Schwinger model. We verify the theoretical bounds on the spectrum, the existence of exact zero modes with definite chirality, and the Index Theorem. We show by explicit computation that it is possible to find an accurate approximation to the Fixed Point Dirac operator containing only very local couplings.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, uses style [epsfig], a few comments and relevant references adde

    Topological Charge and The Spectrum of Exactly Massless Fermions on the Lattice

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    The square root of the positive definite hermitian operator DwDwD_w^{\dagger} D_w in Neuberger's proposal of exactly massless quarks on the lattice is implemented by the recursion formula Yk+1=1/2(Yk+DwDwYk1)Y_{k+1} = {1/2} (Y_k + D_w^{\dagger} D_w Y_k^{-1}) with Y_0 = \Id, where Yk2Y_k^2 converges to DwDwD_w^{\dagger} D_w quadratically. The spectrum of the lattice Dirac operator for single massless fermion in two dimensional background U(1) gauge fields is investigated. For smooth background gauge fields with non-zero topological charge, the exact zero modes with definite chirality are reproduced to a very high precision on a finite lattice and the Index Theorem is satisfied exactly. The fermionic determinants are also computed and they are in good agreement with the continuum exact solution.Comment: 18 pages (LaTeX), 2 figures (EPS

    Staggered versus overlap fermions: a study in the Schwinger model with Nf=0,1,2N_f=0,1,2

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    We study the scalar condensate and the topological susceptibility for a continuous range of quark masses in the Schwinger model with Nf=0,1,2N_f=0,1,2 dynamical flavors, using both the overlap and the staggered discretization. At finite lattice spacing the differences between the two formulations become rather dramatic near the chiral limit, but they get severely reduced, at the coupling considered, after a few smearing steps.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, v2: 1 ref corrected, minor change

    Super Multi-Instantons in Conformal Chiral Superspace

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    We reformulate self-dual supersymmetric theories directly in conformal chiral superspace, where superconformal invariance is manifest. The superspace can be interpreted as the generalization of the usual Atiyah-Drinfel'd-Hitchin-Manin twistors (the quaternionic projective line), the real projective light-cone in six dimensions, or harmonic superspace, but can be reduced immediately to four-dimensional chiral superspace. As an example, we give the 't Hooft and ADHM multi-instanton constructions for self-dual super Yang-Mills theory. In both cases, all the parameters are represented as a single, irreducible, constant tensor.Comment: 21 pg., uuencoded compressed postscript file (twist.ps.Z.uu), other formats (.dvi, .ps, .ps.Z, 8-bit .tex) available at http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/preprints or at ftp://max.physics.sunysb.edu/preprints/siege

    Schr\"{o}dinger Fields on the Plane with [U(1)]N[U(1)]^N Chern-Simons Interactions and Generalized Self-dual Solitons

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    A general non-relativistic field theory on the plane with couplings to an arbitrary number of abelian Chern-Simons gauge fields is considered. Elementary excitations of the system are shown to exhibit fractional and mutual statistics. We identify the self-dual systems for which certain classical and quantal aspects of the theory can be studied in a much simplified mathematical setting. Then, specializing to the general self-dual system with two Chern-Simons gauge fields (and non-vanishing mutual statistics parameter), we present a systematic analysis for the static vortexlike classical solutions, with or without uniform background magnetic field. Relativistic generalizations are also discussed briefly.Comment: 49 pages including 4 figures, LATEX ( three LATEX figures and one PICTEX figure), SNUTP 93-14, UMN-TH-113

    A Study of the 't Hooft Model with the Overlap Dirac Operator

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    We present the results of an exploratory numerical study of two dimensional QCD with overlap fermions. We have performed extensive simulations for U(N_c) and SU(N_c) color groups with N_c=2, 3, 4 and coupling constants chosen to satisfy the 't Hooft condition g^2 N_c =const=4/3. We have computed the meson spectrum and decay constants, the topological susceptibility and the chiral condensate. For U(N_c) gauge groups, our results indicate that the Witten-Veneziano relation is satisfied within our statistical errors and that the chiral condensate for N_f=1 is compatible with a non-zero value. Our results exhibit universality in N_c and confirm once more the excellent chiral properties of the overlap-Dirac operator.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure