1 research outputs found

    Educating on migration: the MIGRATE game

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    Having typically the main purpose of finding a better place to live in, migrations have played a constant role in the whole history of the humankind. Over the last few years, the increased phenomenon of migration from Africa and Middle East to the countries of Southern Europe has begun to personally affect the daily lives of many European citizens and to remarkably increase the attention on media and public opinion. However, how much do people living in the hosting countries really know about the nature, extent and scope of migration? Do they have a correct perception of this phenomenon or is their perception affected by fear and misconceptions? Answering such questions is among the objectives of MIGRATE (MIGRation pATtterns in Europe). MIGRATE (http://geomobile.como.polimi.it/migrate) was funded by the European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC) through the third call of MYGEOSS project, having the purpose of developing smart Internet applications informing European citizens on the changes affecting their environment (http://digitalearthlab.jrc.ec.europa.eu/activities/mygeoss-applications-your-environment/57752). MIGRATE is a Web Mapping application designed using a gamification approach with the main purpose of educating and raising awareness about migration in Europe