113 research outputs found

    A method that reveals the multi-level ultrametric tree hidden in p-spin glass like systems

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    In the study of disordered models like spin glasses the key object of interest is the rugged energy hypersurface defined in configuration space. The statistical mechanics calculation of the Gibbs-Boltzmann Partition Function gives the information necessary to understand the equilibrium behavior of the system as a function of the temperature but is not enough if we are interested in more general aspects of the hypersurface: it does not give us, for instance, the different degrees of ruggedness at different scales. In the context of the Replica Symmetry Breaking (RSB) approach we discuss here a rather simple extension that can provide a much more detailed picture. The attractiveness of the method relies in that it is conceptually transparent and the additional calculations are rather straightforward. We think that this approach reveals an ultrametric organisation with many levels in models like p-spin glasses when we include saddle points. In this first paper we present the detailed calculations for the spherical p-spin glass model where we discover that the corresponding decreasing Parisi function q(x)q(x) codes this hidden ultrametric organisation

    Interfaces and Lower Critical Dimension in a Spin Glass Model

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    In this paper we try to estimate the lower critical dimension for replica symmetry breaking in spin glasses through the calculation of the additional free-energy required to create a domain wall between two different phases. This mechanism alone would say that replica symmetry would be restored at the lower critical dimension Dc=2.5D_c =2.5.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, NORDITA preprint 94/2

    Particle Spectrum of the Supersymmetric Standard Model from the Massless Excitations of a Four Dimensional Superstring

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    A superstring action is quantised with Neveu Schwarz(NS) and Ramond(R) boundary conditions. The zero mass states of the NS sector are classified as the vector gluons, W-mesons, BÎĽB_{\mu}-mesons and scalars containing Higgs. The fifteen zero mass fermions are obtained from the Ramond sector. A space time supersymmetric Hamiltonian of the Standard Model is presented without any conventional SUSY particles

    Structure of metastable states in spin glasses by means of a three replica potential

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    We introduce a three replica potential useful to examine the structure of metastables states above the static transition temperature, in the spherical p-spin model. Studying the minima of the potential we are able to find which is the distance between the nearest equilibrium and local equilibrium states, obtaining in this way information on the dynamics of the system. Furthermore, the analysis of the potential at the dynamical transition temperature suggests that equilibrium states are not randomly distributed in the phase space.Comment: plain tex, 26 pages, 6 postscript figure

    A Review of Symmetry Algebras of Quantum Matrix Models in the Large-N Limit

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    This is a review article in which we will introduce, in a unifying fashion and with more intermediate steps in some difficult calculations, two infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of quantum matrix models, one for the open string sector and one for the closed string sector. Physical observables of quantum matrix models in the large-N limit can be expressed as elements of these Lie algebras. We will see that both algebras arise as quotient algebras of a larger Lie algebra. We will also discuss some properties of these Lie algebras not published elsewhere yet, and briefly review their relationship with well-known algebras like the Cuntz algebra, the Witt algebra and the Virasoro algebra. We will also review how Yang--Mills theory, various low energy effective models of string theory, quantum gravity, string-bit models, and quantum spin chain models can be formulated as quantum matrix models. Studying these algebras thus help us understand the common symmetry of these physical systems.Comment: 77 pages, 21 eps figures, 1 table, LaTeX2.09; an invited review articl

    Finite-dimensional analogs of string s <-> t duality and pentagon equation

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    We put forward one of the forms of functional pentagon equation (FPE), known from the theory of integrable models, as an algebraic explanation to the phenomenon known in physics as st duality. We present two simple geometrical examples of FPE solutions, one of them yielding in a particular case the well-known Veneziano expression for 4-particle amplitude. Finally, we interpret our solutions of FPE in terms of relations in Lie groups.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, 6 eps figure

    TeV Strings and the Neutrino-Nucleon Cross Section at Ultra-high Energies

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    In scenarios with the fundamental unification scale at the TeV one expects string excitations of the standard model fields at accessible energies. We study the neutrino-nucleon cross section in these models. We show that duality of the scattering amplitude forces the existence of a tower of massive leptoquarks that mediate the process in the s-channel. Using the narrow-width approximation we find a sum rule for the production rate of resonances with different spin at each mass level. We show that these contributions can increase substantially the standard model neutrino-nucleon cross section, although seem insufficient in order to explain the cosmic ray events above the GZK cutoff energy.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in PR

    An investigation of the hidden structure of states in a mean field spin glass model

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    We study the geometrical structure of the states in the low temperature phase of a mean field model for generalized spin glasses, the p-spin spherical model. This structure cannot be revealed by the standard methods, mainly due to the presence of an exponentially high number of states, each one having a vanishing weight in the thermodynamic limit. Performing a purely entropic computation, based on the TAP equations for this model, we define a constrained complexity which gives the overlap distribution of the states. We find that this distribution is continuous, non-random and highly dependent on the energy range of the considered states. Furthermore, we show which is the geometrical shape of the threshold landscape, giving some insight into the role played by threshold states in the dynamical behaviour of the system.Comment: 18 pages, 8 PostScript figures, plain Te

    The cavity method for large deviations

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    A method is introduced for studying large deviations in the context of statistical physics of disordered systems. The approach, based on an extension of the cavity method to atypical realizations of the quenched disorder, allows us to compute exponentially small probabilities (rate functions) over different classes of random graphs. It is illustrated with two combinatorial optimization problems, the vertex-cover and coloring problems, for which the presence of replica symmetry breaking phases is taken into account. Applications include the analysis of models on adaptive graph structures.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure
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