1,294 research outputs found

    The high mass end of the Tully-Fisher relation

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    We study the location of massive disk galaxies on the Tully-Fisher relation. Using a combination of K-band photometry and high-quality rotation curves, we show that in traditional formulations of the TF relation (using the width of the global HI profile or the maximum rotation velocity), galaxies with rotation velocities larger than 200 km/s lie systematically to the right of the relation defined by less massive systems, causing a characteristic `kink' in the relations. Massive, early-type disk galaxies in particular have a large offset, up to 1.5 magnitudes, from the main relation defined by less massive and later-type spirals. The presence of a change in slope at the high-mass end of the Tully-Fisher relation has important consequences for the use of the Tully-Fisher relation as a tool for estimating distances to galaxies or for probing galaxy evolution. In particular, the luminosity evolution of massive galaxies since z = 1 may have been significantly larger than estimated in several recent studies. We also show that many of the galaxies with the largest offsets have declining rotation curves and that the change in slope largely disappears when we use the asymptotic rotation velocity as kinematic parameter. The remaining deviations from linearity can be removed when we simultaneously use the total baryonic mass (stars + gas) instead of the optical or near-infrared luminosity. Our results strengthen the view that the Tully-Fisher relation fundamentally links the mass of dark matter haloes with the total baryonic mass embedded in them.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Asymmetric Drift and the Stellar Velocity Ellipsoid

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    We present the decomposition of the stellar velocity ellipsoid using stellar velocity dispersions within a 40 deg wedge about the major-axis (sigma_maj), the epicycle approximation, and the asymmetric drift equation. Thus, we employ no fitted forms for sigma_maj and escape interpolation errors resulting from comparisons of the major and minor axes. We apply the theoretical construction of the method to integral field data taken for NGC 3949 and NGC 3982. We derive the vertical-to-radial velocity dispersion ratio (sigma_z / sigma_R) and find (1) our decomposition method is accurate and reasonable, (2) NGC 3982 appears to be rather typical of an Sb type galaxy with sigma_z / sigma_R = 0.73 (+0.13/-0.11) despite its high surface brightness and small size, and (3) NGC 3949 has a hot disk with sigma_z / sigma_R = 1.18 (+0.36/-0.28).Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures, to appear in "Island Universes: Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies", Terschelling, Netherlands, July 3-8, 200

    The Kinematics in the Core of the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy DDO 39

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    We present a high resolution, SparsePak two-dimensional velocity field for the center of the low surface brightness (LSB) galaxy DDO 39. These data are a significant improvement on previous HI or Halpha long slit data, yet the inner rotation curve is still uncertain due to significant noncircular and random motions. These intrinsic uncertainties, probably present in other LSB galaxies too, result in a wide range of inner slopes being consistent with the data, including those expected in cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. The halo concentration parameter provides a more useful test of cosmological models than the inner slope as it is more tightly constrained by observations. DDO 39's concentration parameter is consistent with, but on the low end of the distribution predicted by CDM.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    WIYN Integral-Field Kinematics of Disk Galaxies

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    We have completed a new fiber array, SparsePak, optimized for low-surface-brightness studies of extended sources on the WIYN telescope. We are now using this array as a measuring engine of velocity and velocity-dispersion fields of stars and ionized gas in disk galaxies from high to low surface-brightness. Here we present commissioning data on the velocity ellipsoids, surface densities and mass-to-light ratios in two blue, high surface-brightness, yet small disks. If our preliminary results survive further observation and more sophisticated analysis, then NGC 3949 has sigma_z/sigma_R >> 1, implying strong vertical heating, while NGC 3982's disk is substantially sub-maximal. These galaxies are strikingly unlike the Milky Way, and yet would be seen more easily at high redshift

    WSRT Ultra-Deep Neutral Hydrogen Imaging of Galaxy Clusters at z=0.2, a Pilot Survey of Abell 963 and Abell 2192

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    A pilot study with the powerful new backend of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) of two galaxy clusters at z=0.2 has revealed neutral hydrogen emission from 42 galaxies. The WSRT probes a total combined volume of 3.4x10^4 Mpc^3 at resolutions of 54x86 kpc^2 and 19.7 km/s, surveying both clusters and the large scale structure in which they are embedded. In Abell 963, a dynamically relaxed, lensing Butcher-Oemler cluster with a high blue fraction, most of the gas-rich galaxies are located between 1 and 3 Mpc in projection, northeast from the cluster core. Their velocities are slightly redshifted with respect to the cluster, and this is likely a background group. None of the blue galaxies in the core of Abell 963 are detected in HI, although they have similar colors and luminosities as the HI detected galaxies in the cluster outskirts and field. Abell 2192 is less massive and more diffuse. Here, the gas-rich galaxies are more uniformly distributed. The detected HI masses range from 5x10^9 to 4x10^10 Msun. Some galaxies are spatially resolved, providing rudimentary rotation curves useful for detailed kinematic studies of galaxies in various environments. This is a pilot for ultra-deep integrations down to HI masses of 8x10^8 Msun, providing a complete survey of the gas content of galaxies at z=0.2, probing environments ranging from cluster cores to voids.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures + 1 Plate, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    From gas to galaxies

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    The unsurpassed sensitivity and resolution of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will make it possible for the first time to probe the continuum emission of normal star forming galaxies out to the edges of the universe. This opens the possibility for routinely using the radio continuum emission from galaxies for cosmological research as it offers an independent probe of the evolution of the star formation density in the universe. In addition it offers the possibility to detect the first star forming objects and massive black holes. In deep surveys SKA will be able to detect HI in emission out to redshifts of z2.5z \approx 2.5 and hence be able to trace the conversion of gas into stars over an era where considerable evolution is taking place. Such surveys will be able to uniquely determine the respective importance of merging and accreting gas flows for galaxy formation over this redshift range (i.e. out to when the universe was only one third its present age). It is obvious that only SKA will able to see literally where and how gas is turned into stars. These and other aspects of SKA imaging of galaxies will be discussed.Comment: To be published in New Astronomy Reviews, Elsevier, Amsterdam as part of "Science with the Square Kilometre Array", eds. C. Carilli and S. Rawlings. 18 pages + 13 figures; high resolution version and other chapters of "Science with the Square Kilometre Array" available at http://www.skatelescope.org/pages/science_gen.ht

    Star Formation and Tidal Encounters with the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy UGC 12695 and Companions

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    We present VLA H I observations of the low surface brightness galaxy UGC 12695 and its two companions, UGC 12687 and a newly discovered dwarf galaxy 2333+1234. UGC 12695 shows solid body rotation but has a very lopsided morphology of the H I disk, with the majority of the H I lying in the southern arm of the galaxy. The H I column density distribution of this very blue, LSB galaxy coincides in detail with its light distribution. Comparing the H I column density of UGC 12695 with the empirical (but not well understood) value of Sigma_c = 10E21 atoms/cm^2 found in, i.e., Skillman's 1986 paper shows the star formation to be a local affair, occurring only in those regions where the column density is above this star formation threshold. The low surface brightness nature of this galaxy could thus be attributed to an insufficient gas surface density, inhibiting star formation on a more global scale. Significantly, though, the Toomre criterion places a much lower critical density on the galaxy (+/-10E20 atoms/cm^2), which is shown by the galaxy's low SFR to not be applicable. Within a projected distance of 300kpc/30kms of UGC 12695 lie two companion galaxies - UGC 12687, a high surface brightness barred spiral galaxy, and 2333+1234, a dwarf galaxy discovered during this investigation. The close proximity of the three galaxies, combined with UGC 12695's extremely blue color and regions of localized starburst and UGC 12687's UV excess bring to mind mutually induced star formation through tidal activity.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (2 color), To be published in A.J., May 2000