22 research outputs found

    Features of the discursive environment as a source for creating meaning in online communication (using the example of social networks)

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    With the spread of online communication, more and more attempts are being made to study it as a process occurring in different discursive spaces. In the article, using the example of a single message hosted on several social networks, the discursive conditions and the possibilities of various social media to influence the content of the meanings, created within their environment, have been analyzed. The subject of the research was the discursive characteristics of representations of a single message in various social networks. The purpose of the paper is presentation of a theoretical and methodological approach for cross-platform analysis of social media discourse, which, if desired, can be expanded on a larger data file, taking into account the results of the qualitative critical discourse analysis of the case introduced. The method of critical discourse analysis (CDA) has been used, which allows you to identify and analyze social structures in the framework of dialectical relationships. In the course of the study and analysis, it was revealed, that even in the case, when using the variable capabilities of various social networks to create and transmit meanings is not a deliberate strategy of a single institution, its messages were filled with different semantic content, which means, that they have different convincing and legitimizing opportunities. This was due to the inability to avoid certain conditions of production, creation and distribution of content, set by the policy of social networks. Social network, as a communicative space, creates a mode of production, distribution and consumption of content, and in this mode, communication is already carried out. Due to the specific features of each network, one can say, that they create different discursive spaces

    Social networks and biographical method

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    The concept of storytelling as one of the modern varieties of the biographical method has been considered. An example of analyzing the history of social networks has been suggested, which allows us to reveal the full potential of this method for the development of digital sociology. Social networks expand horizontal communication and create opportunities for rapid, networked dissemination of information. Almost barrier-free entry and wide circulation make it possible to use a longknown and  proven tool more widely. Storytelling allows you to get visual, emotional, and evaluative components of any biography. Information obtained using this method gives us an opportunity to study several layers of a particular biography and build a network of social relationships of the individual, that is, to look at these or other facts of the biography from different points of view of the participants of the events. The story analyzed in this paper is interesting for its genre: a personal narrative created at the initiative of the online magazine Lady.mail.ru. The communication channel that is used to broadcast the story affects on the content of the message being transmitted, thus being an element of the story itself. For example, the same story can be told differently through text and video, respectively, having a different impact, or vice versa, different tools may be used to transmit the same story, depending on the specifics of the transmission channel. Each story has an individual storyteller, it is an element of a larger, multi-voiced story. Modern digital technologies have simplified and expanded the possibilities of the biographical method, since a huge amount of biographical information is voluntarily uploaded to social networks by millions of their users from different segments of the population, which allows us using this method to analyze most of the problems that are in the interests of modern sociological thought

    The role of social networks in production of the migrant’s identity

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    The process of migration is widespread and captures millions of people each year. The identity of those with migration experience is reconstructed by different culture of the receiving country and specific multicultural diverse space. The experience of studying this problem by foreign sociologists and  anthropologists of different years has been considered in the article. The dynamics of the development of approaches to the study of this multifaceted and complex issue is monitored. The basic human identity formation concepts in the context of migration have been presented and analyzed, among which are: structuralism, the concept of transnational migration, the multicultural theory, the concepts of diversity and super-diversity. Based on the advantages of each of the concepts and taking into account their shortcomings, the main formation factors of personal identity, the role and importance of each of these factors in modern conditions of migration have been formulated.The main thesis is that social networks leading to the accumulation of social capital, play the major role in this process, providing the structure for exchanging the ideas, values and identities over geographical and administrative obstacles. These social networks are highly dynamic and have different influence on the migrants’ identity and, consequently, have a significant impact on the prospects for their adaptation in a new country. People with migrant background become competent navigators within the super-diversity environment.Migration processes remain extremely complex due to their dynamic and ambivalent nature, but their study is a crucial task for the modern and open world, as a person moves not only physically from country to country, but also brings his own cultural samples, which in cooperation with the cultural samples of the receiving country, form a new reality


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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common gynecological disorders, which affects 5-20 % of young women all over the world in different ethnic groups and races, and is a frequent cause of infertility, a miscarriage, complicated pregnancy and childbirth. PCOS is a polysymptomatic disease characterized by hyperandrogenism, menstrual dysfunction and multifollicular structure of the ovaries with ultrasound examination. The main manifestations of PCOS lie in the basis of N1H and Rotterdam diagnostic criteria. There are several different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome in accordance with these criteria. At the same time, PCOS is a metabolic disorder, and the role of insulin resistance has been proven in development of this condition. 1n consequence of which pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment are of interest not only for gynecologists, but also for endocrinologists, cardiologists, and others clinicians, as PCOS is a serious problem associated with obesity, increased risks of endometrial adenocarcinoma, hypertension and cardiovascular complications, type 2 diabetes and etc. Moreover, economic costs are billions of dollars ayear around the world for the treatment of complications of PCOS. To date, many researchers have been studying the formation of PCOS, and our article discusses the theories explaining pathogenesis and etiology of this disease, clinical manifestations and current approaches to diagnosis of PCOS

    Trichology features of alopecia in reproductive age women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders, affecting 5-10 % of reproductive-aged women. The dermatologic manifestations of PCOS play a significant role in diagnosis. The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of androgenic alopecia among patients with PCOS and to define their most significant trkhological features. Because the data on dermatologic changes associated with PCOS are rather scarce, the present study was designed to determine the incidence and prevalence of androgenic alopecia. Materials and methods. We conducted a prospective observational study of patients with PCOS. The diagnosis of PCOS was made according to the consensus criteria adopted in May2003 in Rotterdam. Each patient signed informed consent, and then a general physical examination, systemic examination, breast and pelvic examination, as well as a detailed trichological examination were carried out. Results. Twenty women with PCOS participated in the study. The median age was28.7± 6.2years. Oligo/anovulation frequency was 63.2 %, hirsutism frequency - 68.4 %. In our study, the prevalence of androgenic alopecia was found to be 30 %, telogenic hair loss - 55 %, absence of alopecia signs in І5 % of cases. Conclusions. Androgenic alopecia is a prevalent but unreliable marker of biochemical hyperandrogenism. It is therefore imperative for the treating physicians to understand the adverse effects associated with PCOS, recognize these potential health risks in patients, and treat them accordingly


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    Conducted experimental studies on the effect of crude oil, gas condensate, drilling muds and cuttings on the zooplankton, on the plant pigments of phytoplankton, on the saprophytic microflora, as well as on representatives of ichthyofauna of the Caspian sea

    Complex Distributed Permanent Monitoring System for Horizontal Wells. Noviy-Port Field Case Study

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.Application of distributed temperature systems (DTS) and distributed acoustic systems (DAS) for continuous monitoring and surveys of horizontal wells demonstrated with the case study of horizontal oil well at Novoportkovskoe oil and gas condensate field. This paper presents the results of long-term monitoring based on distributed fiber-optic sensing in producing horizontal well. The reported data illustrates high informative value of non-stationary temperature logging used to control well operation, inflow profiling and formation depletion

    Association of medical staffing and outcomes in cardiovascular diseases

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    Raised life expectancy of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD), due to continuous progress in drug treatment options and widespread use of innovate technologies, increase the burden of CVD on healthcare system. The development of human resources by highly qualified specialists is of fundamental importance. For the rational use of human resources to achieve the targets of federal project on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary not only to analyze the actual situation with medical staffing, but also the potential effects of staff shortages and imbalances on mortality. The review presents evidence of associations between staffing and quality of care and CVD outcomes

    Assessment of prevalence and monitoring of outcomes in patients with heart failure in Russia

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    The increasing prevalence of heart failure (HF) serves as a reverse side of the effective treatment for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and increasing patient survival. Data on the epidemiology of HF and related mortality in Russia are limited. According to the EPOCHA trial (hospital phase), the prevalence of HF in the Russian Federation is 7%. HF can significantly contribute to cardiovascular mortality. However, its recognition is limited by the peculiarities of the mortality coding system in Russia. The article presents the authors’ view on the registration of HF-related morbidity and mortality cases and perspectives of using left ventricular ejection fraction <50% for statistical reporting